Thank you to all our families for helping us get off to a safe start to the school year with regards to morning arrival and dismissal. A couple of quick reminders (please share with everyone who drops off/picks up your child as these are things we noticed in the past couple of weeks):
* Do not park in front of/block our neighbor’s driveways under any circumstances;
* Remember the front of the school is for Drop and Go only from 7:30am – 7:50am (parents/guardians must remain in the car in this area);
* Students should exit the car onto the sidewalk side of the street only. Park Street is extremely busy in the mornings, please do not let your child hop out into the street.
* When driving on Park/Otis pay attention to the crossing guards at all times and do not turn onto Otis Street when the crossing guard is standing in the road.
* Please cross with the Crossing Guard (do not run your student across Park Street).
The safety of our students, parents, and staff is our top priority. Please communicate this information to other members of your family that help with transportation.