From Mrs. Carpenter

To our Saint James School Families,

I hope this week is getting easier with our online learning and finds you all doing okay despite our current situation.

During our library time at school a lot of our students love the authors Dav Pilkey with his Dogman books and I miss hearing and seeing the students smiling and laughing while enjoying them.  I also can’t keep on the shelf Lauren Tarshis and her I Survived series.

During this time of Distance Learning, Dav Pilkey will be sharing some activities relating to his Dogman books and Lauren Tarshis is Reading her I Survived series on YouTube.  I have included these links below.  I hope this brings some smiles to your children’s faces and continues the joy of reading while we are at home. Keeping all of you in my family’s prayers and looking forward to seeing all of our students as soon as we can!

Mrs. Carpenter

Saint James School Librarian

Information on Dav Pilkey

I Survived Book Readings

From Mr. Green (K-8 Gym Teacher)

Hello students and families of Saint James School,

I hope everyone is doing well. I am writing to give you some ideas of activities you can do during our time away from school/gym. I encourage you to stay active and eat healthy.

As a family unit, now is the perfect time to take full advantage of being home together;  by interacting, playing games, or even making up your own games (indoors, as well as out). Weather permitting, you can go outside to play, ride bikes, take a hike, do yard work, or take your dog for a walk.

I took my dog for a walk the other day and saw a family of five playing wiffleball in their front yard. Looked like fun! It put a smile on my face. A game of catch with a football/baseball is another activity to do with a family member.

When the weather isn’t cooperating, you can play board games, do a puzzle, listen to music and dance along, or help with projects around the house. Yoga is another form of exercise that will enrich your body, mind  and soul.

I hope that faith and family will help us get through these trying times while we are away from our school, friends, and teachers. Remember to keep moving! “We are all in this together”!

Be well,

Mr. Green

Learning with Pets

Reminder: Easter Cards


To keep our school’s service to the community going during this difficult time, we would like ask that you have your child/ren make a homemade Easter Card (or two) that we can pass along to the residents at a local nursing home or assisted living facility.  Saint James School will have a collection box on our front step all this week (from 9am – 2pm) so you and your child/ren can come by and drop off any cards they have made. (Please remember to have students only use their first name if they chose to sign it.)

The cards will be handled appropriately to ensure they are safe to distribute and then passed along to a couple of area facilities for their residents to enjoy.  Thank you for your consideration of participating in this activity with us!

An Important Message From St. James Parish

Effective immediately, the Archbishop has extended the cancellation of the public celebration of daily and weekend Masses through April 30, 2020.  This includes the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.

Distribution of Palms – Sunday, April 5, 2020

Parishioners may drive through the driveway in front of either church.  Palms will be handed to you.  You will not have to get out of your car.  You may pick up your palms as follows:

Assumption Church: Distribution will take place between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Saint James Church: Distribution will take place between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

St. James Church will continue to  be open for individual prayer from 9 a.m to 4 p.m.

All other parish activities  – with the exception of Confession and Adoration – have been suspended until further notice.  Parishioners are encouraged to keep Holy the Lord’s Day by watching televised Mass on ORTV and by praying at home.

The television Mass is broadcast seven days a week at 10:00 AM on WCCT-TV (W820) and WCTX-TV (MyTV9). It can also be seen Saturday and Sunday at 5:00 AM on WCCT-TV. The Mass can also be found streaming live at these times on

Distance Learning With Pets Pictures

This new reality of Distance Learning has been adjustment for our pets as well.  Some may be loving having their humans home all day, others maybe not so much.  In either case, we would love to see a picture of your child/ren working on their classwork with your family pet(s)!  If you don’t have a pet but your child has a favorite stuffed animal, feel free to send that.  Please send pictures to by noon tomorrow (Wednesday) and we will post them for all to enjoy.

School Lunch Payments

If your family had set up recurring payments on EZSchoolPay (for the school’s hot lunch program), please follow these steps to turn that option off:

Login to your EZSchoolPay Account;

Click the “Billing” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen;

Scroll down to Recurring Payments and select “Edit Recurring Payment.”

Toggle “Enabled” to “Off” then choose SAVE.  This will prevent future automatic payments from occurring.

Attention Middle School Parents


Please share with your middle school student(s) that they should be checking their email at least twice a day – first thing in the morning and again in mid-to-late afternoon (at a minimum).  Teachers are communicating with students about assignments, missing work, etc. throughout the day.

2020-2021 School Year Calendar

Below you will find a link to our 2020-2021 School Year Calendar.  A few important notes from Mrs. Zorger:

One Page Calendar 2020-2021

**Every school year we are assigned two full-day professional development conferences from the Archdiocese of Hartford.  We have yet to receive those dates, so you will see them noted as TBD in the list of dates on the left.  We will provide an updated calendar as soon as those dates become available to us.

**I understand that it is tempting to plan a family vacation at times that do not correspond with our scheduled school vacations (to take advantage of less expensive flights, smaller crowds, etc.). However, please take into account that pulling children out of school does cause a disruption of learning and places an extra burden on your child’s teacher to catch them up on lost work and lessons upon their return.

The policy stated in the Saint James School Parent/Student Handbook is as follows: “If a family takes a vacation which does not coincide with the school calendar, teachers do not have the responsibility of preparing class work ahead of time for the student.”  Teachers plan, execute lessons, and assess progress in accordance with the school calendar.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this policy.

Elkay Bottle Filling Stations Installed