Due Tuesday: Butter Braid & Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Instrumental Music Notes

Due to Mass next Thursday, next week’s schedule for Instrumental Music will be as follows:

Tuesday, October 15: beginning band, beginning instrumental lessons, and 5th and 6th grade band.

Wednesday, October 16: advanced lessons and 7th & 8th grade band.

Last Call: Grandparents’ Day @ SJS (Gr. K-5)

For planning purposes, ALL K-5th Grade Families are asked to complete the form (even if you do not have a guest coming for your child):  Please complete this RSVP & Important Info Form

Saint James School is excited to celebrate and honor the Grandparents of our Kindergarten – 5th Grade students on October 18th!  Please review all the details below and complete the RSVP form at the bottom by Monday, October 14th; Guest and dismissal information provided via the RSVP form will be shared with teachers.

Guest Arrival
We will welcome all visitors with a special program in the Gym starting at 10:00am (Gym doors will be open at 9:45am).  After the program, visitors will be guided to the classrooms to enjoy a special activity with their grandchildren.  Please make sure visitor(s) know which teacher your child has.  Also, please keep in mind when determining who to invite that our school has multiple stair levels and no elevators.

Guest Guidelines
While grandparents are our intended special guests for this day, if your K – 5 child does not have a grandparent that is able to join us, a special guest (NOT an SJS parent) is welcome to attend in place of the grandparents.  With limited space in the classroom and the nature of the day, however, if one or more grandparents will be attending please do not invite other individuals as well.  Thank you for understanding.

Dismissal Info
October 18th is a 12:05pm dismissal day, however students may be dismissed with their grandparents when the classroom activities are complete (typically this is around 11:30am).  There is a place in the RSVP form below to note if your student will be staying until 12:05pm or being dismissed early on this day.  Older or younger siblings that are not in K – 5 may also be dismissed early on this day (please also provide this info in the form).

Lunch At School
Since we now serve lunch at school on early dismissal days, this one is a bit tricky since we will have so many guests in the classrooms during our lunch waves.  Therefore, if your child is leaving early (11:30ish) with their grandparents, we will NOT be able to accommodate lunch at school for them.

For all students in middle school that are not being dismissed with a younger sibling at 11:30am, students will go to the cafeteria on this day.  Also, for any K-5 students that do not have a guest on this day OR are going to aftercare, hot lunch will be an option.  Please use the form below to indicate if your child will eat lunch at school on this date.


Families with a student in Grades K – 5:   Please complete this RSVP & Important Info Form


Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions.

Congratulations Student Council

On Wednesday, middle school students interested in a position on the SJS Student Council made their case for why they should be elected to serve the school community.  Votes were cast at the end of the day.  Congratulations to:

President:  Jane Tierney
Vice President:  Austin O’Reilly
Secretary: Harrison Hetherington

8th Grade Representatives:  Ananya Anand, Rhea Rao
7th Grade Representative:  Kassi Talaga, Kristyn Fennimore
6th Grade Representatives:  Penny Leitao, Kenny O’Hara

The first meeting will be Monday, October 21 after school until 3:00pm.  Please remember students will need a note from home to stay after school.

Reminder: No School Tomorrow

As a reminder, there will be no school tomorrow –  Thursday, 10/10, for Pre-K3 through Grade 8 as our teachers will be offsite for an Archdiocese of Hartford professional learning conference.  We will be back in school on Friday, and then have Monday off for Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day.

SJS Calendar Pages October 2024

Overview of Happenings

Please be sure to review this list of current sign-ups to make sure you are not missing anything as many have strict deadlines:

Basketball Registration Info (Gr. 4-8)

Cheerleading Registration Info (Gr. 5-8 Girls)

Butter Braid & Cookie Dough Fundraiser (Pre-K3 – 8)

Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival (Pre-K3 – 8)

Grandparent’s Day (Gr. K-5)

Robotics Night (Gr. 3-5)

Reminder: Combined Buses Tomorrow

As a reminder from last week, all Wednesdays going forward we will only have the 3 buses at dismissal. Please be sure your child knows their Wednesday bus number or what their Wednesday dismissal plan is.  Thank you!

Tardy Arrivals K-8

A reminder for our K – 8 families, school policy is if your student arrives tardy (after the breezeway doors close at 7:50am), you must park your car and come to the SJS main office with your student to sign them in.  Thank you.

Instrumental Music Notes

Since there is no school this Thursday, all students that normally have lessons and band on Thursdays will meet with Mr. Corcoran on Tuesday (10/8) this week.  If this applies to your student(s), please be sure they bring their instrument to school tomorrow.

Coats for Kids

Our local Knights of Columbus is collecting gently used (or new) children’s winter coats and accessories from October 1  – October 31st.  If you have any items you would like to donate, there is a blue barrel in the breezeway to collect them in.  Thank you for any support you can provide!