Morning Dropoff/Students Crossing

Please remember when our crossing guards are in the crosswalk – ALL cars must come to a stop.  Please do not turn onto Otis or pull forward until the crossing guard has safely crossed our students and has returned to her position on the sidewalk.

The crossing guard has also requested that we ask parents to look all around them very carefully before slowly pulling away from the “stop and go” area.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring everyone has a great start to their school day.

Last Day to Order Cross Country Spiritwear!

As a reminder, today is the last day to order CC spirit wear.  To review the info and place an order, please click HERE.


Saint James School Choir Practice will begin on Wednesday, September 11th for students in grades 3-8 interested in participating.

For anyone participating in choir, please note: 1) students are expected to attend all performances (monthly children’s Mass, concerts, 8th grade graduation, etc., 2) students are expected to actively participate in singing. Please ensure your child is fully committed to this activity before signing them up.

Mrs. Lindemann will be handing out permission slips for interested students to bring home to their parent(s).  The full schedule of practice and performance dates can be downloaded HERE.  Practices are from 2:05pm – 3:15pm on regular school days.

Chromebook Insurance Forms Due

As a reminder to Middle School Parents, Chromebook insurance forms are due to your child’s homeroom teacher by this Friday, September 6th.

2019 Chromebook Care and Insurance


Uniform Closet Reminder

Now that school is back in session, please note that the Uniform Closet is only open before school (7:30am-7:50am) or after school hours (2:05pm-2:30pm). Thank you for your kind consideration of our littlest students and their teachers!

Instrumental Music Notice

A meeting for all beginning band parents and any new SJS students in grades 4-8 wishing to participate in band this year will be held on Wednesday September 4th at 6:30 in the cafeteria.  As a reminder, there is an extra charge for students that participate in our instrumental music program.

All Beginning and second year student will have lessons on Thursday September 5th.

K-8 Tardy Policy Reminder

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Mrs. Zorger would like to remind to remind you that we have an updated policy in place this year for school attendance, both absences and tardies, which can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook. If a student is not in school when the 7:55am bell rings, the student will be marked with an unexcused tardy upon arrival. If however, the student had an early morning appointment, a parent/guardian should notify the school in advance. Upon arrival to school, the student should be walked in to the school building to be signed in by the parent/guardian and an excused tardy will be recorded.

Students’ absences will also be marked excused or unexcused. For more information, please review the Handbook.


Grades K-8 Lunch/Recess Volunteers Needed

Please consider helping out as a Lunch Duty/Recess Volunteer for your child’s grade.  If you have 60 minutes to spare please CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT OUR FORM so that a schedule can be created (please note, there will be school staff/teachers on duty as well).  The lunch/recess schedule is as follows:

Grades K&1: 11:00am – 11:40 (includes recess)*
Grades 2-3: 11:15am – 12:00pm (includes recess)
Grades 4&5: 11:45am – 12:25pm (includes recess)
Grades 6-8: 12:10am – 12:40pm

Like all volunteer opportunities at SJS, you must have completed the Background Check and VIRTUS training before you can help in this capacity.  If you will be doing your VIRTUS/Background check this month please note that in the comments and we will put you on the schedule once we receive your paperwork.

Grandparents are welcome to help at lunch duty as well!

Family Information Sheet – Please Correct & Return

A Family Information Sheet, showing the contact information the school has listed for your family, was sent home yesterday.  Please review, make any changes, and send back to the school the following day. If there are no changes, please note “NO CHANGES” and return the form with your child.  Homeroom teachers will be collecting this sheet.

Cross Country Pick-Up

Pick-up for students running Cross Country this season will be just OUTSIDE of the breezeway entrance.  Please do NOT buzz in to the school if you are picking up for Cross Country.