In Case You Missed It


Welcome Back Letter from Mrs. Zorger

Otis Street Change Notice

Note-To-Teacher Notepads

Middle School Scholarship Opportunity


Important: Drop-off & Pickup

Mrs. Zorger is asking families once again to please be respectful of the laws and drive very slowly when in our school zone.  We do not want a terrible accident in our school community.

**We are fortunate to have a crossing guard in front of our school — please be aware of her positioning when driving through this area.

**Also, please set a good example and cross at the crosswalk during pick-up and drop-off – particularly when you are with your child/ren.  There have been a lot of parents/kids darting across the street in the mornings and afternoons. This is an accident waiting to happen – please cross at the crosswalk with the crossing guard, particularly during these heavy traffic times.

Our number one priority is keeping our students safe but we need your cooperation, patience, and understanding to make it happen.  Thank you for your support and attention to this pressing matter.


Volunteers Needed

Picture Days:  Parent volunteers are needed to help with organizing students from 8am-1pm for all three picture days next week.  To volunteer, please email Erin Daley at

Book Fair Days: Volunteers are needed to help set-up/clean-up the book fair and to work at the event: helping students make selections and serving as cashiers.  If you are able to help, please click Here to access the visit the Scholastic Book Fair Volunteer Link.  Any questions can be directed to our Book Fair Chair, Heather Meyer (

All Volunteers must have completed the VIRTUS training and background check.

Arrival Time Reminder

Please remember that K – 8th grade students need to be at school no later than 7:50am (between 7:30am and 7:50am).  Thank you.

No School Monday

Note, bus 28 is running a bit late today.

As a reminder, we are off from school on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday.  We will see you back at school on Tuesday – Have a wonderful long weekend!

Morning Drop-off and Afternoon Pickup

A huge thank you again to our SJS parents for your understanding as we continue to work through our morning drop-off and pick-up procedures.  Please know that the safety of all our students during this congested time of day is our number one concern.  As such, town engineers were out again this summer to help re-assess traffic flow and offer suggestions.


To help further clarify, the town has provided us with the attached map:  MAP FROM TOWN FOR SAFE PARKING/DROP-OFF

Important notes:

*Do not let your child cross the road anywhere other than the crosswalks.

* No parking in front of the breezeway or where the buses park at dismissal time.

*Only very slow, cautious turns onto Otis Street, please.

*Do not double park.

*Never let your child jump out towards the street.

*Lastly, as a reminder, the front portion of the Saint James Church parking lot is considered a “town lot” and is subject to their 2-hour parking rules (you will get a ticket after 2 hours).  If you will be volunteering at the school for a long period of time and are not able to use on-street parking.  Please let Mrs. Sager know your license plate number so she can make the appropriate calls.

Please be sure share this information with anyone who drops off or picks up your children.

We truly appreciate how supportive and patient everyone has been this week, particular with the roof construction changing up or normal procedures.  We are excited for a great year!! 


Due Tomorrow

Blue Cards (only have to fill out one per child this year) are due tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone who completed and sent in the paperwork that was due today (signed handbook form and signed technology contract).  A hard copy is being sent home with students that did not hand one in.  Please be sure to send them in to school tomorrow with your student/s.

Today’s Hours

As a reminder, our office will be open from 2:00pm-4:00pm today (after our all-staff meeting).

Principal Letter

Please click on the link below to read the welcome back letter from Mrs. Zorger with some important notes for tomorrow.

Principal Letter 2018-2019


Reminder: Forms Due Tomorrow

Early last week, the 2018-2019 Parent/Student Handbook  was sent out along with with teacher assignments.   Parents were asked to review this information with their child/ren and sign the agreement on the last page of the document stating that you and your child/ren will abide by the school policies in the handbook.  This signed document must also be sent in with your child on the first day of school. 


Technology Agreement
Our Technology Contract was also sent home via email for you to review with your child/ren. You and your child/ren must each sign a copy of the agreement.  This signed document must also be sent in with your child on the first day of school.