Survey Thank You

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Distance Learning Survey!  Well over half of our families participated, which should give us a well-rounded perspective on what is working and what areas need to be tweaked. We really appreciate your time and input.  Mrs. Zorger will be weeding through the feedback over the next few days and will provide updates accordingly.

Music Class Notes from Mrs. Lindemann:

Music Class Notes from Mrs. Lindemann:


It’s a Small World

Learn the lyrics of this timeless song.

Verse 1:
It’s a world of laughter, a world of tears.
It’s a world of hope and a world of fears.
There’s so much that we share that it’s time we’re aware.
It’s a small world after all.

It’s a small world after all x3
It’s a small, small world.

Verse 2:
There is just one moon and one golden sun,
and a smile means friendship to everyone.
Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide,
It’s a small world after all.


Verse 3:
It’s a world of wonder, a world of worth.
And in years to come we’ll know peace on earth.
If we open our eyes we will all realize, It’s a small world after all.

First Grade:

Toy Symphony
How many “Toys” do you see in this piece?

Second Grade:

Create your own music on Chrome Music Lab

Third Grade:

Google Classroom code 4jnkyic Recorder play along. Please send a video of your student playing!

Grades 4-8:

Assignments are on Google Classroom. This week we are creating a listening log.

Here are some additional music resources.

Youtube- GoNoodle fantastic videos for dancing, moving and singing.

Chrome Music Lab great website to explore the science behind sound.

The Piano Guys awesome music videos.


I made a youtube playlist for you to look at if you have extra time! Some of my favorite videos and I’ll be adding to it while we are away. I even made some special videos for you to check out while you are home.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions
I’d love to hear from you!
Keep being creative!

Mrs. Lindemann

Red, White, & Blue Day

Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 29th) we are hosting a Distance Learning Dress Down (or Dress Up) Day and asking students to wear red, white, and blue to honor all the heroes in our community.  And, of course, we would love to see pictures of your students at their “work station” in their patriotic attire.  Please send pictures to Amy Guenther at by 1:00pm tomorrow and we will post them for everyone to enjoy.



Last Call: Distance Learning Survey

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our distance learning survey thus far.  We appreciate your time and input.  If you have yet to complete the survey and would like to do so, please take a moment to share your feedback before 2:00pm tomorrow (Wednesday, April 29th).


Please complete a separate survey for EACH student in your household:  Saint James School Distance Learning Survey


1st Communion Letter

If your student(s) will be making their first communion this year, please see the attached letter from Macy Jordan, Religious Education Coordinator for Saint James Parish:

1st Communion Letter from Macy



It’s Allergy Season

As nature continues to bloom and blossom, many of our children develop symptoms related to allergies. During this time of COVID-19, adults may be questioning their children’s symptoms. This information below was compiled by Marney Reardon MSN, RN Coordinator of Health Services for the Manchester School to help parents with figuring out if the symptoms are allergies or something more serious. As always, if you have any concerns about your child’s health, please contact your healthcare provider.

It is Allergy Season


From Mrs. Carpenter

Hello SJS Families,

I know we have so many students that love the Magic Tree House Series and thought I would share this fun info with you.

Here is their link and info.

Each week, Magic Tree House Home Adventures will feature videos from Mary Pope Osborne, activities, craft ideas, themed recipes, reading challenges, cross-curricular lessons, Family Trivia Night game ideas, fun surprises, and much more!

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Mrs. Carpenter
Saint James School

Reminder: Spring Into Fitness!

Mr. Green, our K-8 Gym teacher, has put together these fun daily activities to encourage our students to get plenty of exercise throughout their day.  Enjoy!

Spring Fitness Calendar Grades K-3

Spring Fitness Calendar Grades 4-8

Ideas For Celebrating Mass At Home

As we once again celebrate Mass from our homes this weekend, the below link has some ideas from the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Office of Education, Evangelization, and Catechesis regarding your family’s celebration:

Celebrating Mass at Home


Watch live-streamed Masses celebrated by SJS graduate (and Mrs. Rafferty’s twin brother) Father Lerner

Watch Live-streamed or On-Demand Masses on the Archdiocese of Hartford’s ORTV:


Today the Pope said a special prayer for students and teachers during his daily Mass.  You can watch the replay HERE


Food Drive For MACC

As you might imagine, there has been an huge increase in demand at our local food pantry, at a time when less people are going out and giving.  If you are in a position to donate and would like to do so, please note the following collections for MACC:

Friday, April 24th at St. Mary’s Church (right next to our school) from 10:00am – 11:00am

Saturday, April 25th at St. James Church from 9:00am – 12:00pm (sponsored by our local Knights of Columbus).

For both locations, please place the items in the trunk of your car.  Drive up, pop your trunk, and someone will take them out for you.  Please note that monetary donations are also welcome.

Donations are also still being accepted at the Community Food Pantry, 460 Main Street Monday through Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm and Fridays from 9:00am – 2:00pm.  If you would like to mail a check, that can be sent to MACC Charities, PO Box 3804, Manchester, CT  06045-3804 or donations can be done via their website: