It’s (SJS) Girl Scout Cookie Time

Saint James School’s Girl Scout Troop (Grades K-5) will be selling cookies at afternoon pick-up tomorrow – Friday, March 28th – as well as Friday, April 4th and Wednesday, April 23rd.

Tonight! Panera Dine Out

Dine-out at Panera in Manchester this evening – Tuesday, March 25th – between the hours of 4:00pm – 8:00pm and and 25% of your order will be donated back to Saint James School.  Please see THIS FLYER for details.  Be sure to show the flyer at checkout or use the code FUND4U if ordering online.  We hope to see you there!

Last Call: Spring Spiritwear

For families interested in purchasing SJS Soccer spiritwear for the upcoming season, please use the link below.  We are also offering a general Saint James School navy t-shirt or sweatshirt for purchase.  Orders can be shipped to SJS at no charge and we will notify you when they are ready for pickup.


Reminder: This Week’s Schedule

Saint James School will have 12:05pm dismissal on both Wednesday and Thursday of this week for our spring Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Aftercare will be in session both days.  Also, we will have all our buses on both days (no combined buses on Wednesday this week).

Also, school IS IN SESSION this Friday, March 28th – a change from our originally published school calendar.  The conference for our teachers was rescheduled to Tuesday, April 1st so we will be OFF from school next Tuesday instead.

7th & 8th Graders Learn About the Shroud of Turin

Last Call: Yearbook Orders

For our pre-k through grade 7 families:  The portal for ordering yearbooks will remain open through tonight.  Visit and search for Saint James School in Manchester, Connecticut to order.


3/27 Open House Cancelled

With most of our grades already near or at capacity for next year based on returning student registrations plus new student applications, we have opted to cancel the Open House that was scheduled for this Thursday evening and, instead, conduct personal tours as needed.  If you know of anyone that is considering SJS for their family for next year, please make sure they reach out very soon if they have not already done so.

Space Still Available in Mad Science

Saint James School will host another Mad Science session (for grades 1 & 2) beginning on Thursday, April 3rd.  If your 1st or 2nd grade student(s) would like to participate, please see the flyer below for registration information.  Please note, at this point in time, we do need a few more participants to register in order for this program to be held.

SJS Mad Science Program Spring 2025

A Note From Mrs. Zorger

Today, your K-8 student(s) will be bringing home their 2nd trimester report card.  It’s hard to believe that two-thirds of our school year is already complete! As a reminder, the report card envelope must be signed and returned to the school early next week (keep the report card itself at home).

As you and your student(s) review their report card, I ask that you pay particular attention to the numbers in the attendance section. The standard guidelines are 10 or less absences per year and 3 or less tardy arrivals.

I do understand that there have been recurring illnesses this year that have required students to miss an unusual amount of school. Of course, this cannot be helped. However, when illnesses are compounded by vacations and days off for other reasons, the loss of learning time does have an impact on students’ education.

Similarly, if your student has more than 3 tardy arrivals on their report card, we encourage you to have a conversation about your family’s morning routine. Tardy arrivals are disruptive to an entire room of students and negatively impact important classroom time. This loss of learning time adds up. We understand that car trouble or unusual traffic can happen.  If, however, you find yourselves typically getting to school as the breezeway doors are closing or have closed, we ask that you consider adjusting your morning schedule accordingly.

As always, I appreciate your support and partnership.

Due Tomorrow: 2024-2025 Yearbook Orders

There are two ways to order:

1. Online.  To order online, visit and search for Saint James School in Manchester, Connecticut.

2. By Order Form. Complete the order form that was sent home with your student and return it with payment (checks payable to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish with SJS Yearbook on the memo line) to the school office.

The cost is $30.00 per book, with each additional book costing $25.00/book.  Please note that online orders will be taxed but orders sent into school will not.

**8th Grade Families:  All 8th Graders will receive a complimentary yearbook.  There is no need to order one unless you would like more than one copy.**

All orders are due by Friday, March 21, 2025.