Parking at Dismissal

As a reminder, parents/caregivers should NOT be parking in the driveway behind the Pre-Kindergarten building at dismissal.  This area is designated for school staff parking only.

Also, under no circumstances should families be blocking our neighbors’ driveways with their car at dismissal.

We appreciate your support and sharing of this information with anyone that picks up your student(s).  Thank you.

3rd Grade STEM Club

STEM Club will meet after school on Thursday, November 9 for students in Grade 3.  If your child would like at attend, please complete and return the permission form.

STEM Club Permission Slip 110923

2nd Grade Monsters

Winter Uniform Starts tomorrow

Tomorrow begins Winter Uniform for K-8 students.  This means students may no longer wear shorts to school, girls must wear navy tights or navy knee-high socks with their skorts, and Middle School boys must wear their SJS Uniform button-down shirt and a tie on non-gym days.  White socks may now only be worn on gym days.

Reminders for this Week

Tuesday (10/31) students are welcome to wear a Black, Orange, Purple or Halloween-themed shirt with their Tuesday uniform bottoms.  Shirts must meet our dress down guidelines.  K and Pre-K families will receive information from teachers on what students should wear on 10/31.  Please click HERE for some helpful reminders regarding trick-or-treat safety.


Wednesday (11/1) begins Winter Uniform for K-8 students.  This means students may no longer wear shorts to school, girls must wear navy tights or navy knee-high socks with their skorts, and Middle School boys must wear their SJS Uniform button-down shirt and a tie on non-gym days.  White socks may now only be worn on gym days.


Friday (11/3) Lifetouch will be here in the morning for Individual Picture Retakes.  If you were unhappy with your child’s original pictures, please email Mrs. Thornton in the office to have a “Picture Retake” form sent home with your student.  Students having retakes (only) are welcome to wear dress down attire on Friday.

Important Reminders for Next Week

This Sunday (10/29) is the last day to order Basketball and General Spiritwear (remember, these items can make great Christmas gifts!)  View the items and order here:


Tuesday (10/31) students are welcome to wear a Black, Orange, Purple or Halloween-themed shirt with their Tuesday uniform bottoms.  Shirts must meet our dress down guidelines.  K and Pre-K families will receive information from teachers on what students should wear on 10/31.


 Wednesday (11/1) we begin our Winter Uniform for K-8 students.  This means students may no longer wear shorts to school, girls must wear navy tights or navy knee-high socks with their skorts, and Middle School boys must wear their SJS Uniform button-down shirt and a tie on non-gym days.


Friday (11/3) Lifetouch will be here in the morning for Individual Picture Retakes.  If you were unhappy with your child’s original pictures, please email Mrs. Thornton in the office to have a “Picture Retake” form sent home with your student.  Students having retakes (only) are welcome to wear dress down attire on Friday.


12:05pm Dismissal Friday

As a reminder, this Friday (10/27) is a 12:05pm Dismissal Day as teachers will be attending an offsite professional development program in the afternoon.

K-8 students going to aftercare on Friday WILL need lunch from home (no hot lunch served on early dismissal days).

Attention Aftercare Families

Please note that aftercare WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE on Friday, December 15th – a 12:05pm dismissal day – as we will be having our staff Christmas party.  Please make sure you have arrangements for your student(s) to be picked up right at 12:05pm on this day.  (Before school care will still be available).

Grandparents Day (K-5) Reminders

We are excited to welcome the grandparents/special guests of our Kindergarten – 5th Grade students to Saint James School this Friday!  RSVP lists have been given to the teachers, along with dismissal information for each student with a guest attending.

If your child will have a grandparent visiting on Friday, here are some reminders to pass along to visitors:

Guest Arrival
We will welcome all visitors with a special program in the Gym starting at 10:00am (all guests will enter through the Gym doors, which will be open starting at 9:45am).  Coffee and light refreshments will be available for guests.  After the program, visitors will be guided to the classrooms to enjoy a special activity with their grandchildren.  Please make sure visitor(s) know which teacher your child has.

Parking can occur in the same areas as afternoon dismissal, including the St. James Church parking lot. The large parking lot between the Pre-K and main school buildings will also be opened for parking at 9:40am (the lot will be coned off until 9:40am as classes will be outside for gym class).  Cars parking in this lot should only be guests leaving before our 12:05pm dismissal time.

Please Vote for our Scarecrow

Please help us win the Facebook Favorite competition by clicking this link and liking the picture our our scarecrow on the town’s Scarecrow Facebook Page.  Prizes will ALSO be awarded for the winner of in-person voting – stop in and vote for SJS at: Mary Cheney Library, Silk City Coffee, Work_Space, Center Scoop, or The Firestone.  Thank you for your support in this fun, annual tradition!