Tonight: Moms’ Night Out at Lucky Taco

As a reminder, tonight is our Moms’ Night Out at Lucky Taco (829 Main St, Manchester, CT) from 7:00-9:00pm.  The evening is sure to be a fun time to celebrate the end of the school year and catch up before the start of summer vacation.  If you have not already RSVP’d and plan to attend, please do so by following this link.

Saint James School Mass This Sunday

Please join us at Saint James Church this coming Sunday, June 10th at 9:00am for our final James School Children’s Mass of the school year.  Saint James students will be serving in many capacities including altar servers, readers, and gift bearers.  A reception in the lower church will follow the mass with coffee, juice, and donuts provided.

All Saint James School families are welcome regardless of faith or home parish.  Students are encouraged to wear their Saint James School uniform (students serving in any capacity are required to wear their uniform).  We hope to see you there!


We Need Your Feedback

As the school year is coming to a close, the HSA is looking for your feedback.  Whether or not you have participated in events, attended meetings or volunteered your time, your opinions matter and we’d love to hear from you!  The survey is anonymous and will take about 5 minutes to complete.  Please follow this link to access the survey.  Thank you very much for your time!

Lunch Menu Update

A couple of minor lunch updates:

**Tomorrow’s lunch will include Rice instead of Noodles

**Hot lunch for Tuesday 6/19 will be Pizza (not pasta)

HSA Meetings Tonight and Tomorrow

The final set of HSA meetings for the  year will be held this week.  Please join us on Tuesday (6/5) from 7:00-8:30pm in the school library or on Wednesday (6/6) from 9:30-11:00am in the lower church conference room.

Elks Club Drug Awareness Contest

Congratulations to SJS 7th grade student Kaitlyn Nyberg for coming in 2nd place in the Elks Club’s state-wide essay contest on Drug awareness and prevention.  Several SJS 3rd grade students, who received top prizes in the local competition, received Honorable Mentions at the state level for their posters.   Congratulations to  Bennett Riley, Lauren Nyberg, and Natalie Rutar.  (Special thanks to Mrs. Moran for sending in these pictures).


June 2018 Saber Stories

Please read the attached Saber Stories newsletter from Mrs. Zorger with important dates and information.

June 2018 Saber Stories


Attention: Grade 8 Parents

Attention 8th grade parents, Please make sure that you have a copy of the notice sent home several weeks ago (with 8th graders) regarding next week’s schedule for our graduating students.  Also, a notice is coming home today or tomorrow with students regarding the class legacy gift to the school.  Mrs. Leger is coordinating this effort and can be reached at

No Hot Lunch Served Tomorrow (Wednesday)


No hot lunch or milk will be served tomorrow due to the Staff Appreciation Luncheon taking place.  All students need to bring a lunch and drink from home tomorrow.   Also, the Emoji Ice Cup that was going to be served tomorrow will be served with Friday’s Hot Lunch.  Here is a sneak peak at June’s lunch menu.


Help Us Spread The Word

Please help us spread the word about Saint James School by clicking this Facebook Link and liking or commenting on our promotional post.  Your help is greatly appreciated!