IOWA Testing Concludes Tomorrow

As a reminder, IOWA testing for students in Grades 3-7 will conclude tomorrow (Friday) morning.

Testing begins immediately after announcements and prayers so on-time arrival is of upmost importance.  If a student arrives after testing begins, the student will have to wait in the office until testing concludes so they do not disturb the other students.

Instrumental Music Notice

As a reminder, grades 4 and 5 will have lessons and the Intermediate band will meet tomorrow (Thursday).

Please refer to the May Saber Stories newsletter for details on the upcoming Instrumental Music Concerts for band students (May 19th & 20th).

2021 Annual Fund Campaign Launched

This week you will be receiving a letter from Mrs. Zorger (along with the Spring SJS Community Newsletter) kicking off our 2021 Annual Fund Campaign.

Donations to our Annual Fund Campaign have been instrumental in supporting the ongoing capital improvement projects at the school.  Annual Fund dollars, along with several generous bequests and grants, have helped us keep our school facilities in great condition with new windows, roofs and, in 2020, COVID-Safety enhancements such as touch-less faucets and toilets in all bathrooms.

This year, Annual Fund donations will go towards further enriching the faith-filled educational experience we are providing to students as we look to transform our school’s former technology center into an exciting, next-generation Innovation Lab at the end of the upcoming school year. In this advanced learning hub, students will become immersed in analysis, discovery, problem solving, and creativity through multidisciplinary learning, hands-on exploration, and new technology applications.

For additional details or to donate online, please visit

We gratefully thank you for your consideration of supporting this important initiative.

Parish Affiliation Form Reminder

Just a reminder for returning Catholic families, if you have not yet submitted your Parish Affiliation Form to the Saint James School main office or our tuition manager, Denise Mayo, please note the form must be in no later than June 15th.

2021-2022 Parish Affiliation Form

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Mayo at

Manchester Pastoral Planning Update

This weekend it was announced at Mass that the Archdiocese of Hartford has decided it is time to move forward with pastoral planning here in Manchester. Effective July 1st, Father Marcin Plucinnik, current Pastor of Saint Theresa of Calcutta Parish which is comprised of the Churches of Saint Bridget and Saint Bartholomew here in Manchester, will succeed Father Cavanaugh as Pastor of Saint James Parish with responsibility for Saint James Church and the Church of the Assumption in addition to his current duties.  After a period of time, both Saint Theresa Parish and Saint James Parish will be merged into a single entity.

We are exceptionally grateful to Father Cavanaugh for all that he has done for our school during his 14 year tenure with Saint James Parish.  His contributions have had an immeasurable impact on our community and all of us within it.  In the upcoming weeks he will be working closely with Father Plucinnik to ensure a smooth transition.  We ask that you please keep Father Cavanaugh and Father Plucinnik in your prayers during this time and in the months ahead.

May Saber Stories & Calendars

Below please find the May Saber Stories Newsletter, May Calendar, and May Hot Lunch Calendar:

Saber Stories MAY 2021

Calendar Pages May 2021

SJS Lunch Menu May 2021

4th Grade STEM Club

STEM Club for 4th grade students will be held on Thursday, May 6, from 2:10-3:00pm.  There will be a limit of 9 students in this session.  If your child would like to attend, please fill out the Form below.

Virtual Mass for This Weekend

Please find below the link for St. James Parish’s Virtual Mass for this Sunday, May 2nd, 2021 (the link will be available beginning at 4pm Saturday)

IOWA Tests Monday

As a reminder, IOWA testing for students in Grades 3-7 will resume Monday morning. If your child has any appointments, etc. that conflict with the testing schedule, please use the information below to make adjustments so they can be in the classroom for all testing:

Remaining IOWA Testing Schedule

Monday, May 3rd – 8:15am – 9:15am

Wednesday, May 5th – 8:15am – 9:15am

Friday, May 7th – 8:15am – 9:15am

Tests begin immediately after announcements and prayers so on-time arrival is of upmost importance on these days.  If a student arrives after testing begins, the student will have to wait in the office until testing concludes so they do not disturb the other students.

For students that have opted for remote learning for the rest of the year, parents will receive an email with instructions regarding a special on-line version of the IOWA tests that has been purchased for your student to take.

There will be make-up opportunities for students that are out due to illness or quarantine.

Last Call: SJS Online Book Fair

Keep your kids reading this spring and support Saint James School with our ONLINE Scholastic Book Fair!

The book fair runs from April 18th through May 1st.

Saint James School earns a profit of 25% of every book purchased – funds will be used to purchase new books for our school library and Pre-K through Grade 8 classrooms.  We are grateful for your support!