We are excited to welcome the grandparents/special guests of our Kindergarten – 5th Grade students to Saint James School this Friday! RSVP lists have been given to the teachers, along with dismissal information for each student with a guest attending.
If your child will have a grandparent visiting on Friday, here are some reminders to pass along to visitors:
Guest Arrival
We will welcome all visitors with a special program in the Gym starting at 10:00am (all guests will enter through the Gym doors, which will be open starting at 9:45am). Coffee and light refreshments will be available for guests. After the program, visitors will be guided to the classrooms to enjoy a special activity with their grandchildren. Please make sure visitor(s) know which teacher your child has.
Parking can occur in the same areas as afternoon dismissal, including the St. James Church parking lot. The large parking lot between the Pre-K and main school buildings will also be opened for parking at 9:40am (the lot will be coned off until 9:40am as classes will be outside for gym class). Cars parking in this lot should only be guests leaving before our 12:05pm dismissal time.