In order to volunteer at Saint James School in ANY capacity, volunteers are required to have completed:
1. A background check, and
2. Have attend a VIRTUS Training Session
(note, you only need to do this one time, not every year).
The background check form can be picked up from the SJS main office and must be turned into to the SJS main office.
Upcoming VIRTUS sessions scheduled locally are as follows:
Saturday, September 15, 2018 @ 9:00am at Saint James Church
Tuesday, September 18th (6:00pm) at East Catholic High School in Manchester, and
Monday, September 24, 2018 @ 6:00pm at Saint Christopher School in East Hartford.
To participate in a VIRTUS session, you must Pre-Register on the VIRTUS Site. To access the schedule of upcoming sessions and register to attend one, click HERE and select Hartford, CT (Archdiocese).
Thank you for your support in helping make Saint James School a wonderful, safe place for our children!