School Mass Tomorrow

There will be a school-wide Mass tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  As always, parents are welcome to attend (please sit in the back few pews).

Please note, students that have gym on Thursdays should come to school in their REGULAR uniform.  Teachers will be letting students know if gym uniforms should be brought to change into.

SJS June Calendar Updates

This notice was originally sent out in March, however we felt a reminder would be appropriate:

Below please find an updated June Events Calendar showing the new dates for our year-end activities.  Please note, 8th grade graduation day is the LAST DAY of School for 8th grade students, Pre-K graduation and K graduation dates mark the LAST DAY of school for those students.  Students in Grades 1 – 7 are in school through the 22nd of June.  Summer Camp will begin on June 25th.

Parent and Student Orientation for incoming Kindergarten Students (for the 2018-2019 school year) will be June 11th at 1:00pm.  Students currently in Kindergarten – 7th grade will visit next year’s grade during that time (labeled on the calendar as “Stepping Up Afternoon”).  The Website Calendar has been updated to reflect the new dates.

UPDATED June 2018 Calendar

Annual Fund

IMPORTANT: Your Voice Helps!

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Grandparents:

Please see the information below regarding a proposal for the State of Connecticut to further study the possibility of Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) for families.  ESAs would provide funding for each family to use for the educational choice for their own children.  If a family chooses a Catholic school, the funds would go toward their tuition.  The Connecticut Catholic Conference is working hard on our behalf to move this bill forward and asks our help in sharing this information with our school families.  They also provide a convenient way to get an email message of support to each person’s legislator, the sooner the better. 

Click here to contact your legislators. On this page, you will see a brief backgrounder and a pre-written message.  When you provide your address and zip code, the program will pair your message with your state legislators.

This must be done today or early tomorrow as the bill is going up for vote in the house tomorrow!

Thank you for your efforts!

Click Here To Read More About ESAs

For our Manchester families:  Your contacts are: State Representative Jason Rojas:;  And State Senator Steve Cassano:


Mother/Daughter Tea Update

From the HSA:  We had a wonderful response to the tea and are looking forward to sharing this special time with all of the mothers and daughters. We are in need of volunteers to help with set up on Friday, May 18 right after school, and Saturday, May 19 at 10:15.  We are also looking for small chalkboards or white boards (8x11ish) that we could borrow for the event. If you can help, or if you can lend a chalkboard, please contact event chair Kate Davis at Thank you!

No Hot Lunch May 30th

Please be advised there is no HOT LUNCH on May 30th due to the Staff Appreciation Lunch that day.  The Lunch Calendar that came home did NOT reflect this so please make a note on your calendar or print an updated copy using the calendar below.

Updated Saint James School Lunch Menu May 2018


May Saber Stories Newsletter

Please take a few moments to review the May edition of Saber Stories from Mrs. Zorger and the May HSA Newsletter.

May 2018 Saber Stories

May 2018 HSA Happenings

HSA Meeting Tomorrow Morning

The HSA will hold a morning meeting tomorrow (5/3) from 9:30-10:30am in the lower church.  Children are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!

Dismissal Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon walkers will be dismissed in the pre-k parking lot due to the gym being set up for International Day.

HSA Meeting Tonight

There will be an evening HSA meeting tonight (5/1) from 7:00-8:30pm in the school cafeteria.  There will also be a morning meeting from 9:30-10:30am on Thursday, May 3 in the lower church.  Please attend whichever meeting best fits your schedule.  At the meetings, there will be a recap of the events and fundraisers of the past month and a overview of what is coming up for the rest of the school year.  We strongly encourage you to attend and thank you for your participation!