2023 Annual Fund Update & Thank You

Basket Samples

A Note About SJS Lock-Down Drills

A quick informational note for parents in our community:

Today SJS held our second lock-down drill of the ’23-’24 school year.  As this was the second drill of the new school year, our K-8 classes were not given advanced notice (whereas all classes were prepared to expect the first one).  These practice events are always announced as a “Lock-Down DRILL” over the intercom, indicating there is no cause for alarm but diligence is still required of everyone.  Teachers and staff have different language they know to listen for in the event of a true emergency.

While lock-down drills are – unfortunately – a part of growing up in today’s world, they do afford teachers and students a formal opportunity to practice and discuss how to react should the need arise.  We are very pleased to share that during today’s lock-down drill, students and staff reacted quickly so that everyone was in a secure “lock-down” state within seconds.

Each year, Saint James School works diligently with law enforcement and private security organizations to review our school’s safety procedures. This year we have contracted with a new security firm which, in conjunction with the Manchester Police Department, is working with us to fine-tune our current safety procedures.

The safety and well-being of every student entrusted to our care is at the forefront of everything we do here at SJS.  We wanted to bring today’s drill to your attention so that you may have a timely conversation with your student(s) about how to react in an emergency situation should you deem appropriate.

2024 Ski Club

Families that expressed interest in our 2024 Ski/Snowboard Club should have received an email this morning with registration instructions. If you did not receive that email – or would like to add your 3rd- 8th grade student to the wait list – please reach out to Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net

December Calendars & Newsletter

Please print our December Events Calendar and review the December Saber Stories Newsletter.

Calendar Page December 2023

Saber Stories December 2023

The December Lunch Calendar is posted below.  As usual, this will be added to the SJS website and App on December 1st.

St. James Menu – December 2023

Thank You!

Mrs. Zorger wanted to share a quick note of gratitude for a great morning arrival today.  Thank you to all our families who adjusted their schedules to ensure students were in their classrooms by 7:50am this morning.  It is helpful to both the administration and classroom teachers to have everyone ready to start their day when the 7:50am bell rings.

Reminder: Christmas at the North Pole (Hosted by Stage East)

East Catholic’s Theatre Program (Stage East) is hosting an afternoon of holiday festivities to raise money for their Spring production, “High Spirits!”  The event is next Saturday, December 2nd, from 10:00am – 3:00pm (drop in anytime) in the East Catholic Auditorium.  Admission is $10.00 for one child, $15.00 for two children, and $20.00 for three children or more.


Morning Arrival Reminder

We are seeing an exceptionally high number of tardy arrivals in our K-8 program lately.  Tardy arrivals are disruptive to the classroom and teacher as students are walking into class and unpacking for the day during prayer and announcements.  While we understand occasional issues arise (unusual traffic, etc), these should be few and far between.  If your child is not making it to school by 7:45am, please adjust your morning routine accordingly.  The breezeway doors will close promptly at 7:50am.  All students should be in their classroom by that time.

In addition, if your child does come to school tardy, our policy is that an adult MUST come to the main office (with the student) to sign them in.  

For Kindergarten students, please ask the secretary for someone to walk your child to the classroom (parents are NOT permitted to walk their child down).  Thank you to the parents that have routinely followed our posted protocol.

SJS Christmas Store: Volunteers Needed

Our Home & School Association will be hosting the annual Saint James School Christmas Store on December 11th, where students in Pre-K3 through 8th grade will have an opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for their loved ones.

Parent volunteers are needed for set-up on Sunday, December 10th and to assist the younger students with shopping and checking out on December 11th.  If you are able to help, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C49AFA62BA4FDC43-46309183-sjschristmas

More details about the Christmas Store will be forthcoming in the days ahead.

Christmas Eve Mass Children’s Choir

The leader of music for our Parish, Mr. Luke Scott, is forming a children’s choir to sing at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass at St. Bridget Church.  He is looking for students in grades 2 – 8 that would like to participate in this choir and can commit to the following:

* Attending practice on Thursday afternoons from 4:30pm – 6:00pm at St. Bartholomew Church on November 30th and December 7th, 14th, 21st;

* Arriving at 2:30pm at St. Bridget Church for rehearsal in advance of the Christmas Eve Mass (students will sing at the 4:00pm Mass at St. Bridget Church)

If your student is interested and the schedule works for your family, please email Mr. Scott at music@saintteresacatholic.org to sign up