Helpers Needed Catholic Schools Week Masses

We are looking for a few Catholic 5th grade or middle school students to serve as greeters and gift bearers at the the following Masses:

*Saturday, January 25th at 4:00pm at St. James Church

*Sunday, January 26th at 7:30am and 11:00am at St. James Church

We have several younger students already signed up for each Mass (and are all set with readers for all Masses that weekend) but would like to have some older students participating as well.  7th and 8th grade students will receive Service Hour credit for helping.

Please reach out to Amy Guenther at if your child is able to help.

From the Nurse

Important Information from the School Nurse on 1/15/20

Currently, there is a significant increase in absences and school illnesses here at Saint James School due to cold, flu and viruses.

Cold and Flu season is upon us.  Here are a few Flu facts:

F:  Fever A: Aches C:  Cough & Chills T:  Tiredness & Fatigue S:  Sudden Onset

It is important to keep sick children at home for many reasons. . . mostly to prevent the spread of infection and to allow them to rest and recover.  For Flu and any contagious illness, children should not return to school until the fever (over 100.0 degrees) has been gone for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  Your child should be eating and taking fluids adequately.  Your child also needs to be well rested and able to get through the school day.  The Flu recovery can take up to 7 days or more.  It is not too late to get a Flu shot!


Flu is short for Influenza which is a respiratory illness.


Influenza Like Illness is a term used to describe symptoms which might be flu:  fever with cough and/or sore throat.  If your child develops these symptoms while at school, they will be dismissed.  Please provide a quick pick up and take your child straight home.  Your child’s primary care provider can then be called for advice.  If your child is diagnosed with the Flu, please notify the school.  Also, with a Flu diagnosis, your child’s doctor might be able to prescribe medication to lessen the symptoms and risks associated with the Flu.  The same medication can be prescribed to family members to prevent the Flu per your doctor’s advice.

A few more friendly reminders:

Do not bring sick children to school, to school sponsored events or sporting events.  If they are too ill or too contagious to be in school, they should NOT be entering the school building for ANY reason.


Please provide a doctor’s note if your child is absent for 3 or more days.  Notes can be faxed to 860-649-6462.



Dismissal & Pick-Up Reminders

Notes from Home
As stated on page 12 of the Parent/Student Handbook, a note from home should be sent to school with your child in the morning if they will be staying after school or dismissed in a different manner on a particular day:

If a student will be doing something different than usual at the end of the school day, such as going home with a friend rather than taking the bus, a dated note should be sent to the teacher on that day stating the change in plans. These arrangements should be made before school so that phone calls to and from the school office will not be necessary.

Keep in mind, this includes participating in a club, study session, etc., and applies to all grades –  including middle school.

The Blue SJS Notepads are great for this!! We still have them available for sale in the office for $5.00 each.

Pick-up From After-School Activities
Parents are asked to please be prompt when picking up your child/ren from an after-school club or activity.  If a ride is not here when an activity/club concludes, the student will be sent to aftercare instead of the office.  Please remember aftercare does have a fee of $11/hr, and time will begin accruing at the end of the school day.  If a student’s ride has run into an unexpected delay, please call the main office to let them know.

SJS Varsity Girls Continue Their Winning Streak

ST JAMES VARSITY GIRLS defeated ST CHRIS last night 37-17.  Shea and Sammy led the team in scoring with 8 points each while Charlotte added 5 followed by Gabby with 4.  Maggie hit for 3 while  Aaliyah, Angie, Shreya and Sarah had 2 each. Bella added 1 free throw to round out the scoring. Allie led the team in assists with 3 as Sammy collected 2. Shea, Angie, Bella, Sarah, Alyssa and Charlotte each had 1.

The game on Thursday vs. Saint Timothy has been postponed to another date (TBA).

Friday the team opens the MLK tournament vs. St. Joseph of Bristol starting at 5:30 at the St. Paul (Kensington) gym. The game will start promptly at 5:30pm, players arrive by 5 pm.

St. James Varsity Girls Defeat Two Rivers

Congratulations to the SJS Varsity Girls on their win over Two Rivers yesterday!

Here is the recap from Coach Sarpu:

The SJS girls started out quickly by taking an early 14-4 first quarter lead and never looking back defeating Two Rivers 33-27 at the CREC Magnet school gym yesterday afternoon. Shea led the scoring with 15 followed by Alyssa’s 9 and Sarah’s 4. Sammy added a bucket and Bella a free throw to sum up the scoring effort. Shea added 4 assists, while Sammy had 2 and Gabby 1. Defensively, Alyssa boxed out ( 12 boards ) and defended well  against Two River’s top post player. Our man to man pressure in the beginning led to numerous Two River miscues allowing Shea to collect 9 steals followed by Sarah’s 4 and Angie/Allie 1 per.

The Varsity Girls have a busy schedule coming up this week: ST CHRIS TONIGHT AT 6:15pm AT the St Chris gym. Thursday at 4:45pm at ST TIM GYM and a tough weekend at the MLK tournament where they start off playing  St. Joseph of Bristol on Friday evening.

From the Nurse

During this busy cold and flu season, Mrs. Vignatti, our school nurse, asks that you please review the following reminders:  Flu Season January 2020

Chess Club Starts Tomorrow

As a reminder, students that signed up and paid for the Winter Chess Club session, the clinic begins tomorrow after school and runs until 3:15pm. Please be sure to send a note in to the homeroom teacher notifying them if your child is attending.  Pick-up for Chess Club students will be outside the breezeway (please DO NOT buzz in to the school).

There is still room to sign up if your child/ren is interested in participating.

StJames Winter 2020 Chess Workshop Flyer

JV Basketball Updates

This weekend our JV basketball teams each each added +1 to the win column, while continuing to make our community proud by displaying good sportsmanship and teamwork both on and off the court:

Our Girls 6th Grade JV team beat out Corpus Christi on Saturday with a score of 32 to 1.  This brings the team’s record up to 3 to 2 for the season.

Our Boys 6th Grade JV team won against St. Christopher School, bringing their winning record to 4 to 1.  Next up for the Boy’s 6th Grade JV is St. Gabriel’s (at St. Gabe’s) on Saturday morning.

And, our Girls 4th/5th Grade JV team enjoyed back to back weekends of wins as follows:

January 4th:

5th Grade:  20-10 Win over St. Paul

4th Grade:  24-8 Win over St. Thomas

January 11th:

5th grade:  14-4 Win over St. Mary’s of Simsbury

4th grade:  22-8 Win over St. Thomas

Girls Varsity Basketball Coach’s Update

From Coach Sarpu:

ST JAMES VARSITY GIRLS soundly defeated JP2 this past Friday 28-12 at the Xavier gym in Middletown. St James owned the boards as Gabby pulled down 14 with Alyssa Grabbing 20. Sammy and Shea combined for 16 steals while Allie added 5. Offensively, Alyssa led the team with 8 points followed by Shea 7 and Allie 5. Sarah, Sammy, Gabby, Aaliyah each had 1 hoop to round out the scoring. Sammy played well at point offering 4 assists while Allie added 2, with Brianna, Shea and Aaliyah having 1 per.

Games will get tougher going forward starting with this afternoon’s game with TWO RIVERS. The weekend will be very demanding as St Joseph’s of Bristol joined the MLK tournament along with a new haven team and a Waterbury team.  The MLK event hosted by ST PAULS will have 8 girl’s varsity teams in total. The schedule will be available shortly………………but based on history it is likely we play 2 games on Saturday and if we get to the finals…that will be Monday. Sunday ( if we win 1 on Saturday ) should be after 1 but before 4.


Regarding our 3:30pm game today: Wear visiting color Blue. Try to arrive at 3-3:15…………GAME WILL START AT 3:30.

Snow Day/End of School Update

Mrs. Zorger would like to share a few updates to our June calendar, accounting for the two snow days we have had thus far:

As of right now, the last day of school for grades 1-8 will be June 11th.  June 9th and 10th will be full days, and June 11th will be a 12:05pm dismissal (with aftercare in session for grades 1-7 students).

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten ending dates have been adjusted as follows:

All Pre-K Last Day: Friday, June 5th
Pre-K 4&5 Year-Olds Stepping Up Ceremony: Monday, June 8th

Kindergarten Last Day: Tuesday, June 9th
Kindergarten Graduation: Wednesday, June 10th

Dates (with the exception of 8th grade graduation*) are still subject to change should we have any additional snow days.  We are hoping to lock in the Pre-K and K graduation dates towards the end of February/early March so families can plan accordingly.

*8th Grade’s last day and graduation ceremony will remain on Friday, June 5th.