Tonight’s Basketball Cancelled

Tonight’s basketball games have been cancelled, and are being rescheduled for the evening of February 26th.

Book & Art Club Full

Please be advised, Book & Art Club is full for the February 12th date.

test-teach post


February Saber Stories

Below please find a copy of the February 2018 Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger.

February 2018 Saber Stories Newsletter

Registration for 2018-2019

We are trying something new this year and sending the registration paperwork for RETURNING families out via e-mail.  If you are a SJS parent with a child in Pre-K3 through 7th Grade, you  should have received an e-mail a short time ago with paperwork/instructions on registering your child for the 2018-2019 school year.  If you did not receive the e-mail, please e-mail Amy Guenther at

This year’s registration paperwork is a “fillable” form – so you should be able to type in your information.   You must, however, print the paperwork and sign the tuition contract.  The original, signed copy must be sent back to the SJS office (you can send it through your child or drop it off yourself).

The Code Red & Photo Permissions forms for next year will be completed at a later time.

Copies of all the forms sent out via e-mail today will be available in the main office for any family that prefers to have a hard copy.  Please call Mrs. Sager in the main office if you would like one sent home with your child.

If you are unable to see the fillable document on your phone or tablet, simply download the Adobe Acrobat App first, then select the option to open the form in Adobe Acrobat.


Volunteer Mass & Reception

As a reminder, tomorrow we will be hosting a school-wide Mass at 9:15am at Saint James Church, followed by a short reception, in honor of our parent/grandparent/community volunteers.

National Day of Giving

Happy National Catholic Schools Week! January 30, 2018 marks the inaugural Many Gifts, One Nation: A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools. This online giving campaign, sponsored by the National Catholic Educators Association, kicked off earlier today and runs through 9:00am tomorrow.  Please visit if you would like to support Saint James School during this special event. All donations will go towards SJS classroom materials.

Please like our Facebook post HERE.

Regular Uniforms Tomorrow

This week Saint James School is celebrating Catholic Schools’ Week with many exciting events and activities.  At the top of that list, Saint James School has been awarded the distinguished honor of receiving a visit from:

**The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford
**Dr. Michael S. Griffin, Superintendent of Catholic Schools
**Reverend Ryan M. Lerner, Secretary to the Archbishop (and Saint James School Alum)

This visit will take place during the school day on Tuesday, January 30th.  All students must wear their regular school uniform to school on Tuesday (no gym uniforms).

The Archbishop, Superintendent, and Father Lerner will be vising several classes and interacting with students in various ways throughout the day.

Tomorrow: Prospective Family Open House

Saint James School will host an Open House for families looking at our Kindergarten through 8th Grade program for the 2018-2019 school year tomorrow, Tuesday, January 30th, at 8:30am.

Our first Open House of the year for the SJS Pre-Kindergarten Program will be held on February 5th from 5:30pm – 7:00pm.

Please help us spread the word by:

**Liking/Sharing our Facebook Post (Click HERE to Open)

**Picking up An Open House Postcard in the Main Office to hand-deliver to a friend

**Contacting our Advancement Director, Amy Guenther, about a friend/acquaintance that may be interested

Questions on NEW STUDENT admissions for next year may be directed to our Advancement Director, Amy Guenther (

Returning student registration will be sent out at the end of this week.

Candy Bar Bingo A Sweet Success!

Thank you to all our parents for coming out for Saint James School’s Candy Bar Bingo Family Fun Night on Friday!!  We had a great turnout and everyone seemed to have a great time!  Special thanks to the HSA for putting this event together, to the baking committee for the yummy snacks, and to Ryan B (8th grade volunteer) for calling bingo.  Thank you to Mrs. Poth for the cute pics!