Gala Committee Meeting Tonight

There will be a Gala Committee meeting tonight (12/7) at 6:30pm in the Saint James Church Hall (lower floor).  All are welcome to give input and help plan this fun, annual event!

If you cannot make the meeting but would like to help, please contact one of the event chairs: Paul Munns – or Tara Moriarty –

What is the Saint James School Gala?

The annual Saint James School Gala is our largest fundraiser of the year and a wonderful, adults-only social event for SJS families, alumni, and friends. Attendees have the option to participate in the live and/or silent auctions and bid on things from themed class baskets to vacation getaways! The event also features dinner, dancing, and a whole lot of fun. This year the Gala will be held on March 5th at Georgina’s in Bolton. More information will be sent out as we get closer to the date.

The Taste Dining & Activity Orders Due Thursday

Saint James School recently sent home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form was included with the book that was sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

As a reminder, the book you received home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.

The Taste Dining & Activity Orders Due Thursday

Saint James School recently sent home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form was included with the book that was sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

As a reminder, the book you received home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.

Parking at Pick-up

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents they cannot park in front of the breezeway/gym at afternoon pick-up.  Please observe all no-parking signs, including the one in front of the gym/breezeway.

Also, please remember not to park on Church Street from the corner of Park Street to Oak Place/Locust Street at pick-up time.  This is where the school buses park.

Please share this information with the appropriate members of your family.

Girls JV White Practice

The Girls JV White team will practice this evening,Wednesday, November 25th from 4:00pm-5:30pm.

New Fundraiser: The Taste Dining & Activity Book

Saint James School is sending home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  The book you receive home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form is included with the book being sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

New Fundraiser: The Taste Dining & Activity Book

Saint James School is sending home a new fundraiser for your consideration:  The Taste Dining and Activity books for the Greater Hartford Area.  The book you receive home is the 2015 edition and can be used by your family now through the end of December at no cost to you.  Please do not return it to the school.  Should you wish to order the 2016 Edition, the cost is $25 and up to 50% of the profit goes to Saint James School.  An order form is included with the book being sent home.  If you wish to order, forms and payment are due back to the office by December 10th. As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

4th & 5th Grade Boys Game Schedule

Attached is the 4th & 5th grade boys basketball game schedule.  The website calendar has been updated to reflect these games.

Copy of SATURDAY LEAGUE 2015-2016 Schedule

4th & 5th Grade Boys Game Schedule

Attached is the 4th & 5th grade boys basketball game schedule.  The website calendar has been updated to reflect these games.

Copy of SATURDAY LEAGUE 2015-2016 Schedule

Late Arrivals

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents of the importance of getting your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There are still an excessive number of late arrivals and Mrs. Kanute has noticed the same children arriving late on a regular basis.

Please remember, late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:45am, Mrs. Kanute asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Thank you for your support.