Tonight: SJS Girl Scouts – Grades K-5

There will be an informational meeting this evening, Friday, 9/13, (see flyer for times) for any SJS Kindergarten – Grade 5 girls (and their parent/guardian) to learn more about our school’s Girl Scout Troop.  The troop is run by one of our wonderful parent volunteers and there are many other awesome SJS moms that help!  Please see This Flyer or the picture below for details:

Chromebook Insurance Forms Due Monday

As a reminder to our Grade 3 – 8 parents, Chromebook insurance forms are due to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, September 16th.  Many families turned their forms in at the meet-the-teachers/supply drop off event, but if you did not, please note that late forms will NOT be accepted after Monday.

2024-2025 Chromebook Care and Insurance Packet

From the HSA

Thank you to everyone who came out last night for our first Home & School Association meeting!!  We are so grateful for the numerous volunteers who help with events that bring our community together outside of school hours, create lasting memories for our students, and support our children’s teachers.

Please remember, any parents (or grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.) that wish to volunteer in any capacity (field trips, classroom parties, school events) must first have completed a background check and Virtus training.  Please review that information here:

If you did not make the meeting last night or did not have the opportunity to sign up to help, please do so by opening our 2024-2025 HSA Volunteer Sign Up sheet.

Thank you for any support you can give – time, talent, or treasure – to our great school!!

Last Call: Wall That Heals (Grade 6 – 8)

Next week Manchester will be welcoming The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and mobile Education Center.

Our Middle School History Teacher (Mr. Adams) and Assistant Principal (Mrs. Mitchell) have put together an opportunity for SJS students in grades 6 – 8 to walk down to The Wall on September 19th to enjoy a special educational program.  The group will leave from Saint James School immediately following dismissal (2:00pm) and we anticipate they will return to the school about 3:45pm.

This educational opportunity is limited to 25 students.  Please RSVP your student using THIS FORM by Sunday.

If your child will be attending, you will also need the complete THIS PERMISSION SLIP and send it to school on Monday.

1st HSA Meeting Tonight: Please Join Us

The SJS Home & School Association (similar to a PTA/PTO) will hold its first meeting of the new school year THIS Evening – Thursday, September 12th – from 6:00-7:00pm in the school cafeteria. We strongly encourage all Pre-K through Grade 8 parents to attend to learn about ways to get involved in our school community and get information about events that will be upcoming in the next few months.

When you arrive at the school, please ring the buzzer at the breezeway doors and then head downstairs to the cafeteria for the meeting.

Any questions can be directed to our HSA President, parent volunteer Patricia McCarthy, at

We look forward to seeing you there!

Cross Country Reminder

The SJS Cross Country team will be practicing tomorrow (Friday) after school.

Cherrydale Ticket Turn-in Tomorrow

Tomorrow – Friday, 9/13 –  is the second “Ticket Turn-In Day” for the Cherrydale Fundraiser.  Students who have achieved additional tickets during the past week (or those who forgot them last Friday) should bring any applicable tickets (signed by the parent/guardian) to school tomorrow in a baggie or envelope.  Please be sure to label that with your child’s name.

We truly appreciate your support!

Sacrament Prep Orientation Reminder

For Saint James School students who will be completing the sacraments of 1st reconciliation and 1st communion this school year*, please remember you must attend the following:

Sacrament Preparation Orientation
Sunday, September 29th
Families should attend the 10am Mass at Saint Bartholomew Church. Orientation will continue after the Mass (ends before noon).

* Grade 2 Catholic students and any Catholic students in grades 3 and up that have not previously made their 1st communion but would like to do so this year.  For any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Calling All Husky Football Fans!

The Saint James School HSA has reserved a block of tickets for the Saturday, October 19th UConn Huskies Football game at Rentschler Field.  To learn more and reserve your family’s seats in the SJS family area, please click this link:

A small portion of each ticket sale will be donated back to SJS! We hope to see you there!

Important Note From Mrs. Zorger

Dear families,

Thank you for helping us get off to a wonderful start to the new school year! As we settle into the school routine for another successful  year of learning and growing, I wanted to take a moment to bring to your attention the importance of school attendance and highlight some of our policies here at SJS, particularly in regards to the K-8 program:

Research shows that missing an excessive number of school days, regardless of the reason, can place a child at risk of falling behind academically.  We realize, of course, that students will fall ill throughout the year and need time to recuperate at home.  As such, we ask that you thoughtfully consider non-health related absences for your child.

Please note the following policies from the 2024-2025 SJS handbook:

*A parent or legal guardian must notify the school office by 8:00am of a student’s absence for any reason. Students’ attendance, tardies, and absences (excused and unexcused) will be monitored, and notification will be sent to parents/guardians informing them of attendance issues. A copy of the notice will be placed in the student’s academic file. If attendance issues continue, a meeting with the administration and parents/guardians may be called.

*If a student is absent due to illness for 3 consecutive days a doctor’s note is required in order to return to school.

*For the first 9 absences, a student’s absences are considered excused when the parent or guardian provides proper documentation including the reason for the absence. Such documentation could include an email note from the parent or guardian, a voice mail message regarding the absence, or a telephone call confirming the absence.  For the 10th and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school will only be considered excused as documented in the handbook (illness, family emergency, observance of a religious holiday, extraordinary circumstances, etc.).  A family vacation would not qualify as an excused absence if the student has already reached the 9 absence threshold.  The school does reserve the right to retain a student in a grade or withdraw admission for the following school year for chronic absenteeism.

*If a student is absent, he/she is not allowed to attend any school-related activity after school that day.

*Students must satisfactorily complete all work missed during an absence. If a student is absent for two consecutive days due to illness, a parent may call the school to ask that the teacher prepare make-up work to be picked up in the office after 2:00pm. If a family takes a vacation which does not coincide with the school calendar, teachers do not have the responsibility of preparing class work ahead of time for the student. Missed work must be submitted within 3 school days of the students return to school.

*In case of an illness, please remember that students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before they can return to the classroom.

*Tardy arrivals are disruptive to the classroom and teacher as students are walking into class during prayers and announcements.  We understand occasional issues arise (unusual traffic, etc), but these should be few and far between.  If your child is not making it to school by 7:45am, please adjust your morning routine accordingly.

We truly are blessed with an outstanding learning community here at Saint James School and what makes our school so successful is the respectful partnership with each one of our families.  Thank you for your efforts to make this another wonderful year for the students and staff at Saint James School.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or Mrs. Mitchell with any questions or concerns.