Tardy Reminder

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents of the importance of bringing your child(ren) to school on time each morning.  There were an excessive number of late arrivals this morning.

Please remember, late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:50am (students should be in line with their class by the 7:55am bell), Mrs. Zorger asks that you please take a few moments today to talk to your child/ren about the importance of being punctual and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

Saint James School Lawn Signs

The Saint James School “Now Enrolling” lawn signs are out of storage and looking for homes (literally).  If you live in a medium to high traffic area or neighborhood (or own a business in a high-traffic area) and are willing to put a sign on your lawn in support of Saint James School, we would appreciate it!  Signs can be picked up in the main office at the front desk or please call/e-mail Amy Guenther at the school to arrange drop-off.

As always, we appreciate any support you can provide in promoting our school!

Dress Code Reminders

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind parents to please make sure your child/ren are adhering to the dress code when coming to school each day.

**If your student/s have outgrown their uniform items since the fall (skorts, gym shorts, shorts) please stop by the uniform closet or keep an eye out for the spring sales from Dennis and Lands End to purchase ones that are longer.

**Highlighting or coloring of students’ hair is not permitted while school is in session  (please keep in mind if students color or highlight their hair over the summer, they must return it back to their natural color before school starts in the fall).

**Uniform shoes (those worn with the regular uniform) must be Dress shoes.  Black or brown sneakers are not considered dress shoes.

While we don’t have a specific policy on headbands, there have been some concerns brought up about distracting head-wear on some of our younger ladies.  Please keep in mind headbands should be simple and not distracting to the students that sit behind your child in class.

You can find the full dress code in the school handbook (pages 8 and 9).  The handbook and dress code are located on our website under the Documents & Forms quick link (near the bottom of the homepage, next to the calendar) in case you need to refer to them in the future.



Spring Flower Orders Due Tomorrow

There is still a very large and beautiful selection of flowers at Botticello Farms.  If you have not placed an order, or would like to order more flowers, we are extending the fundraiser until Wednesday, May 16.  Please click HERE for the order form.  If you do not receive your vouchers within a couple of days of placing your order, please contact Alicia Poth at aliciapoth@gmail.com.  As always, thank you for supporting our school!


Last Call: Staff Appreciation Luncheon Donations

In keeping with tradition, the SJS Home & School Association will organize a luncheon for the St. James School staff, as a  special way for our school community to show gratitude to the teachers, administrators, and staff for all they do for our children!

Instead of asking families to provide specific items, we are asking for a donation of $5.00 per family or any amount you are comfortable giving. The donations will be used to cover a variety of special things for our teachers and staff for a nice Staff Appreciation Luncheon on May 30th with a good amount of food and goodies.

Please send your donation in an envelope labeled Office, Attn: Melissa Breton by tomorrow.

The Staff Appreciation Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 30th and we need volunteers to help out that day. Please contact Melissa Breton at creativemelissa@yahoo.com or 860-614-7588 call/text) if you are interested in volunteering at the event or have any raffle items to donate.

Thank you for helping us make the day so special for all the teachers and staff.

ESA Follow-Up Note

Thank you to all the Saint James School families who contacted their elected officials about Educational Savings Accounts from Tuesday’s e-mail (https://saintjamesschool.net/your-voice-helps/).  It came back to us that SJS school parents did a great job making their voice heard – with many families making calls or sending e-mails to their state representative in support of school choice.

Unfortunately, the measure got shot down and was not put to a vote – but there was enough support that the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference will resurrect legislature on Educational Savings Accounts again next year.  Please take an opportunity to find out how your local and state representatives would vote and continue to make your voice heard as well.

We also wanted to give a special SJS “shout out” to a graduate of our school (and the father of two former SJS students) Representative Mark Tweedie who we heard was very helpful in trying to get this bill up for a vote.  We are fortunate to have so many former SJS students and parents in our community who continue to advocate for our great school!

School Mass Tomorrow

There will be a school-wide Mass tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 9:15am at Saint James Church.  As always, parents are welcome to attend (please sit in the back few pews).

Please note, students that have gym on Thursdays should come to school in their REGULAR uniform.  Teachers will be letting students know if gym uniforms should be brought to change into.

SJS June Calendar Updates

This notice was originally sent out in March, however we felt a reminder would be appropriate:

Below please find an updated June Events Calendar showing the new dates for our year-end activities.  Please note, 8th grade graduation day is the LAST DAY of School for 8th grade students, Pre-K graduation and K graduation dates mark the LAST DAY of school for those students.  Students in Grades 1 – 7 are in school through the 22nd of June.  Summer Camp will begin on June 25th.

Parent and Student Orientation for incoming Kindergarten Students (for the 2018-2019 school year) will be June 11th at 1:00pm.  Students currently in Kindergarten – 7th grade will visit next year’s grade during that time (labeled on the calendar as “Stepping Up Afternoon”).  The Website Calendar has been updated to reflect the new dates.

UPDATED June 2018 Calendar

Annual Fund

IMPORTANT: Your Voice Helps!

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Grandparents:

Please see the information below regarding a proposal for the State of Connecticut to further study the possibility of Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) for families.  ESAs would provide funding for each family to use for the educational choice for their own children.  If a family chooses a Catholic school, the funds would go toward their tuition.  The Connecticut Catholic Conference is working hard on our behalf to move this bill forward and asks our help in sharing this information with our school families.  They also provide a convenient way to get an email message of support to each person’s legislator, the sooner the better. 

Click here to contact your legislators. On this page, you will see a brief backgrounder and a pre-written message.  When you provide your address and zip code, the program will pair your message with your state legislators.

This must be done today or early tomorrow as the bill is going up for vote in the house tomorrow!

Thank you for your efforts!

Click Here To Read More About ESAs

For our Manchester families:  Your contacts are: State Representative Jason Rojas:  http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Rojas/Contact;  And State Senator Steve Cassano:  http://www.senatedems.ct.gov/cassano-contact