New Website Launched

Saint James School is excited to unveil our new, updated website!!

Most items that parents access frequently are still available on the home page and the menu links are only slightly different.  Special thanks to Jen Fiereck for taking the fun pictures on the homepage (along with others scattered throughout the site).  There will be more updates to the site next week (in places where you may see pictures are missing, etc.).  If you come across any link or content issues as you navigate through the new site, please e-mail Amy Guenther at    If you have any pictures that you feel would be good additions to the site (we particularly need good quality basketball pictures and ski club pictures), please send them to Amy.


Monson’s Fundraiser

If you forgot to turn in your Monson’s Fundraiser paperwork today, we will still be able to take it tomorrow.  Thank you to everyone who participated!

2018 Saint James School Soirée

Thank you to our local heroes from the Manchester Police Department and Manchester Fire Department for donating a Ride to School in a Police Car and Ride to School in a Fire Truck to our 2018 Saint James school Soirée auction!

You can win this special honor for your child/ren, along with other great items, at the Silver and Gold Soirée on Saturday, March 24th!  We hope to see you there!

Munson’s Orders due Tomorrow (Wednesday)

Easter will be here before we know it!  There is no need to hop to the store to get your Easter candy because the HSA is sponsoring a Munson’s Chocolates fundraiser!  All families should have received information and an order form for the fundraiser.  If you did not receive an order form or have questions, please contact parent volunteer Megan Hunt at  Order forms and payments are due to the school office by Wednesday, February 14th.  Please make checks payable to Saint James School and remember to write your child’s name & grade on ALL forms and checks.  If possible, please submit just one check per order form as this greatly helps the volunteers who tally the orders for submission.  Orders will arrive in plenty of time for Easter and an e-mail will be sent in March notifying parents of the pickup date(s).

We are so grateful for your participation!  To show our appreciation, the top selling family will earn a large chocolate bunny and 2nd & 3rd place families will earn a bag of delicious jelly beans!

Ash Wednesday Mass

As a reminder, on Wednesday, February 14th, students in grades K – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am for Ash Wednesday. All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend the mass (please sit in the back few rows of pews).

Please note, you do not need to be a member of Saint James Church or even a member of the Catholic faith to attend any Saint James School Masses. We would love to see you there!

For those that cannot make the school Mass, tomorrow’s Mass Schedule is below (SJC = St. James Church, AC=Assumption Church)

Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018 schedule:
SJC 8:00 am –Mass with distribution of Ashes
AC 10:00 am-Mass with distribution of Ashes
SJC 12:05 pm -Mass with distribution of Ashes
SJC 7:00 pm -Mass with distribution of Ashes
AC 7:00 pm—Scripture Reading with distribution Of Ashes

Special Valentine For Mrs. Sager

Mrs. Sager would like to send her sincerest thanks to the Saint James School HSA Board for surprising her with a Valentine’s serenade by the Silk City Barbershop Quartet this afternoon.





Chipotle Dine-Out Tonight

The Saint James School HSA is hosting a Dine-Out Night at Chipotle (48 Hale Road, Manchester) today (2/12) from 4:00pm – 8:00pm.  Show your server the attached flyer and 50% of proceeds will be donated back to Saint James School!  As always, we thank you for your support!

Chipotle Dine-Out Flyer

Click HERE to like or share on Facebook

$1.00 Valentine’s Dress Down Day TOMORROW (Tuesday)

Saint James School will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, February 13th due to Ash Wednesday falling on February 14th this year.

On Tuesday, students may dress down in Valentine colors for a $1.00 donation, with proceeds being donated to Protectors of Animals – a no-kill, volunteer-run animal shelter in East Hartford.

St. Patrick’s Parade

Saint James School has been invited to take part in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Hartford!!

We are hoping to build a float for the event and are looking for parents that would be willing to help with the construction and design. We are also looking to get a feel for who would be interested in riding in our float at the parade – which is Saturday, March 10th (All students must have a parent/guardian with them at the parade).

If you are interested in participating in the parade and/or helping us design and build a float, please e-mail Jana Tierney at

Similarly, the Manchester St. Patrick’s Committee dinner dance is right around the corner.  This event helps raise funds for Manchester’s participation in the parade.  And, this year’s honorees  – Cheri Pelletier Eckbreth and Jay Moran – both have a connection to our school!  The cost is $25 per person and includes a corn beef and cabbage dinner.  If you would like to attend, please reach out to SJS parents Mary Ann Creamer ( or Jana Tierney (


Essays Due Tomorrow: Drama Club 2018

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Glen Nicholes has volunteered to lead the Saint James School Drama Club this year.  Drama club will meet on Thursdays after school beginning March 1st and will meet for 12 sessions.

This year’s drama club will have a different format from previous years.  There will be not be a drama production.  Instead, Mr. Nicholes will introduce students to the many aspects of drama. Students will explore drama skills and learn about the details involving a drama performance. To culminate the experience, students will perform their own original skits.

SPACE IS LIMITED. Students in grades 5-7 who are serious about sharpening their drama skills and intensifying their knowledge about drama production must submit a 2-3 paragraph essay detailing their reasons for wanting to be a member of the drama club, what they have to offer, and what they hope to take away from their experience.

The essay should be typed, or neatly hand written, 2-3 paragraphs, and include your name and grade. All essays must be submitted to the SJS Main Office no later than the start of school, February 13th. All students will be notified by February 16th as to whether or not they have been selected for the drama club.