IMPORTANT: Dance Chaperones Still Needed

We are still in need of a couple of PARENT VOLUNTEER CHAPERONES for Friday’s dance.  If you can help, please reach out to Jodi Talaga at

Returning Family Registration

On Monday all SJS families with a child in our Pre-K3 through grade 7 classes should have received a special email regarding registration for the 2020-2021 school year.

If you did not see the email, please reach out to Amy Guenther at

If you would prefer a hard copy of the registration paperwork, you can pick up a copy from Mrs. Sager in the main office.

Special Guest in 7th Grade Religion

Grade 3 & 4 Clubs

There are still a few spots left in the Grade 3 & 4 Book & Art Club and Grade 3 & 4 STEM Club for any students interested in participating that have not signed up yet.

February STEM Club Permission Slip

Book & Art Club – Feb 26 2020 – 3rd & 4th Grade

Munson’s Fundraiser

This week you will be receiving home the information for our annual Munson’s fundraiser.  Please use the special tally form to write down the final total of each product sold, along with the final amount due.  Questions may be directed to parent volunteer Megan Hunt at

Tally forms and payments are due to the school office by February 25th. Please make checks payable to Saint James School and remember to write your child’s name & grade on ALL forms and checks.  If possible, please submit just one check per order form as this greatly helps the volunteers who tally the orders for submission.

Orders will arrive in plenty of time for Easter and an e-mail will be sent in late March/early April notifying parents of the pickup date.

IMPORTANT Instrumental Music Notice

All instrumental music students must bring their instrument to school tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.  Lifetouch will be in to take pictures of each of our bands for the yearbook.

Team/Club Pictures TOMORROW

This coming Wednesday, February 5th, Lifetouch will be in in the morning to take yearbook photos of all our sports teams and clubs.

All basketball players should BRING their uniform shirt to school on Wednesday as well as any groups that have special shirts (robotics/student council).  Please BRING your shirt to school on Wednesday.

12:05 Dismissal Day Tomorrow (2/5)

As a reminder, tomorrow (Wednesday, February 5th) is a 12:05pm dismissal day for faculty professional development.

Aftercare will be in session on February 5th, however all students going to aftercare will need a lunch from home (no hot lunch is served on early dismissal days).

Lunch Account Balance Check

All 1st – 8th grade families are asked to take a moment to check your child/ren’s lunch account balance using the EZSchool Pay App.

We have numerous families with balances in the red.  You can add to your child’s lunch account by sending money in an envelope (be sure to label it with your child’s name), sending in a check to Manchester Hot Lunch Program (be sure to write your child’s name in the Memo field), or using the EZSchool Pay App.

If you have any questions regarding your account, please reach out to Denise Mayo at or 860.643.5088 (ext 7).

January Extended Day Statements

Extended Day billing statements for the month of January are now available. If you utilize the extended day program, please make sure you grab yours from Ms. Jean at pick-up.