Cross Country Reminder

Students wishing to run Cross Country this year cannot start with the team on Tuesday unless we have their health form signed by the doctor.

2019-2020 Cross Country Information:

Parents of students in grades 5 – 8 running cross country, please read the attached notice from Coach O’Neill that was sent out over the summer. Cross Country practice begins on Tuesday.  Students must have the health form on file before they can participate.  Please note, students must be able to run at very minimum a full mile without stopping to participate in the fall.

SJS Fall 2019 Cross Country Information

2019-2020 Athletics Health Permission Form (this form must be signed by child’s doctor and is required prior to participation in all SJS Sports)

Cross Country Permission Slip 2019

Arrival Bells

For students in the K-8 program, this year our first bell will ring at 7:50am, at which time students are expected to be at school and lining up with their teacher to walk to the classroom.  The 7:55am bell is considered the Tardy bell.  Students arriving after 7:55am will be marked as Tardy.

Please remember students cannot be dropped off prior to 7:30am unless they are signed up to attend Before Care.

Back to School Mass Tomorrow (Grades 1-8)

Tomorrow, students in grades 1 – 8 will attend Mass at Saint James Church at 9:15am.

All SJS Parents/Guardians/Grandparents are welcome attend (please sit in the back few rows of pews – not with the students).

Students who have GYM on Fridays will need to wear their regular uniform to school tomorrow (no gym uniforms are worn to church).

Hot Lunch Tomorrow

Students in grades 1-8 have the option to begin buying hot lunch tomorrow.  They must have a positive balance in their lunch account to purchase hot lunch, or have money from home.

Hot lunch prices for the 2019-2020 school year will be as follows:

Grades 1-6 – $2.45

Grades 7-8 – $2.70

Please remind your student(s) that there is an extra charge if they get a water bottle or extra food.

SJS 2019 September Lunch Menu

Instrumental Music Notice

Advanced band begins rehearsals on Friday August 30th at 12:00. There will be a music demonstration for grade four at 10:30am Friday morning Aug 30th.

Saint James School Daily Email

Please be sure to add our e-mail to your address book so you will receive emails from the school.  If you would like to add another email address to receive these notifications, please click HERE to subscribe.  If you wish to unsubscribe an e-mail, please use the link at the bottom or email

Everything in the daily emails can also be found in our SJS App under Latest News.

Office Hours Tuesday/Wed

As a reminder from last week’s email, all staff will be offsite for meetings tomorrow and Wednesday so office hours will be limited to the following:

*Tuesday, August 27th: 1:00pm – 3:00pm;
*Wednesday, August 28th: 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Attention Middle School Families

Middle school families (grades 6-8) are kindly asked to add following to your supply purchase for science:

  • two (2) 3-subject spiral notebooks (8.5×11 size/usually Mead or Five-Star)  (one will be used for the Fall, and a second in the Spring)
  • glue sticks  

These do not need to come on the first day, you can pick them up over the Labor Day weekend and send them in on Tuesday 9/3 if you wish.


Also, a reminder that middle school students should come to school with their expandable set up according to THIS SHEET that was sent home at the end of school.

First Day Notes

As a reminder, the first Day of School for K-8 students is this Thursday, August 29th.  As per typical 1st day of school protocol:

  • Parents: please remember to park in the Saint James Church parking lot and walk up with your student(s).  Please do NOT park in any of the teacher parking lots.
  • Students should bring all the items on their supply list with them on the first day of school.
  • First day of school gathering spot is the parking lot between the main building and preschool.  Look for the sign showing your child’s grade.  If it rains, we will be in the gym.
  • Dismissal is at 12:05pm on the first day – no lunch served except for Kindergarten (remember, Kindergartners bring a lunch from home every day).
  • After-care/before-care is available on the first day of school.  After-care students should bring lunch from home (no hot lunch served at all this day).  You must be registered for the program for the 2019-2020 school year to have your child attend.
  • All students should bring a snack and bottle of water on the first day of school.  Per school policy, please limit snacks to fruits and/or vegetables only (grades 1-8).  A bottle of water should be packed with the snack.
  • School bell to begin the day rings at 7:50am.  Please allow yourself plenty of time to park, particularly on the first day when it will be extremely busy around the school.


For K-8 students, please note that the Signed Handbook and Technology Agreement forms should be sent in to school on the first day with your child/ren. Teachers will be collecting them.

We look forward to seeing you!!

HSA Gives: St. Baldrick’s Reminder

Our HSA Gives/St. Baldrick’s event is fast approaching! Kids and parents are all ready for cooler, easier hairstyles for the warmer weather, so how about making a difference while you make a change?

You don’t have to shave your head (but it could be fun!).  You can also get a buzz cut or trim up to a cute bob and donate 8 or more inches of hair.  Or donate your husbands, brothers and sons to buzz their head!

Rock The Bald Event
June 23, 1-5pm
Elks Lodge, 30 Bissell St, Manchester

Follow this link to join the Sabers: