Free & Reduced Lunch Application
To see if your child/ren qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, please click HERE.
To fill out an online application, please click HERE (select Manchester Schools)
To see if your child/ren qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, please click HERE.
To fill out an online application, please click HERE (select Manchester Schools)
Links to Subscribe to our Calendars
If you would like to subscribe to ONLY early dismissal/days off, you can do so HERE. (Click the “Subscribe to Filtered Calendar” button at the bottom).
If you would like to subscribe to our full calendar on your mobile device, we have a new, private link for you to use this year. Please click HERE (please note, this link will not be available on our website).
Or, you may choose to add only select events to your calendar using the calendar feature in our new SJS Mobile App (see below).
NEW!! Saint James School Mobile App
We are excited to announce the release of our Saint James School App! Please visit the App Store or Google Play Store and search for St. James School Manchester CT.
Once you download the App, you will need to use the “Login” button to access the full app functionality. Many items (such as our school events calendar) will only be available for SJS parents/staff who have an email registered through the system. If you have any issues, please email Amy Guenther at The email address you are receiving this message through is the one that you will use to sign-on for the App.
Please select the option to receive push notifications so we can reach you with important information (this will NOT take the place of our email blasts, but will be used for important notifications only).
Minor updates to the App and App features will continue to take place between now and the start of school (i.e. Grades Online access is not available until school starts).
Students running Cross Country at SJS this year are invited to purchase our special SJS Cross Country spirit gear using the link below.
The Warm Up Pants and Practice Shorts may be worn to school on gym days in place of uniform plain navy pants or plain navy shorts if you are a Cross Country runner. Please note, however, Cross Country t-shirts CANNOT be worn to school in place of the gray gym shirt. The gray gym shirt is the only acceptable shirt for gym days. Orders must be placed by September 5th and will be sent home with students when they come in.
General SJS Spiritwear is also available for purchase using the above link. Please note that the navy shorts, navy sweatpants, and Navy Sweatshirt with the Gold circular logo (only) can be worn to school on gym day. The gray gym shirt is the only acceptable shirt for gym days. Any questions can be directed to Amy Guenther at
Please read through our September Saber Stories Newsletter from Mrs. Zorger.
Also attached is a welcome flyer from our Home & School Association.
As a reminder, there is no school on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday. When we return to school on Tuesday, students will begin entering the school through the breezeway doors, which will be our normal routine for the remainder of the school year.
Please remember, there is NO parking against the curb in front of the main school on Tuesday. That area is used for Drop-and-Go only. If you would like to walk up to the school with your child, or your child needs a few extra minutes to collect their things before getting out of the car, please park in the acceptable parking areas around the school. The Saint James Church Parking Lot is always available for you to park and walk up (there is a crossing guard to help you safely cross to the school).
To help further clarify, the town has provided us with the attached map: MAP FROM TOWN FOR SAFE PARKING/DROP-OFF
The Map Below shows our Drop-and-Go areas for Tuesday morning drop-off.
Important notes:
*Do not let your child cross the road anywhere other than the crosswalks.
* No parking in front of the breezeway or where the buses park at dismissal time.
*Only very slow, cautious turns onto Otis Street, please.
*Do not double park.
*Never let your child jump out towards the street.
*Lastly, as a reminder, the front portion of the Saint James Church parking lot is considered a “town lot” and is subject to their 2-hour parking rules (you will get a ticket after 2 hours). If you will be volunteering at the school for a long period of time and are not able to use on-street parking. Please let Mrs. Sager know your license plate number so she can make the appropriate calls.
Please be sure share this information with anyone who drops off or picks up your children. We want to ensure everyone has a safe start to their school day every day.
We are excited for a great year!!
Students wishing to run Cross Country this year cannot start with the team on Tuesday unless we have their health form signed by the doctor.
2019-2020 Cross Country Information:
Parents of students in grades 5 – 8 running cross country, please read the attached notice from Coach O’Neill that was sent out over the summer. Cross Country practice begins on Tuesday. Students must have the health form on file before they can participate. Please note, students must be able to run at very minimum a full mile without stopping to participate in the fall.
SJS Fall 2019 Cross Country Information
2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form (this form must be signed by child’s doctor and is required prior to participation in all SJS Sports)
For students in the K-8 program, this year our first bell will ring at 7:50am, at which time students are expected to be at school and lining up with their teacher to walk to the classroom. The 7:55am bell is considered the Tardy bell. Students arriving after 7:55am will be marked as Tardy.
Please remember students cannot be dropped off prior to 7:30am unless they are signed up to attend Before Care.
Tomorrow, students in grades 1 – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am.
All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend (please sit in the back few rows of pews – not with the students).
Students who have GYM on Fridays will need to wear their regular uniform to school tomorrow (no gym uniforms are worn to church).
Students in grades 1-8 have the option to begin buying hot lunch tomorrow. They must have a positive balance in their lunch account to purchase hot lunch, or have money from home.
Hot lunch prices for the 2019-2020 school year will be as follows:
Grades 1-6 – $2.45
Grades 7-8 – $2.70
Please remind your student(s) that there is an extra charge if they get a water bottle or extra food.
Advanced band begins rehearsals on Friday August 30th at 12:00. There will be a music demonstration for grade four at 10:30am Friday morning Aug 30th.