Saint James School Art Show

Since we can’t be together in person today for our annual SJS Art Show, Mrs. Rafferty and Ms. Boutot have put together a Virtual Art Show for your family to watch from home.  We hope you enjoy seeing all the beautiful works of art our students have done throughout the year.

2020 Virtual Art Show Intro for K-5th Grade:


1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

3rd Grade:

4th Grade:

5th Grade:


2020 Virtual Art Show Intro for Middle School:

6th Grade:

7th Grade:

8th Grade:

Artsy Dress Up Day

Masks and Sanitizer Giveaway Today

Need a mask or some hand sanitizer? There’s a giveaway being held at Bennet Academy (1151 Main St, Manchester, CT 06040) today from noon to 2 p.m.

Spirit Day Tomorrow

Since tomorrow we will be hosting our virtual art show (showing off students’ beautiful artwork from earlier in the year) for our weekly Wednesday Spirit Day tomorrow we are asking students to dress “artsy” – bright colors, colorful hair, tie-dye, or fun mismatched clothing – have your child express their inner artist!  If your child would like to participate, please send pictures to by 1:00pm tomorrow afternoon.

Rosary Thank You

Thank you everyone who participated in our live virtual Rosary yesterday and to everyone who sent in special intentions.  Special thanks to 8th graders Marion Patsalides, Michael Creamer, Carson Herr, and David LaMonica, and Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Vassallo, for each leading a decade of the Rosary for us.  It was nice to “see” so many families from our school community and to have an opportunity to pray together.

Today! SJS Live Rosary @ 4pm

Saint James School will host a live Rosary for school families over Zoom this afternoon at 4:00pm.

If your family would like to join us for this, please respond using the link below and we will email you the Zoom call information. You can also add special intentions for us to pray for during the Rosary using this form.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Amy Guenther at  We look forward to “seeing” you there!


Sunday Mass at Saint James Church

Father Janusz will be hosting this weekend’s virtual Mass at St. James Church. You will be able to watch it on demand Sunday morning beginning at 5am by using this link:

Air National Guard Flyover

Today the CT Air National Guard will be doing a flyover in certain areas in honor of the men and women of the medical community that are working to keep Connecticut healthy (many of whom are parents in our school community).  They will be flying over Manchester about 12:23pm and Vernon about 12:24pm if your family is available to go outside to watch.

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health America recently released a new resource rich Mental Health Toolkit for Mental Health Month. One item in particular we would like to highlight is a great infographic on COVID and Mental Health that can be printed out in color or shared with anyone in your family that you may want to share it with.  Please remember you can also reach out to our Social Worker, Cate Jennings with any concerns about your child/family: