May Lunch Menu

Below is the May Lunch menu.  A copy is coming home with students today, but this will also be added to the school website calendar for future reference.

Saint James School Lunch Menu May 2018

Father/Son Thank You

Thank you to everyone that attended, supported, and helped out at the Father/Son event this past weekend! Everyone one had a blast at Dave & Buster’s and are already looking forward to next year!


Father/Son Event Tomorrow

Just a reminder that the SJS Father/Son Event is being held tomorrow at Dave & Busters from 11:00am – 1:00pm.

We look forward to seeing everyone and having a fun afternoon playing games and hanging out.
Any questions or concerns, please contact Christine Strickland at 914-582-7869 or All pre-purchased power cards will be handed out at the event (we will have a table set up).

Box Tops Due Monday

If you have Box Tops to submit towards the final Dress Down Contest of the school  year, please have them to your child’s teacher by 1:30pm on Monday, April 30th.  Box Tops will be tallied after school on that day.

Prospective Family Open House Tomorrow Night

Saint James School will host our evening Prospective Family Open House Event on Thursday, April 26th, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.

Please help us spread the word by liking and sharing our Facebook Post (Click Here to Open) Also, there are Open House postcards at the Pre-K or the main school office to distribute to anyone you know who may be interested in attending.

If you have a friend or family member that is considering Saint James School, please reach out to Amy Guenther at


Early Dismissal Tomorrow – Wednesday

A reminder that tomorrow Wednesday (April 25th) is a 12:05pm dismissal day.  Aftercare will be in session but, please remember, students will need to bring a lunch from home due to no hot lunch being served on half days.


Mid-Term Progress Check

Please note, our Mid-Term Progress Check for the 3rd trimester has been moved to May 4th to account for the snow days and incremental days added to our school year.  Teachers will reach out to you if there are academic concerns for your child/ren.

Father/Daughter Dance

Saturday’s Father/Daughter Masquerade Ball was a huge hit – thank you to all the dads and daughters who came out for this fun, annual favorite!  A very special thank you goes to Andrea Piotrowski and Kerry Caldwell for chairing this wonderful event!  Thank you also Jason Bevins, Kevin Caldwell, Tammy DeLaire, Justin & Tracy Duran, Karen Freund, Erin Prewo, and Senora Nixon for all their hard work at the dance, as well as the members of the baking committee for the tasty treats.

2018-2019 One Page Calendar

Attached please find the calendar for the 2018-2019 school year.  The first day of school for K – 8 will be August 30th (12:05pm dismissal day, aftercare will be in session), Pre-K will formally start August 31st.  We will be updating our online/website calendar with these dates shortly.  A copy of this one page document has also been posted under the “Forms & Documents” section of our website for future reference.

2018-2019 One Page Calendar



Instrumental Music Notice

Just an FYI, there WILL be instrumental music and band lessons tomorrow.