June Saber Stories

Please take a few moments to review the June Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Kanute if you have not already done so.

JUNE 2016 Saber Stories

Thank You! HSA Events Raise Nearly $47,000 For Our School

Please take a few moments to review the attached letter from the Home & School Association.

HSA 2016 Thank you letter

Attention Parents of Recent 8th Grade Graduates

Diploma covers are now available to pick-up at the SJS main office.  Please stop in sometime this week (regular hours) or next week (Summer Hours – Tu, Wed, Thurs from 9:00am – 1:00pm) to pick one up for your graduate.  We apologize that the diploma covers did not arrive in time for Friday’s Ceremony.


As a reminder, all books from the School Library and Classroom Libraries are now due back to the school.  Please note, there will be a fine for any school books not returned.

Buddy Families Still needed

We are still in need of Buddy Families to help us welcome new students and families for the 2016-2017 school year.   Please click HERE for more information or click HERE to sign up.

Important: Lunch Money

The cafeteria would like to remind parents that money for lunch or lunch accounts MUST be sent in either via a check (made out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program”) or cash that is in an envelope labeled with “Manchester Hot Lunch Program,” the child’s name, grade, and teacher.  Teachers are currently receiving cash with nothing documenting which child it is associated with or even what it is for.  Thank you in advance for helping us keep our lunch program running smoothly.

Used Book Sale Until 4:00pm

As a reminder, today’s used book sale in the gym is open until 4:00pm.  Please stop by before/after pick-up to browse the books.  All books cost $1.00.


2016 Field Day

The Saint James School Field Day will be held for grades 1st – 7th on June 9th from 9:45 to 1:30.  Please see the attached notice, which is also being sent home with students today or tomorrow via their school folders.

Field Day Letter

Drop Off & Pick Up Parking

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents to please adhere to the “NO PARKING” signs when dropping off in the morning and picking up children in the afternoon.  There should be no parking or dropping off in front of the 2 white houses across from the school (to the left and right of Otis Street) or any other area marked as no parking.

Also, if you are using the curbside drop-and-go in the morning (in front of the breezeway), you should not be getting out of your car.  The curbside drop-off is only for students who are ready to exit the car without assistance.  If your child needs assistance, please park in a legal curbside area or in the Saint James’ or Saint Mary’s church lots.

There is also to be no parking in front of the breezeway at pickup (between 1:00pm and 3:00pm) as noted on the signs.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs is greatly appreciated.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly; If that person is elderly, has trouble walking, or has several young children, please speak with Mrs. Kanute.

Drop Off & Pick Up Parking

Mrs. Kanute would like to remind parents to please adhere to the “NO PARKING” signs when dropping off in the morning and picking up children in the afternoon.  There should be no parking or dropping off in front of the 2 white houses across from the school (to the left and right of Otis Street) or any other area marked as no parking.

Also, if you are using the curbside drop-and-go in the morning (in front of the breezeway), you should not be getting out of your car.  The curbside drop-off is only for students who are ready to exit the car without assistance.  If your child needs assistance, please park in a legal curbside area or in the Saint James’ or Saint Mary’s church lots.

There is also to be no parking in front of the breezeway at pickup (between 1:00pm and 3:00pm) as noted on the signs.

Please know that the safety of all Saint James children is our number one priority.  Your adherence to the posted signs is greatly appreciated.  If the person who is dropping off and picking up is a friend, relative, etc.  please make sure you inform them accordingly; If that person is elderly, has trouble walking, or has several young children, please speak with Mrs. Kanute.