Reminder: Dennis Uniform Today

A representative from Dennis Uniform will be set up in the Saint James School gymnasium on Monday, June 5th from 2:00pm – 3:00pm to help families with uniform sizing for the upcoming school year.  If you would like to view our Dennis Uniform items and receive help with sizing, please join us today after school.

We will also be hosting a representative from Lands’ End on July 6th from 10am – 12pm.

Reminder: 100th Anniversary Shirt Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow – Tuesday (6/6) will be our last 100th anniversary shirt day.  Students are welcome to wear their 100th anniversary t-shirt with their standard Tuesday uniform bottoms.  (If not wearing the 100th anniversary shirt, students must be in their typical Tuesday uniform).

Reminder: Beginning Band Tomorrow

With Field Day being on Thursday beginning band will be held TUESDAY, JUNE 6th instead this week.

Reminder: 2023 Annual Fund Campaign

Last week your student should have brought home a letter from Mrs. Zorger (along with the Spring SJS Community Newsletter) kicking off our 2023 Annual Fund Campaign.

Donations to our Annual Fund Campaign have been instrumental in supporting important projects at our school that simply cannot be covered by tuition/standard fundraising.  Annual Fund dollars, along with several generous bequests and grants, have helped us keep our school facilities in great condition with new windows, roofs and recently provided the funding for our new STREAM Innovation Lab.

This year, Annual Fund donations will once again be used to further enrich the faith-filled educational experience provided to our students, support our talented faculty, and respond to unforeseen needs and opportunities that may arise.  Every gift makes a difference!

For additional details or to donate online, please visit

We gratefully thank you for your consideration of supporting this important initiative at our school.

Uniform for Tomorrow (Friday)

Due to the projected high temperatures for tomorrow, all students are welcome to wear their GYM UNIFORM and sneakers to school.  Our 8th graders are welcome to wear their gym shorts and sneakers with their Class of 2023 shirt.  Please make sure all students come to school with a refillable water bottle tomorrow.

Attention Gr. 6 Parents

As a reminder, state law requires that all students entering 7th grade have an updated State of CT Health Form on file (showing a physical within the last year) BEFORE the first day of 7th grade.  A final letter was sent home today from the school nurse for students that still need to provide this form (if your child has a summer physical appointment, please call or email Mrs. Pennington to let her know IF you have not already done so).

Attention Pre-K Families

As a reminder, state law requires that all students entering Pre-K3, Pre-K4, and Kindergarten have an updated State of Connecticut Health Form on file (showing a physical within the last year) BEFORE the first day of school.  If you have yet to provide this document to Mrs. Pennington please do so before the end of school (if your child has a summer physical appointment, please call or email Mrs. Pennington to let her know IF you have not already done so).

Health Assessment Form for Pre-Kindergarten (aka Yellow Physical Form)

Health Assessment Form for Kindergarten (aka Blue Physical Form)

K-8 Food Allergy Form For Fall 2023

Per Manchester Public Schools, who supplies our hot lunch program, students who require hot lunch modifications for food allergies or other dietary restrictions are now required to provide a “Medical Statement for Meal Modifications in School Nutrition Programs” form signed by the child’s physician. This form can be found below or obtained from the nurse’s office.  If your student has food allergies/restrictions and will NOT eat hot lunch at school, please notify our nurse.  Please note, this does not refer to dietary preferences but rather a physical condition that restricts the child’s diet.

Meal Modification in School Lunch Form

June Newsletter & Calendars

Below please find the June Saber Stories newsletter as well as the June lunch and events calendar.

June 2023 Saber Stories

St. James Menu – June 2023

Calendar Page June 2023

Reminder: Woodland Gardens Coupons

For families that purchased the flower coupons through our Woodland Gardens fundraiser, please note that the coupons expire tomorrow (May 31st).