Volunteers Needed: Scholastic Book Fair

Our Scholastic Book Fair event chairperson, Heather Meyer, is…

SJS Basketball Open Gym/Sports Forms Required

We are excited to announce that Saint James School will be offering…

Fall Fundraiser

This week your child(ren) should have brought home the school's…

1st HSA Meeting of the Year/Please Note Date Change

Please join us for the first HSA (Home & School Association)…

First Day of School

We hope that everyone has had a wonderful, relaxing summer and…

Events Calendar

The Monthly Events Calendar for the 2013-2014 school year is…

2013-2014 SJS School Bus Schedule (Manchester residents)

The 2013-2014 school bus schedule (for Manchester residents only)…

New Windows Currently Being Installed at SJS

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of the Window Replacement…

Land's End 30% Off Promotion

Still in need of uniform items for back-to-school?  Land's End…

Land's End 30% Off Promotion

Still in need of uniform items for back-to-school?  Land's End…

VIRTUS Training Session - Tuesday, August 13th 9am

There will be a  a VIRTUS Training Session (Protecting God's…

Land's End Penny Logo & 25% Off Promotion

We hope everyone is having a great summer!   Although most…

Land's End Penny Logo & 25% Off Promotion

We hope everyone is having a great summer!   Although most…

SJS Window Replacement Phase I Scheduled To Begin

Has you driven by the school lately?  The scaffolding is up…

Last Day of School Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our last day of school.  Have a…

5th Grade "Revolutionary War"

After learning about the Revolutionary War as part of their studies,…

5th Grade "Revolutionary War"

After learning about the Revolutionary War as part of their studies,…

Congratulations SJS Kindergarteners!

It was a big day at the school today for our Kindergarten students…

Congratulations to the Varsity Soccer Teams

Congratulations to the St. James Sapphire Team for Winning their…

Congratulations To The Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten Graduates of 2013!

Congratulations to our Saint James School Pre-Kindergarten class…