Attention Varsity BBall Families

Our Varsity Basketball banquet will be held on Tuesday evening of next week.  Invitations were sent home yesterday with students and must be returned to the SJS main office by Monday morning.  We look forward to celebrating another great season of basketball with you!

Report Cards Distributed Today

Students will be coming home with second trimester report cards today.

Hats off to Reading Contest Reminder

As a reminder we are half way through the Hats off to Reading contest for students in grades K – 8.  If your student needs additional reading logs, you can have them ask their teacher, Mrs. Tierney (our school librarian), or download one here:

Hats off to Reading Contest Log

Reminder: It is time to order your 2023-2024 SJS Yearbook!

Order forms were sent home with students  in February.  You can return that to school with payment (cash or check payable to St. James School) or orders can be placed online.  To order online, visit and enter our school code: 9708624.  Yearbooks will be handed out at the end of the school year.  All orders are due by April 1.

8th Grade families:  All 8th graders will receive a complimentary copy of the yearbook so there is no need to order one unless you would like more than one copy.

Family Discount: The first book ordered is $25 and each additional book is $20.  To receive this discount you need to use the paper order form.  The discount cannot be applied to online orders.

Please direct any questions to Mrs. Poth (

Reminder: Marathon Sports Shopping Days for SJS

Stop by Marathon Sports in Glastonbury on March 15th & 16th (Friday and Saturday of this week) for all your running and healthy-lifestyle needs and 10% of your purchases will be donated back to SJS when you mention our school.  Marathon Sports is a great destination for your exercise and wellness needs as well as honest advice to help families successfully pursue their goals for a healthy and fun lifestyle.

Middle School Dance Rescheduled

We are excited to share that our Girls Varsity Basketball team has advanced in the Archdiocesan State Tournament! Their next game is scheduled for this Friday, March 15, at 7:15 at East Catholic High School. In addition, the St. Bridget Boys JV basketball team has advanced in the state tournament. Their next game is also this Friday, March 15 at 6:00 at East Catholic High School.

Since this conflicts with the dance scheduled for Friday for many of our basketball players (and friends who would like to attend the games to support them) we have decided to reschedule the middle school dance to Friday, April 19th. Please mark your calendars!

HSA Meeting Tonight

Our March HSA meeting will be held tonight – Wednesday, March 13th – at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.  Please note the date change.  We hope to see you there!

Jingle Bell Ball – Gala & Auction Fundraiser

Last Day of School Update

Assuming we do not have any additional snow days this school year, our new adjusted last day will be Thursday, June 13th (to account for the two snow days we have had).  Please note that June 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th will all be 12:05pm dismissal days.  Aftercare will be in session on all 4 days.

Please note the following:

8th grade graduation remains the same: Friday, May 31st, 7:00
Pre-K 4-year old stepping up Ceremony and last day of school is Tuesday, June 11
Pre-K3-year old program last day of school is also Tuesday, June 11
Kindergarten Celebration and last day of school for Kindergarten students is Wednesday, June 12
Our SJS summer camp program begins on June 17th!

New Covid Illness Policy

The CDC has released updated guidance related to Covid illnesses.  Effective immediately our school’s Covid policy (as well as the policy for MPS) is as follows:

Students and staff are required to remain at home until they have been fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving. 

There is no longer a mandatory 5 day requirement to remain at home and mask wearing upon return to school is optional.  If you have any questions please reach out to our school nurse, Mrs. Pennington.