MAP Testing Starts Tomorrow

Please note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the first round of MAP Adaptive Assessments first thing in the morning tomorrow – Thursday, September 12th.  Testing will also occur on Tuesday, September 17th and Thursday, September 19th.

Please pay particular attention to ensuring your child/ren get to bed on time the evening before each testing day and that they have a nutritious breakfast each morning.  Also, it is important that students get to school on time each day as testing will begin right after morning announcements.

Any student coming in tardy on a testing day will have to wait in the office until the testing period is over and will have to make up that test at another time.

For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook fully charged tomorrow!!

For families new to SJS this year and/or our 3rd grade parents (who may have disregarded this last year) these tests allow for formal assessment of where each individual student is at in key learning areas.  Teachers will review the results to see what concepts each individual student is excelling in and where individual students may need additional instruction.  Here is the information the Archdiocese provided when we launched this new testing two years ago:

Parent Letter from the Superintendent

Additional Information – MAP Assessments

For Grade 7 & 8 Parents

The 7th and 8th grade dance that was rescheduled for October 25th at St. Bridget School has now been changed to October 18th.  This is due to a conflict with the East Catholic Entrance Exam on the morning of 10/26.  Please update your calendars accordingly.

Welcome New Staff

Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Jackie Smith in the role of Teacher’s Aide in our K-8 program.  Mrs. Smith has three children who have graduated from, or are currently enrolled at, Saint James School.  We are excited to have her as part of the team!

Tonight: Instrumental Music Meeting

There will be an Instrumental Music Parent Meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  The following parents/guardians should attend:

1) Parents/guardians of Grade 4 students who are interested in joining our instrumental music program this year.  Fourth grade is the first year students are eligible to join.

2) Parents/guardians of Grade 5 – 8 students who would like to start playing an instrument this year (did not play last year).

3) Parents/guardians of new Saint James School 5th – 8th grade students who played an instrument at their prior school.

Welcome Ms. Holmes!

Back-to-School Lock-Down Drill

Today SJS held our first lock-down drill of the 2024-2025 school year.  As this was the first drill of the new year, our Pre-K and K-8 teachers were given advanced notice (so they could prepare their students in an age-appropriate way).  For the next drill, only the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers will receive advance notice.

Each year, Saint James School works with our local law enforcement as well as a contracted security firm to review our school’s safety procedures.  While lock-down drills are – unfortunately – a part of growing up in today’s world, they do afford teachers and students a formal opportunity to practice and discuss how to react should the need arise.  We are very pleased to share that during today’s lock-down drill, students and staff reacted quickly so that everyone was in a secure “lock-down” state within seconds.

The safety and well-being of every student entrusted to our care is at the forefront of everything we do here at SJS.  We wanted to bring today’s drill to your attention so that you may have a timely conversation with your student(s) about how to react in an emergency situation should you deem appropriate.

In the event of a true lock-down event at Saint James School, notification would be sent to families through our new rapid response system.

ChristLife Program

In today’s chaotic word it is so important that we – as adults – remain steadfast in our faith and help our children also come to know how impactful a relationship with Jesus can be.  While SJS students get to practice and grow in faith each day, sometimes we – as adults – let life get in the way of our spiritual journey.

Our parish has been offering the ChristLife program for several years, and it consistently receives excellent feedback from the adults who participate, no matter where they are in life.  The commitment is minimal, but the impact on you – and as a role model for your children – can be huge.

If you would like to learn more, please view THIS FLYER (<— click link) or stop by the ChristLife table after Mass on September 14th and 15th OR at the Parish Picnic on September 22nd.

From the School Nurse

Please note that the Saint James School Nurse will be conducting hearing and vision screenings over the next few weeks for students in grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5.  The nurse will reach out to you if there are any abnormalities.

Bus Reminders

*Please remember ALL students in grades K – 2 must have a parent at the bus stop to greet them in the afternoon in order for the driver to let them off.  If the parent is not there, the student will be brought back to SJS and will be sent to aftercare until the parent can come retrieve them (aftercare charges will apply).  The town does reserve the right to suspend bus privileges for repeat issues (since drivers have other routes they need to get to after dropping our students off) so please just be conscious of the time if you are working from home.  A few reminder notes:

*Bus Stop times sent to families before the start of school are approximate.  Please allow for 10 minutes on either side of the times listed.

*To install the school bus tracking app from First Student, follow this link: (returning families, please note the new code this year – JDK6)

*We anticipate a combined bus schedule again on Wednesday afternoons starting in October.  That information will be forthcoming when we receive it.

Cherrydale Ticket Turn-In Day Tomorrow

Thank you to everyone who has helped get our fundraiser off to a strong start by registering their student and sending support invitations to friends & family!  Tomorrow (Friday) is our first WILD THINGZ Turn in day!

Please have your student bring any tickets they have earned to school in an envelope or baggie, labeled with their name.  They will be called to the office after morning announcements to receive their Wild Thingz collectibles.  Don’t forget the Dunk Collectible Coupon on the fundraiser envelope if your student has earned 500 coins.