Remote Learner Pick-Up Today (Thursday)

Since there is no school tomorrow (Friday), the remote learner pick-up for this week will take place today – Thursday, April 1st – from 2:30 – 4:30pm outside the gymnasium doors.

Annual Fund

No School Tomorrow (Friday)

As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow (Friday, April 2nd) for Good Friday.

We will also be off from school the week of April 11th for our Spring Recess.

REMINDER: If you will be traveling for Easter Weekend, over break, or for Sports, etc. please note that Manchester has updated their travel policy (which we follow).  The policy now states that any out-of-state travel for more than 24 hours requires a quarantine of 10 days or a negative COVID-19 test to return to school.   If you will be traveling out of state  (for more than 24 hours) at any point, please reach out to Mrs. Vignati (our school nurse) at 860.643.5088 (x3) in advance to discuss required return to school protocol.  Current Travel Policy.

As always, we appreciate your support as we work to keep our school community healthy and safe!

Masses/Liturgies for Holy Week

Masses/Liturgies for Holy Week:

Holy Thursday, April 1st
Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper 7:30pm SJC
If you prefer not to attend in person, Mass with Archbishop Blair can be viewed virtually at 7:00pm on the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Facebook page.

Good Friday, April 2nd
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion & Death 3:00pm SJC
Confessions at SJC 5:00pm-5:30pm
Stations of the Cross 7:00pm SJC
If you prefer not to attend in person, prayer service with Archbishop Blair can be viewed virtually at 3:00pm on the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Facebook page.

Holy Saturday, April 3rd
Solemn Vigil Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection 8:00pm SJC
If you prefer not to attend in person, Mass with Archbishop Blair can be viewed virtually at 8:00pm on the Archdiocese of Hartford’s Facebook page.

Easter Sunday, April 4th
St. James Church 7:30am
St. James Church 9:00am
Assumption Church 10:00am
St. James Church 11:00am
(no reservations required)

If you prefer not to attend in person, the link for the virtual EASTER MASS can be found here:

2nd Grade STEM Club Sign Up

STEM Club for 2nd grade students will be held on Thursday, April 8, from 2:10-3:00pm.  There will be a limit of 9 students in this session.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Form below.

STEM Club Permission Form, 4/8

April Saber Stories & Calendars

Below please find the April Saber Stories Newsletter, April Calendar, and April Lunch Menu

Saber Stories APRIL 2021

Calendar Pages April 2021

St. James Menu April

Rice Bowls Due Back

As a reminder, the Lenten Rice Bowls (Catholic Relief Services) that were sent home with your child/ren at the start of Lent are due back this week.


Reminder: Munson’s Order Pick-Up Today

Munson’s orders will be available for pickup at dismissal today – Tuesday, March 23 at the gym doors (1:45pm – 2:15pm). If you have a small order and you would like your student to take it home on the bus, please email our parent volunteer coordinator Kate Davis at Please keep in mind that we cannot replace items that are damaged or lost on the bus ride.

If you are unable to pick up your order at dismissal time on March 23rd, please contact Mrs. Davis to make alternate arrangements.

Thank you again for your support of Saint James School!

No School Tomorrow

As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow, Wednesday – March 24th (professional development day for teachers).

Looking ahead to April, please note we are off from school on Friday, April 2nd (Good Friday) and then again April 12th – 16th for Spring Recess.


3rd Grade Mass