MAP Testing Tomorrow

Please note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the final Fall MAP Adaptive Assessment first thing in the morning tomorrow – Thursday, September 19th.

For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook fully charged tomorrow!!

1st XC Meet Tomorrow

Our cross country team will have their first meet of the season tomorrow afternoon (9/19) versus St. Timothy in West Hartford.  Runners should be at St. Timothy School by 3:00pm.  Course walk-through will start at 3:15pm and the girl’s race will start at 3:45pm, boys race will follow.  All are welcome to cheer on our Sabers.  The address for St. Tim’s is 225 King Philip Drive, West Hartford, CT.  Go Sabers!!

Reminder: Parish Picnic This Sunday

As a reminder, the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish Picnic will be held this coming Sunday at St. Bartholomew Church.  The picnic will immediately follow the 11:00am Mass, which will be held at St. Bartholomew Church.  All families are welcome! There will be something for everyone – including food trucks, a bounce house, games, entertainment, and more…We hope to see your family there!

**Please Note for this Sunday:**
•    St. Bartholomew Church parking lot will be for handicapped only
•    General parking will be available across the street from Saint Bartholomew on East Middle Turnpike in the large parking lot.
•    There will be no 10 am Mass at St. Bartholomew Church
•    There will be no 11 am Mass at St. James Church

Note-to-School Notepads Available

Rushing out the door in the morning?  No paper handy to send a note into school?  The HSA has got you covered! This year the HSA is once again offering Note-to-School Notepads to help make life so much easier for you, your child’s teacher, and the office staff!  Purchase a notepad and always have a quick and easy way to send a note to school.  

 The notepads cost $5.00 each and are printed on blue paper to make notes easily visible in your child’s take-home folder.  Notepads will be for sale as long as supplies last.  You can order one (or more) by sending payment into the school office or stopping in at arrival/dismissal.  If sending in payment please indicate your child’s name and homeroom so your notepad(s) can be sent home with your child.


IMPORTANT: K-8 Class Pics Tomorrow

Class pictures for grades K-8 will be taken tomorrow, Wednesday (9/18).  All K-8 students need to be in their formal/winter Saint James School uniform for class pictures.

K-5 Girls: Uniform Skort,  Uniform polo, NAVY* knee socks or tights

K-5 Boys: Uniform Khaki PANTS, Uniform polo, socks (navy, black, or tan)

6-8 Girls: Uniform Skort, Uniform oxford, NAVY* knee socks or tights

6-8 Boys: Uniform Khaki PANTS, Uniform oxford, tie,  socks (navy, black, or tan)

*note: white socks are only a “fall/spring” uniform option

Please make sure your student comes to school in the appropriate attire on Wednesday so you are not called to bring a change of clothes.

Grades Online Portal

For families with a student in Grades 4 – 8, please note we have now turned on the Grades Online portion of our new FACTS Family Portal.  The directions to find this information are as follows:

1. Log into your FACTS Family Portal

2. Select Student Home then select the child you want to view from the drop down box on the left (if you have more than one student in grades 4 – 8).

3. Click on the grade for details and a breakdown of assignments.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  You will see the words Bonus, Curve, and Penalty next to assignments.  These items are for high school grading, and therefore will ALWAYS show up as a Zero for Saint James School students.  We have contacted FACTS but they are unable to turn this feature off.  Please know a Zero in these categories has no bearing on your child’s grade.

Also, as of today, only Parents/Guardians will have access to the grade portal.  Mrs Mitchell will be creating accounts for our students in Grades 6 through 8 to view their grade information on their Chromebooks using their Saint James School email address.  This allows for them to see only their grades and not the grades of a sibling AND gives them the independence and responsibility that comes along with preparing for high school.

Thank you for your patience as we continue rolling out features of our new FACTS system. Please reach out to Mrs. Mitchell ( if you have any trouble accessing the grade portal or have questions about the information.

The Wall That Heals

Today our Pre-K3 through Grade 8 students and staff walked down to Main Street to welcome The Wall That Heals as it arrived in Manchester.  Over 150 motorcycles and a police escort were part of the patriotic procession. We are grateful for this educational opportunity and continue to pray for those that have served/continue to serve our Country.

MAP Testing Tomorrow

Please note that SJS 3rd – 8th grade students will take the Math MAP Adaptive Assessment first thing in the morning tomorrow – Tuesday, September 17th.  The final test (Language) will be on Thursday morning.

Please pay particular attention to ensuring your child/ren get to bed on time the evening before each testing day and that they have a nutritious breakfast each morning.  Also, it is important that students get to school on time each day as testing will begin right after morning announcements.

Any student coming in tardy on a testing day will have to wait in the office until the testing period is over and will have to make up that test at another time.

For middle school students – please make sure your child comes to school with their Chromebook fully charged tomorrow!!

Wall That Heals

We are excited to share that SJS Pre-K through Grade 8 students will be walking to over to the church lawn tomorrow, late morning, to view/welcome the Wall That Heals procession as it passes by the church.

Important: Individual Pictures – Monday

As a reminder, individual student portraits will be taken this coming Monday, September 16th.  This is a dress down (or dress up!) day – please send your student to school on Monday in whatever attire you would like them to have their school picture taken in (must adhere to the school’s dress down guidelines on page number 11 in the 2024-2025 Parent Student Handbook**).

To order school pictures this year:

1) Send your picture order form (sent home with students last week) in to school with your child on picture day, or

2) Go ONLINE to and to set up your picture order (this must be done by Sunday evening).  Please use picture id: EVTDPD82H

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 will also be taking their CLASS PICTURES on this day.


**Guidelines for dress down days include:

  • Undergarments must not be visible above, below, or through the clothing.
  • No makeup or hair color
  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures, inappropriate slogans or advertisements.
  • Revealing clothing (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops) is not allowed.
  • Leggings are allowed provided a top is worn that falls to the top of the thighs or lower.
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, open-toe sandals, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.