Drop-off & Pick-up Reminders

A few reminders about morning drop-off & afternoon pick-up:

Please be patient.  There is a lot of traffic at both times of day around our school.  After dropping off, please use your blinker and pay close attention when pulling back into traffic.  The safety of our students and parents is the absolute top priority.

Please obey the posted signs.  We know parking spots at pick-up are limited but the no-parking signs are posted for specific reasons.  If parking on Church street, please park away from the bus loading area (behind the entrance for Oak Place).

At morning arrival, if using the drop-and-go area please make sure your students are ready to exit the car quickly.

Please wait for our crossing guards to stop traffic before crossing the street and always cross at one of the two crosswalks.

As always, we appreciate your adherence to our school’s protocol and compliance with the traffic laws around our buildings.

Reminder: Instrumental Music Concerts This Week

As a reminder, the following outdoor concerts are being held for instrumental music families to enjoy:

Advanced Band: Wednesday, May 19th at 6:00pm (rain date of Wednesday, May 26th)

Beginning & Intermediate Bands: Thursday, May 20th at 6:00pm (rain date of Thursday, May 27th)

The performances will take place in the back courtyard behind the school gymnasium. Parents and guests will need to bring chairs and will sit outside of the courtyard. Masks required for all attendees.

Performers should bring a chair, music stand, music, and instrument. Please note that performers are required to wear a mask when not playing.

Dress for the performance is the regular spring uniform attire (shorts and polo for boys, skort and button down shirt for girls).

Virtual Mass for This Weekend

Please find below the link for St. James Parish’s Virtual Mass for this Sunday, May 9th, 2021:


Golf Event: Save The Date

The annual Saint James School Foundation Golf Scramble and Dinner will be held this year on Wednesday, September 1st at Manchester Country Club.  Additional details will be forthcoming.

June Calendar

Attached please find our June Calendar.

Calendar Pages June 2021


2021 SJS Art Show

Mrs. Rafferty and Ms. Boutot have put together a Virtual Art Show for families to watch from the comfort of their homes.  We are grateful to our teachers for taking the time to showcase many of the amazing works of art our students have completed this year.  We anticipate next Spring we will be back to hosting an in-person Art Show as we have always done in years past.

Crowning of Mary

Today our students prayed the Rosary and watched a short video of our 2nd grade students participating in the Crowning of Mary. https://youtu.be/KP80O4dRKpE

Important Extended Day Notice

Please remember that families need to submit paperwork EACH SPRING if they plan to use the extended day program the following school year.  To help us with planning our staffing for next year, we are asking all families to submit their 2021-2022 Extended Day paperwork by May 21st to secure a spot for your child/ren.  If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mrs. Jean Burdick at jburdick@saintjamesschool.net.  Thank you!


Extended Day Registration Form 2021-2022


Hot Lunch Change for Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s hot lunch has been changed to Maple Glazed Pancakes.

Ascension Thursday Virtual Mass

Below is the link for the virtual Ascension Thursday Mass for tomorrow should you not be able to attend in person.
