Last Call: Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

In keeping with tradition, the Saint James School HSA will organize a special luncheon for faculty and staff during teacher appreciation week (the week of May 6th) to show gratitude to the teachers, administrators, and staff for all they do for our children!

Instead of asking families to provide specific items, this year we are asking for a donation of $5.00 per family (or any amount you are comfortable giving).  The donations will be used to cover a variety of special things for our teachers and staff to enjoy at their Luncheon on Tuesday, May 7th and throughout teacher appreciation week.

Please send your donation (cash or checks payable to Saint James School HSA) in an envelope labeled OFFICE, Attn: Patricia McCarthy by Wednesday, May 1st.

Thank you for helping us make the day special for all the teachers and staff who take such good care of our children each and every day!