Raffle Basket THANK YOU!

The Saint James School HSA would like to extend a HUGE Thank You to everyone who donated to the class raffle baskets.  We are very grateful for the generous support!

Next week there will be a description of each basket in the afternoon email and they will also be displayed at pickup!  Raffle tickets will go on sale May 5th, prices will be 10 for $10 or 25 for $20.

Many thanks to the SJS room parents for all their help in coordinating this important fundraising initiative.


3rd Grade STEM Club

There will be a STEM club session for Grade 3 on Monday, May 2.  Please complete the permission form below if your child would like to attend.

STEM Club Permission Slip Gr3 050222

Reminder: Dine Out Tonight

As a reminder, the Saint James School HSA is hosting a dine-out night (4:00pm – 8:00pm) this evening – Tuesday, April 26th – at Panera Bread (179 Deming Street, Manchester).

Show the flyer below on your phone and 20% of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated back to Saint James School.  Panera Dine Out Flyer

Extended Day Reminder

If your family uses the Extended Day program, please remember that you need to submit new paperwork to Ms. Jean each school year.  There are many families currently using the program that have NOT YET submitted paperwork for Fall 2022.

2022-2023 Extended Day Registration Form

2022-2023 Extended Day Emergency Contact Information

If you are unsure if you have submitted forms for Fall 2022, please reach out to Ms. Jean at jburdick@saintjamesschool.net.

Thank You!

Mrs. Zorger would like to extend a big Thank You to our families for ensuring all students were here on time this morning!  Our first day of IOWA testing got off to a great start.  As a reminder, students in grades 3 – 7 will be taking IOWA tests most mornings through May 13th.

Lost & Found

Updated: Soccer Games Begin This Weekend

The first round of SJS Soccer games will take place this coming Saturday, April 23rd for many of our teams. Here is the (updated) schedule.  Please note JV teams play two 35-minute games each; Varsity plays two 35-minute halves.

8th Grade (Gold) – Charter Oak Field 2 at 8:00am
7th Grade (Blue) – Charter Oak Field 3 at 8:00am
6th Grade (Cobalt) – BYE Week (no game)

4th Grade (White) – Charter Oak Field 2 at 9:30am
5th Grade (Royal) – Charter Oak Field 1 at 9:30am
4th Grade (White) – Charter Oak Field 1 at 10:15am
5th Grade (Royal) – Charter Oak Field 2 at 10:15am

3rd Grade (Pearl) – BYE Week (no game)

Going forward Coaches will email the game schedule to their teams.  As the season progresses, a schedule may also be found on the Connecticut Catholic School’s Soccer League Website.

Good Luck Sabers!!

Yard Goats This Sunday!

We are looking forward to seeing lots of SJS families at the Yard Goats Game this coming Sunday, April 24th.   Paper tickets were sent home with students yesterday.  If you have any questions, please reach out to volunteer coordinator Jodi Talaga at hsa@saintjamesschool.net.

IOWA Testing (Grades 3-7) Begins Next Week

Just a reminder that IOWA (standardized) testing for students in grades 3rd – 7th begins next week and runs through the 2nd week of May (Monday, April 25th – May 13th).  Testing will take place first thing in the morning each day.

Please pay particular attention to ensuring your child/ren get to bed on time the evening before each testing day and have a nutritious breakfast each morning.  Also, it is important that students get to school on time each day as testing will begin each day right after morning announcements.

Any students coming in tardy will have to wait in the office until the testing period is over (and will have to make up that test at another time if they are in grades 3-7).

Upcoming Important Events

The end of the school year is always very busy, please make sure you review these upcoming dates and mark your calendar accordingly.  The complete May/June calendars will be sent out next week.

April 27th – International Day for Grade 8 Students (parents/grandparents of our grade 8 students may visit the exhibits in the gym between 8:15am and 10:00am)

April 30th – Middle School Robotics Club Vex Robotics Competition

May 6th – Middle School Dance (7:00pm – 9:30pm)

May 10th – 12:05pm Dismissal Day/Staff Appreciation Luncheon (aftercare will be in session)

May 18th – Spring Concert (6:30pm)

May 21st – Father/Daughter Dance

May 30th – No School (Memorial Day)

June 3rd – Grade 8 Graduation (Last Day of School for Grade 8)

June 4th – Mother/Daughter Tea

June 9th – Field Day

June 10th – Pre-K Stepping Up (Last Day of School for Pre-K)

June 14th – Kindergarten Stepping Up Ceremony (Last Day of School for Kindergarten)

June 14th – 12:05pm Dismissal Day (aftercare will be in session)

June 15th – Last Day of School for Grades 1-7

June 15th – 12:05pm Dismissal Day (aftercare will be in session)

June 20 – SJS Summer Camp Begins