Office Closed Tomorrow

Please note the main office will be closed tomorrow (Friday) as the staff will all be at an offsite spiritual retreat most of the day.  If you need to get in touch with us, please leave a voice mail or send an email.

September Lunch Menu

Please click on the link below to access the September Hot Lunch Menu.  This menu is also being posted on our website (bottom of the homepage under Quick Links) and is also available for quick view access on the SJS App.

September 2020 Hot Lunch Calendar


Please click HERE for information for the town’s free or reduced lunch program.  The application to apply is available online at



Reminder: What To Bring For Your Meet the Teacher Visit

We look forward to seeing our IN-PERSON Learners (K-8), tomorrow – Thursday, September 3rd for their scheduled visit.  Please bring with you:

1) All School Supplies

2) Medication to Drop Off At Nurse & Remaining Health Paperwork

3) Signed Handbook Form

4) Signed Technology Agreement

5) Signed Chromebook Insurance Form (grades 3-8)


Please note, students DO NOT need to be in their uniforms for these visits.

Important Reminders For School

We are looking forward to our first day of school this coming Tuesday, September 8th.  Here are some IMPORTANT reminders:

* Morning arrival for K-8 (not using before care) is anytime between 7:30am & 7:50am.  There will be NO PARKING in the Staff Lots (this includes the parking area on the back side of the Pre-Kindergarten – this is reserved for staff only).

* Please check your child’s temperature before coming to school (for everyone’s safety, you must keep them home if they have a fever).

*All staff and in-person learners must wear a cloth mask during the school day and on the school bus.  Student face coverings must meet the following conditions:

Fit snugly around the nose and cheek area to avoid gaps.

The fabric should be thick enough not to see the sun/light through.

No exhalation valves or vents in masks as they allow unfiltered air to flow out.

No bandanas or neck gaiters

Masks may include school-appropriate pictures but no slogans or sayings

* All absences must be called into the school Nurse by 8:00am.  We will be tracking absences and symptoms very carefully, please do NOT send absences via email.

* Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day and a healthy snack as per our school policies.  For younger students, please make sure items are easily able to be unpackaged by your child.

Saber Stories Newsletter & September Calendar

Attached please find below our Saber Stories Newsletter for September.  There is lots of important information in this document, please take a few moments to read through at your convenience.

Saber Stories SEPTEMBER 2020

Monthly Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 2020

K-8 Return to School Video

In case you missed it – please take a few moments to watch our Return to School Video for our K-8 program, showcasing some of the differences you & your child(ren) will see here at SJS this school year.  We can’t wait to see everyone!!

Health & Wellness Procedures For 2020-2021

Attached please find Saint James School’s Full Health and Wellness Protocol for the 2020-2021 school year.  This document will be posted on our Fall 2020/Return to In-Person Learning Webpage.

Saint James School Heath and Wellness Procedures

Saint James School Handbook

Please find attached the Saint James School Handbook for the 2020-2021 school year.  Please note, the last page must be signed and returned to the school when you come in on Wednesday or Thursday for your classroom visit.

Parent Student Handbook 2020-2021

Calendar For September

In years past, we have sent out our entire school activity calendar at the start of school.  Because of the fluid nature of this school year, we will be sending monthly calendars.  The calendar for September can be found below.

Monthly Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER 2020

Saint James Parish Mass For This Weekend

Here is the link to the Saint James Parish Virtual Mass for this weekend to view at your convenience.


As a reminder, Weekend Masses have resumed at St. James Church and Assumption Church.  The Mass schedule is the same as prior to Covid-19:

4 p.m. St. James Church
5 p.m. Assumption Church

7:30 a.m. St. James Church
9 a.m. St. James Church
10 a.m. Assumption Church
11 a.m. St. James Church

The guidelines for Mass attendance are posted on the church website and can also be read HERE.