Teacher Assignments & Sign-Ups

Teacher assignments for Kindergarten – Grade 8 students were sent out earlier today via email.  If you did not receive the email, please reach out to Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.

Along with the teacher assignments was a link for parents to sign up for a time slot to visit the classroom, meet the teacher, and drop-off/pick-up supplies.  If your child will be doing REMOTE Learning, visits will take place on Wednesday, September 2nd.  If your child will be doing IN-PERSON Learning, visits will take place on Thursday, September 3rd.   The webpage with all the sign-up schedules for K-8 students can be found HERE.

Please be sure you are signing up for the correct day – there are two separate links for each teacher (the first section for remote, the second section for in-person).

Please note, everyone entering the building must wear a mask.

For Pre-Kindergarten students, please refer to the email from Mrs. St. Jean also sent out earlier today.

Chromebook Insurance & Other Info (Grades 3-8)

This year, every SJS student in grades 3 – 8 will be given a Chromebook to use in class/at home.  Chromebooks will come in a padded case that has a carrying strap.  This means students do NOT need to come to school with a Neoprene Chromebook Carrying Case  (on the supply list for grades 6-8).

Attached below you will find the Chromebook Care & Insurance information for Saint James School.  We strongly recommend that parents of students in grades 3 – 8 take the $40 insurance for all students receiving a Chromebook.

The Signed insurance form should be brought to the school when you come to pick up your students items/drop off their supplies on September 2nd or 3rd (sign up sheets will be sent out next week).

Chromebook Care & Insurance 2020-2021

Please note, 6th grade students also no NOT need the DRAWSTRING bag this year as they will not be switching classes.


Box Tops

Saint James School will continue to collect Box Tops for Education this school year so please continue to save them to send in when school resumes.

Meet the Teacher Days

Back to School Readiness Items

We are looking forward to seeing all our students back at Saint James School in just a few short weeks, whether it be for in-person learning or distance learning!

Below are a few additional important notes we wanted to share as we get closer to the start of school:

Masks/Face Coverings for In-Person Learners

Please make sure your child has practiced wearing their mask and knows how to put it on/remove it without parental help.  Lanyards will be provided to each student to attach to their mask during mask breaks so they don’t have to put in on their desk, etc.

Please ensure that your student has a second/back-up mask in their backpack at all times.

Student masks must meet the following conditions:

* Fit snugly around the nose and cheek area to avoid gaps.

* The fabric should be thick enough not to see the sun/light through

* No exhalation valves or vents in masks as they allow air to flow out

Supply Items

* In addition to the 2020-2021 supply list items, all K-5 students should have a beach towel in their backpack every day to use for outdoor class time.

* Saint James School will provide every student in 3rd – 8th grade with a Chromebook this year.  We highly recommend that parents purchase the optional $40 insurance from the school for their child’s device.  Information on insurance will be sent out shortly (forms should come back to school with students on the first day of school or dropped off on the day they pick-up supplies for distance learners).  All students doing in-person learning in grades 3 – 8 should have headphones/earbuds that are Chromebook compatible to use in school.

* Students in Kindergarten – 2nd grade will each have their own iPads for in-class enrichment opportunities (iPads will not replace traditional teaching and will be used for enrichment activities only).  Students in grades K – 2 should have iPad-compatible headphones/earbuds with their supplies for in-school use.

* We realize Clorox wipes are hard to find these days and some supply lists call for 3 tubs of wipes.  Please note that wipes can be a generic brand and if you cannot get the listed amount, please just send one if possible.

Arrival & Dismissal (K-8)

We strongly encourage families to conduct a health screening with your child prior to coming to school each morning.  There will be 4 separate areas for students to enter the building for the K-8 program this year.  Students will have their temperature scanned and then head directly to their classroom this year.  Signs will be posted to help identify each entrance area; Aides and other staff members will be on site to assist with getting students to their classrooms if needed.  These areas will be as follows:

*Front Door:  Mrs Phelan’s 3rd Grade Class & both 4th Grade Classes

*Breezeway Entrance: 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 6th Grade

*North Door Main Parking Lot (back area): 7th Grade, 8th Grade

*South Door Main Parking Lot (closer to street): Mrs. Moran’s 3rd Grade, Kindergarten, 5th Grade

There will be NO Parking in the Main lot at arrival and dismissal this year.  As in years past, we strongly encourage you to park in the Saint James Church parking lot and walk up with your students (crossing guards will be out to help you cross at the crosswalks). 

Dismissal each day will be outside in the Main Parking Lot instead of the gym.

As a reminder, helpful information related to the return to in-person learning this fall can be found on our website at https://saintjamesschool.net/fall2020

SJS Main Office Closed Tomorrow (Friday)

The Saint James School main office will be closed this Friday for floor waxing and carpet cleaning.  As a reminder, our normal summer office hours are M-F 9am – 1pm.

Updated Band Concert Information

Due to scheduling information data, the outdoor concerts have been changed to the following:

Beginning and Intermediate Band Concert – Tuesday, August 25th at 6:30 pm

Advanced Band Concert – Wednesday, August 26th at 6:30 pm.


We are excited to have some of our band students come back together to perform songs they have been practicing all year!  If your child will be participating, please make sure to contact Mr. Corcoran at jcorcoran@snet.net if you haven’t done so already.

All band students and anyone attending the concert should adhere to Connecticut’s Executive Order No. 7111 pertaining to travel into Connecticut from other states. If any band student has/will be entering CT from a state listed on the Connecticut travel advisory, you must quarantine for 14-days. You will need to notify Mr. Corcoran (jcorcoran.snet.net) if you will be unable to participate in the concert.

The following is taken from the State of Connecticut website on COVID-19. You can access the most recent information about the travel advisory here: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/travel

Executive Order Regarding Travel: Pursuant to Governor Lamont’s Executive Order No. 7111, anyone traveling into Connecticut from a state that has a new daily positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents or a state with a 10% or higher positivity rate over a 7-day rolling average are directed to self-quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.

In addition, anyone entering from one of the identified states must fill out a travel health form upon arrival. Travelers can fill out the form online at ct.gov/travelform.

Last Call: School Toolbox

This summer you again have the option to order your child’s school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home! In addition, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS! Plus, if you already have supplies left over from prior years, you can choose not to include those in your purchase. Visit the School Toolbox Website (click to access) and type in St. James School Manchester, CT in the search box.   Please remember to order supplies well in advance to ensure they arrive before the first day of school.  School Toolbox Flyer

2020-2021 K-5 School Supply List
2020-2021 Gr 6-8 School Supply List

Reminder for Instrumental Music Students/Parents

If your child participated in the FMI instrumental music program with Mr. Corcoran this past year, please see the attached information about his Spring Concert make-up schedule.

August concerts

Student Expectations for Remote Instruction

If your student will be participating in REMOTE instruction this fall, please print and review the attached information. Parents are expected to ensure all these requirements are being followed by their student(s) at all times.

Remote Instruction Student Expectations