SJS Main Office Closed Tomorrow (Friday)

The Saint James School main office will be closed this Friday for floor waxing and carpet cleaning.  As a reminder, our normal summer office hours are M-F 9am – 1pm.

Updated Band Concert Information

Due to scheduling information data, the outdoor concerts have been changed to the following:

Beginning and Intermediate Band Concert – Tuesday, August 25th at 6:30 pm

Advanced Band Concert – Wednesday, August 26th at 6:30 pm.


We are excited to have some of our band students come back together to perform songs they have been practicing all year!  If your child will be participating, please make sure to contact Mr. Corcoran at if you haven’t done so already.

All band students and anyone attending the concert should adhere to Connecticut’s Executive Order No. 7111 pertaining to travel into Connecticut from other states. If any band student has/will be entering CT from a state listed on the Connecticut travel advisory, you must quarantine for 14-days. You will need to notify Mr. Corcoran ( if you will be unable to participate in the concert.

The following is taken from the State of Connecticut website on COVID-19. You can access the most recent information about the travel advisory here:

Executive Order Regarding Travel: Pursuant to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order No. 7111, anyone traveling into Connecticut from a state that has a new daily positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents or a state with a 10% or higher positivity rate over a 7-day rolling average are directed to self-quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.

In addition, anyone entering from one of the identified states must fill out a travel health form upon arrival. Travelers can fill out the form online at

Last Call: School Toolbox

This summer you again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home! In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS! Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Visit the School Toolbox Website (click to access) and type in St. James School Manchester, CT in the search box.   Please remember to order supplies well in advance to ensure they arrive before the first day of school.  School Toolbox Flyer

2020-2021 K-5 School Supply List
2020-2021 Gr 6-8 School Supply List

Reminder for Instrumental Music Students/Parents

If your child participated in the FMI instrumental music program with Mr. Corcoran this past year, please see the attached information about his Spring Concert make-up schedule.

August concerts

Student Expectations for Remote Instruction

If your student will be participating in REMOTE instruction this fall, please print and review the attached information. Parents are expected to ensure all these requirements are being followed by their student(s) at all times.

Remote Instruction Student Expectations


Helpful Tips For Student Mask-Wearing

With just over a month until the first day of school, this would be the time to begin positive reinforcement with your child/ren (if you have not already done so) about the importance of wearing masks in school. “This is how we keep each other safe,” will be the message that we use here at school and it would be helpful if this message is repeated at home as well.  This website has some helpful tips for parents:

Return to In-Person Learning Update

Last evening, Manchester Public Schools announced their intention to present to the school board a hybrid learning model for when schools reopen in September.

To avoid confusion, we wanted to clarify that Saint James School is still on track to fully implement our published Return to In-Person Learning Plan, which calls for 5 days a week of in-person learning for students.  This is based on the Governor’s current protocol and Saint James School’s ability to provide adequate physical distancing in our classrooms at this time.

First Day Update

In light of the recent announcement from the town of Manchester regarding the first day of school, please note that Saint James School will likely be pushing our start date to September 8th as well, to ensure we have our bus and lunch service (which is run through the town).  Additional communication will be sent this coming Wednesday, with a date for our distance learners to meet their teachers and pick up materials/technology devices, as well as a date for our in-person learners to meet their teachers and set up their desks.

We thank you again for completing our recent questionnaire to help us with our preparations for fall.  We are grateful for your support as we work through the nuances of this upcoming school year.

Staff Updates

Saint James School is pleased to welcome Mrs. Peggy Paradis to our school staff in the role of Teachers’ Aide.  Mrs. Paradis comes to us from St. Christopher School in East Hartford and has many years of experience working with students/teachers in this capacity.

In addition, we are excited to announce that 1st grade teacher Ms. Labowski is returning to us this Fall as Mrs. Fitzgerald, after getting married this summer!  Her email address has been updated to reflect her married name.

Support For the School Choice Now Act

The Alexander-Scott School Choice Now Act legislation would provide states with grants for scholarships to families in non-public schools. These scholarships would be distributed through scholarship granting organizations (SGOs), and the scholarships could be means-tested to support families who need it the most. Furthermore, the act states that any additional K-12 education funding provided by Congress must include equitable access to financial resources for non-public schools.

Please take an opportunity to learn more and voice your support here:

Thank you for your consideration and support.