Attention In-Person Learner Families
As a reminder, for students who are normally “in-person” learners, the option to switch to remote learning is reserved only for students who are going to be absent from school for a duration of time due to COVID-related reasons (showing symptoms, possible exposure, awaiting test results, quarantining due to travel, etc.). A phone call to the school nurse should take place prior to the switch and the nurse will alert the teacher.
If a student is unable to come to school because they had a late night or a parent had car troubles (i.e. personal reasons), the student will be marked absent from school that day (just as they would have prior to this school year) and the work will be made up by the student the following day in school. The time spent working through the nuances of remote learning for just one day takes away from class time and places an unfair burden on the teacher.
The original post stating the guidelines for remote learning, which has been sent out a few different times, can be found HERE.
Beginning Band Tomorrow
Mr. Corcoran will work with Beginning Band students tomorrow (Tuesday) due to the shortened week – please have them bring their instruments.
Pick-Up/Drop-off Reminder
As a reminder from last week, to assist us in our safety efforts here at school, we ask that you please do not allow your child/ren to climb/play in the snow banks on our playground areas at pick-up time. Thank you.
2020 Christmas Mass Schedule: Advanced Registration Required
Please be advised that due to pandemic safety protocol, advanced registration is required for attendance at any of the Christmas Masses this year.
Please call the rectory at 860-643-4129, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, to make your reservation.
Masses are as follows:
Christmas Eve, December 24
Vigil Masses
2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, , 6:00 PM (SJC)
1:00 PM, 3:00 PM (AC)
Midnight Mass: 12:00 MIDNIGHT (SJC)
Christmas Day, December 25
9:00AM & 11:00AM (SJC)
10:00AM (AC)
In order to allow ample time for cleaning between Masses, parishioners are being asked to come to church no more than 25 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.
Entrance to each church will be limited to the front and handicapped entrances at St. James, and the front entrance only at Assumption. Upon arrival, you will be checked in by an usher before taking your seat. If your plans change and you will not be attending the Mass you registered for, please let us know.
Important Info For Students That Ride The Bus Home
This coming Wednesday, December 23rd is a 12:05pm dismissal day. Due to a busing conflict, the town had originally stated that in order to accommodate us on this day, our bus students would have to be dismissed an hour early. However, now that the public schools are fully remote, the buses can get our students at the regular 12:05pm dismissal time.
Virtual Mass for This Weekend
Below please find the link to the Saint James Parish Mass for Sunday, December 20th, 2020.
Attention Remote Learner Families
On December 7th, you should have received an email asking if your remote learner(s) will be returning to the classroom after Christmas break. As a reminder, if you have not already completed the form, responses should be submitted by tomorrow Wednesday, December 14th. As noted in the email, if you do not wish for your remote learner to return to the classroom in January, there will be another opportunity for them to return in March. If you currently have a remote learner and did not receive the email, please reach out to for a copy (please check your SPAM folder first).
This morning with all the technology issues Google was having, we sent out 2 notifications to parents and faculty via the SJS App. If you did not receive them, please take a moment to check that you are still logged into the SJS App (the Google issues may have logged out some devices). If you see the Login icon (circled in red below) you are currently NOT logged in and will not receive the push notifications until you log back in. If you have any issues, please reach out to Amy Guenther at Here is a link to the app if you have not yet downloaded it: https://admin.essenzasoftware.
St. James Children’s Mass This Sunday
This Sunday, December 13th at 9:00am we will have our monthly Children’s Mass at St. James Church. Eighth grade student Marco P. will be the reader for this Mass. We hope to see you there!