Class Assignments

Teacher assignments for K – 8 students will be sent out tomorrow morning.

With that email you will also receive a copy of the SJS 2022-2023 Handbook, which we ask you to review in full prior to signing.  Please return the acknowledgement page to your child’s homeroom teacher on August 31st when you come for your classroom visit.

Our Technology Acceptable Use Agreement (pertaining to grade K – 8) and Chromebook Insurance Information (pertaining to grades 3 – 8) will also be included with the email.  Homeroom teachers will be collecting these forms from families as well during your visit on August 31st.

Cross Country Interest Form

If your child will be running Cross Country this year, please complete this Google Form by 5:00pm on Thursday to help us get a headcount:

Please return the Athletics Health Form, the Cross Country Permission Slip, and the $50 sports/activity fee to the school office by Friday, September 2nd.

Practices begin on Tuesday, September 6th and will be held mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 3:30pm (schedule may change during weeks that contain a meet).  A full practice/meet calendar will be provided in the weeks ahead.

2022-2023 Athletics Health Form

Cross Country Permission Slip 2022

Staff Updates

As we head into the final stretch of summer vacation, we have some exciting staff updates to share:

Middle School

Saint James School welcomes Ms. Chelsea Salafia into our middle school teaching team in the role of 7th & 8th Grade History and Geography teacher.  Ms. Salafia is a graduate of Central Connecticut State University where she obtained her degree in History Education and is state certified to teach at the middle and high school level.  Most recently she worked as a long-term sub in the Social Studies department at Glastonbury High School.

In addition, Ms. Jennifer Starnick (who was previously introduced as our 7th & 8th grade mid-level/advanced math teacher), will be taking on an expanded role that now includes 8th grade homeroom teacher and also the 6th grade mid-level/advanced math.  Ms. Starnick’s room will be B208 (formerly Mr. Adam’s room).

With these changes, Mrs. McQuaid will take on the role of teaching the 6th Grade Social Studies classes.


For our youngest learners, we are excited to welcome Ms. Teresa Richard as our new Pre-Kindergarten Director/4-year-old teacher.  Ms. Richard comes to us from St. Mary School in Massachusetts, where she taught kindergarten for many years and more recently, was a remedial support teacher for grades 1-5.   Ms. Richard has a vast amount of teaching and student support experience both in both public and Catholic schools and is certified in a variety of areas, including Early Childhood Education With and Without Special Needs.

Also in our Pre-K4 program we will be welcoming back classroom aides Mrs. Vicky LaChance (who was with us for 4 years before taking last year off for health reasons), and Mrs. Carpenter.  Mrs. Lengsavath (who was with our Pre-K4 program the past few years), has moved over to St. Bartholomew Church where we are launching a joint Pre-K program for families that we were not able to accommodate with a spot in the St. James or St. Bridget preschool programs.

Mrs. Page (teacher) and Mrs. Davis (aide) are both returning to work with our littlest Sabers in the SJS Pre-K3 classroom.

Extended Day Program

The SJS Extended Day Program (before and after school care) is also welcoming two aides to the existing staff this year – Ms. Debra Deptula and Ms. Gloria Hobbs.  They will join returning staff members Ms. Jean Burdick (Director), Ms. Mary, Ms. Chris, Ms. Divyata, and Ms. Rashid.

SJS Hot Lunch Program (K-8)

SJS will begin the school year with the daily hot lunch program being available to Kindergarten – Grade 8 students at no cost to your family.  The town of Manchester has a limited amount of funding left for the free lunch program, which they anticipate will run out around December 1, 2022.  We will notify families in advance of this occurrence so that you may fund your child’s hot lunch account for future purchases.

Families meeting certain income guidelines may complete an application HERE to determine if they qualify for free meals once the funding runs out.

Milk-only purchases will continue to cost $0.40 and are NOT covered by the free lunch program.  If your child will be bringing lunch from home and purchasing “just milk,” please fund their EZSchoolPay account or send in cash/check (in a well-labeled envelope).  Checks can be made out to “Manchester Hot Lunch Program” and sent to school with your student.

Lunch Account ID information (and information on setting up an EZSchoolPay account to track balances) will be sent to parents in the days ahead.

This year, Kindergarten and 1st Grade students will eat in their classrooms (hot lunch will be brought directly to the classrooms for students that order it); 2nd – 8th Grade classes will eat in the cafeteria over the course of 4 lunch waves.

The SJS Hot Lunch Calendar is emailed out to families at the start of each month and posted on the homepage of our website plus in the SJS App for future reference

Please note that the hot lunch prices listed on menu for grades K-8 will take effect after grant funding runs out.

St. James Menu – September 2022



Reminder: School Offices Closed 8/19

Please note that all Saint James School offices will be closed tomorrow –  Friday, August 19th – for cleaning.

Cross Country News

We are excited to announce that a few parents have stepped up to ensure the Cross Country team can continue this year!  Many thanks to our awesome volunteers for keeping this activity going!

In order to participate in the Cross Country team when the season kicks off, students must be in grade 5 – 8, have the endurance to run at least one mile without stopping, and have submitted all their paperwork (with activity fee) to the Saint James School main office.

Please remember that students running Cross Country or participating in any other school sport this year will need their Athletic Health Form (below) completed & signed by the child’s doctor prior to the start of the activity (students cannot participate until this form is on file).  Please return the Athletics Health Form, the Cross Country Permission Slip, and the $50 sports/activity fee to the school office by Friday, September 2nd.

Practices begin on Tuesday, September 6th and will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 3:15pm.  A full practice/meet calendar will be provided in the weeks ahead.

2022-2023 Athletics Health Form

Cross Country Permission Slip 2022


April Break

It has come to our attention that Manchester Public Schools recently changed the week of their April vacation.  Please note that Saint James School will be keeping our vacation week as originally planned – April 7th – 14th.

2022-2023 One Page Calendar

Cross Country Update

Saint James School would like to extend a huge thank you to Mrs. Jennifer O’Neill for her dedication and commitment to our school’s Cross Country program, which she took on almost a decade ago.  Volunteering many hours of her time to bring her passion for running to the SJS community, our team went on to successfully compete against much bigger schools while enjoying a wonderful camaraderie among runners.

We would love to continue the SJS Cross Country program now that Mrs. O’Neill has “retired” from her coaching role, but are still in need of someone to step up as head coach.  The program kicks off in September, so unfortunately we will be unable to have a team this year if no one volunteers to take a lead role.  If anyone is interested in helping, please reach out asap to our Athletic Director, Mr. Green, at

Classroom Visit/Supply Drop-Off Reminder

On Wednesday, August 31st all Pre-K through grade 8 parents/guardians and their student(s) are invited to stop by the school between the hours of 8:30am and 11:30pm, to visit the classrooms, meet the homeroom teachers, and drop-off your child’s school supplies.  This is a drop-in event, please come at whatever time works for your schedule.

Mrs. Guenther will be available at the main entrance of the K-8 building to help families find their child’s classroom if needed.  Our school nurse will be in her office from 8:30 until 10:00am if you need to drop off medication for your child.

Please note, K-8 students DO NOT need to be in their uniforms for these visits.

We look forward to seeing you!

Last Call: K-8 Online Supply Ordering

All orders should be placed by end of day today to ensure delivery.

This summer Saint James School offered the option to order school supplies online and have them delivered directly to your home.  At the same time, Saint James School receives a percentage of every sale – convenience for you and a great way to support SJS!  If you would still like to take advantage of this option: Click Here to Visit the School Toolbox Website.

View the Informational Flyer Here:  School Toolbox Flyer