Next Year’s Calendar

In case you missed it before break, attached is our 2022-2023 school year calendar.  Please note that we are still waiting to hear about our two Diocesan-wide professional development days from the Archdiocese of Hartford. Historically these sessions have occurred in October and March and, since they are full days of professional development for our teachers, school will NOT be in session on those two days.  We will send out an updated calendar as soon as these dates are announced.

2022-2023 One Page Calendar

Return to School Reminders

We hope that everyone is enjoying a relaxing Spring Recess!  A few reminders and notes for when we return to school on Monday:

* Prior to break there was an uptick in Covid cases here at school (as per our policy, only the grades impacted are notified) and we do anticipate that cases could spike again over the next week or so.   To avoid any classroom outbreaks, we ask that all students take a home Covid test on Monday morning before returning to school.  The nurse only needs to be notified of positive results.  If your child tests negative but has cold-like symptoms, please err on the side of caution and keep them home.  If your family has traveled internationally, please refer to our travel policy:

* Please remember to send your student to school with a refillable water bottle every day.  The drinking fountains are still turned off and only the filling stations are available.

* There were an excessive number of late arrivals prior to break (often the same students), so we are asking for our parents to help get these child/ren back on schedule. Late arrivals are disruptive to the teacher, morning announcements, and the classroom routine. Planning to be punctual is also an important skill that will benefit your child/ren in all stages of their academic and professional career.   If you find yourself not making it to school between 7:30am and 7:50am, please take a few moments today to talk to your child/ren about the importance of being on time and help them readjust their morning schedule accordingly.

* For parents/grandparents dropping off students in the morning and picking up at afternoon dismissal:  Please take an extra moment and use the crosswalk when crossing the street.  It is not safe to be dashing across the road during busy times of day.  Also, please adhere to our drop-off and pick-up protocol.  Maintaining a good relationship with our neighbors is important to us.  Under NO circumstances should parents be blocking driveway entrances at afternoon dismissal. Please share this with anyone dropping-off/picking-up your student(s).

* Spring uniform begins when we return on April 18th.

* Lenten Rice Bowls are due when we return on April 18th.

* Our SJS Art Show will be open for families and students to drop in on Wednesday, April 20th from 5:00pm – 7:30pm.  We can’t wait to see you there!

On behalf of all of us at Saint James School, we wish your family a blessed Easter and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday.

Reminder: Spring Break & Spring Uniform

As a reminder, Saint James School will be closed next week (April 11th – 15th) for our Spring Recess.  When we return from break on Monday, April 18th SJS K-8 students may begin wearing their SPRING uniform to school.


Soccer Spirit Gear & SJS Tie Dye Shirt

Saint James School Soccer players and their fans are invited to show their school spirit with these 2022 spirit wear items.  We have also added an SJS Tie Dye t-shirt for sale just in time for the warmer weather.  The store will be open until Monday, 4/11.

Our vendor would like to remind families that unforeseen issues with item supply and carrier delays are possible.  Out of stock items may need to be substituted or placed on back-order.

Travel & Return to School Reminders

Saint James School will be closed next week (April 11 – 15) for our Spring Recess.  We have many students that will be traveling and enjoying this week with extended family and friends.  After a long winter season, we certainly are ready to enjoy some fun and relaxation!

A few reminders and notes for when we return on April 18th:

* We have seen an uptick in Covid cases here at school the last two weeks (as per our policy, only the grades impacted are notified) and we anticipate that cases could further spike when we return from break.  To avoid any classroom outbreaks, we ask that all students take a home Covid test on Monday morning before returning to school.  The nurse only needs to be notified of positive results.  If your child tests negative but has cold-like symptoms, please err on the side of caution and keep them home.  If traveling internationally, please refer to our travel policy:

* If you need a Covid test kit sent home, please email the school office or Mrs. Vignati and we will send them home with your student tomorrow (Friday).

* Please remember to send your student to school with a refillable water bottle every day.  The drinking fountains are still turned off and only the filling stations are available.

* Spring uniform begins when we return on April 18th.

* Lenten Rice Bowls are due when we return on April 18th.

We wish everyone has a blessed Easter and relaxing and fun break!


HSA Meeting Tonight

The Saint James School HSA (Home & School Association) will hold their monthly meeting this evening – Thursday, 4/7 –  from 7:00-8:00pm in the SJS Cafeteria.  We encourage all of our SJS parents/grandparents to attend to hear about upcoming events and help us brainstorm for the months ahead (ring the breezeway buzzer when you arrive).  We will also be discussing our upcoming Online Auction Fundraiser and hear from our 100th Anniversary Committee.

Yesterday’s Rosary


Raffle Baskets Reminder

Last Call for Volunteers

With this notice, the Home & School Association is sending out one last request for parent volunteers to host one (or more) of our usual spring-time social activities such as the father/daughter dance, mother/daughter tea, or father/son, mother/son events.  If you are interested in chairing/hosting one of these events, please reach out to Jodi Talaga at  Thank you for your consideration.