Attention SJS Soccer Parents

Parents, please to check with your student(s) today for a blue invitation and registration sheet that pertains to our upcoming SJS Soccer Banquet.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon Donations

In keeping with tradition, Saint James School will organize a luncheon for the Saint James School staff.  Hosted by the Saint James School HSA, this is a special way for our school community to show gratitude to the teachers, administrators, and staff for all they do for our children!

Instead of asking families to provide specific items, we are asking for a donation of $5.00 per family or any amount you are comfortable giving.  The donations will be used to cover a variety of special things for our teachers and staff for a nice Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, May 24th with a good amount of food and goodies.

Please send your donation (cash or checks payable to Saint James School HSA) in an envelope labeled OFFICE, Attn: Melissa Breton by May 10th.

The Staff Appreciation Luncheon will be held on Friday, May 24th and we need volunteers to help out that day.  Please contact Melissa Breton at creativemelissa@yahoo if you are interested in volunteering (must have VIRTUS training) or have any raffle items you would be willing to donate for the event.

Thank you for helping us make the day so special for all the teachers and staff.

We Need Your Help

Have you wanted to help out with an HSA event this year but have not found the time?  Are you not able to commit to running a big event?  Is your schedule best suited to helping out from home?

The HSA is looking for someone to help organize the School Tool Box (School Supply) fundraiser.  A volunteer is needed to update our school supply information with School Tool Box over the next couple of weeks.  This will take just a few hours of your time and can be done from home.  Your help would be appreciated greatly.  If you are able to give us a hand, please contact the HSA at by Tuesday.

Are You Missing Something?

A container of movie DVDs was found on Monday at the edge of the street in front of the school. Maybe it fell out of someone’s car at drop off time? If it is yours, please see Mrs. Sager in the front office. Thanks!

Tomorrow: 12:05pm Dismissal Day

As a reminder, Saint James School has a scheduled 12:05pm dismissal day this Wednesday, May 8th.

If your child is going to aftercare tomorrow, they will need a lunch from home.

Also, there is no school on Monday, May 27th, for the Memorial Day Holiday.

Choir Notice

Choir WILL be meet tomorrow – Wednesday, May 8th – to prepare for singing at the 9am Mass on May 12th.
Choir members will need to bring a lunch from home.  Dismissal will be 1:15pm at the normal location.

Reminder: Show Us Your Compassion

This month students are learning about the virtue of compassion.  Compassion is concern and regret for the suffering of others and it motivates us to relieve other’s suffering.  As we did with the virtue of charity in February, we are asking you – our SJS families – to send us pictures of things you do to practice COMPASSION during your everyday life.  


Perhaps you can show compassion by:  volunteering your time to help those in need; donating to a charity; collecting items for, or working at, an animal shelter; reading and discussing Bible passages and books about compassion; praying together for people who are ill, lonely or suffering; sponsoring a child; knitting scarves or making blankets for a shelter; taking time to really listen to each other’s feelings; advocating for the persecuted; spending time with someone who could use some special company; bringing cheer to residents at an assisted-living facility; keeping snacks and supplies in your car to give to the homeless or needy; sending cards to friends who are grieving; expressing thanks to your parents and teachers; showing extra kindness to family and friends who might be having a “bad day;” or offering assistance to someone who is hurt.

As an example, here is a picture of Bryce in 1st grade bringing flowers to a nursing home resident recovering from surgery.

In whatever ways your family chooses to show compassion, we’d love for you to share!  Email your picture with a short description to and we will put together a fun compilation to share with the school community at the end of the month.


Survey Thank You

Mrs. Zorger would like to extend a huge Thank You to all our families who filled out the recent survey for our school board’s Strategic Planning Committee! We were happy to receive such a great response from our parents and there was a lot of diverse feedback for the Strategic Planning Group to begin reviewing at their meeting last night.

Congratulations to the winner of the $100 Mill Group Gift Certificate:  The Bulger Family


First Communion This Weekend

Congratulations to all our Catholic Saint James School students who will be making their First Communion this coming weekend!  Here is a picture that Mrs. LaMarche sent in of Father Janusz answering last-minute questions from our 2nd graders.


Tomorrow: Knights of Columbus Hit, Pitch, Run Event

The Knights of Columbus Council 1155 in Manchester is sponsoring its 4rd annual Hit, Pitch, & Run event to be held at Illing Middle School on May 4th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.  Registration is from 1:00pm – 1:30pm the day of.  The competition is open to all boys and girls aged 7 through 14.  Winners for Pitching, Hitting, & Running and the All-Around winner will advance to the next sectional level of competition with the potential final winners advancing to team championships at MLB ballparks and to National Finals at the 2019 MLB All-Star week.

For more information, please visit (select Council Events) for registration forms and contact information.