Grade 3 Saint Cards

Saint James School 3rd grade students have been making special Saint cards throughout the year as they learned about different Saints in religion class (typically on their respective Feast Days).  The cards, which include text about the Saint and a hand-drawn picture, were made into a special booklet which students will be bringing home shortly.

No School Monday

As a reminder, there is no school this coming Monday (5/29) for the Memorial Day Holiday.  Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend and we will see everyone back at school on Tuesday!


Congratulations to all the SJS 2nd Grade students who received their first Holy Communion this weekend.

Father/Daughter Dance

Lots of fun and dancing at the Saint James School Father/Daughter Dance this past weekend!  

Congrats SJS Drama Club

Congratulations to the Saint James School Drama Club on two outstanding performances this past Friday - one during the day for students/staff and one in the evening for families and friends. And, a very special THANK YOU to 8th grade parent volunteer Mrs. Lola Gordon who wrote and directed the play! 

Sea Creature Reports

SJS 4th grade students recently finished researching and writing a report on an assigned sea creature, along with creating a model of their animal using recyclable materials and/or craft-related items.  Yesterday, 4th graders spent the afternoon presenting an overview of their research to students in the younger grades, including our pre-k4 students.  Amazing job Sabers!

Crowning of Mary

This morning our K-8 students came together to pray the Rosary and participate in the annual Crowning of Mary ceremony.  As per our school's tradition, the May Crowning was hosted by our 2nd grade classes while the Rosary was led by several grade 8 students.

Mother/Daughter Tea

A huge Thank You to Mrs. O'Hara for hosting a wonderful Mother/Daughter Tea this past Saturday (and to Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Harris for their assistance)!  Here are a few pictures from the event:

SJS Spelling Bee Winners

Congratulations to our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade Spelling Bee winners who represented SJS last night at the regional competition at St. Joseph's Church in Willimantic.  We are very excited to announce that...

Roaring Twenties Gala

What a fun evening celebrating 100 Years of Saint James School this past weekend!  Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us - as well as those that participated in our auctions and class basket raffle.  All money raised will directly benefit Saint James School!

Gr. 8 International Day

Congratulations to the Saint James School 8th Grade class on an outstanding job hosting International Day today! In addition to turning in a written report and giving an oral presentation to their classmates, parents, teachers, and younger peers, the students also created/displayed maps, a travel brochure, a travel website, and prepared local cuisine from their assigned country.

Pre-K Plants Flowers for Earth Day

Our Pre-K students had a great week celebrating our planet and learning how to take care of it.  Today our Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 students planted seeds that they can watch grow!  Great job Sabers!

Brian Bags Service Project

Yesterday afternoon, several of our 8th grade students stayed after school to work on assembling “Brian Bags” -  special care kits designed with members of the local homeless community in mind.  A special mission of Mrs. Donna Finneran (who has been to our school on numerous occasions to speak with our students)...

Passport to Holy Week

Thank you to Saint James School's Catholic Identity Committee for creating these "Passport to Holy Week" booklets for students to enjoy in this week leading up to Easter.  As students "traveled" through the milestones of Holy week in preparation for Easter...

Today's Rosary

Thank you to our wonderful 8th grade representatives for hosting Rosary this morning.

Congratulations Spelling Bee Winners!

A huge Congratulations to the winners and runners up in this year's Saint James School Spelling Bee!

Congratulations SJS STATE Handwriting Winners!

For the 3rd year in a row, Saint James School is thrilled to announce that two of our students have been designated as State of Connecticut handwriting champions in the Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest!

Basketball Banquets

Yesterday afternoon we celebrated our 3 JV Basketball teams with an end of season pizza party and awards ceremony. Last night, we had a wonderful banquet for our 2 varsity basketball teams during which players and their families came together to celebrate the end of another great season!

Rock Your Socks Day A Success!

Thank you to all our Pre-K through Grade 8 students and staff who participated in our $1.00 "Rock Your Socks" Day for World Down Syndrome Day today - together we raised almost $400 for the Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut!! 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today we had our very own SJS leprechaun popping up in various classrooms, and our Pre-K through 3rd grade students had fun learning about dental hygiene from the wonderful Dr. Norige of South Windsor Smiles.