Coding Robots Joining SJS

After April break, students in 1st – 4th grade will begin working with the “Dot” & “Dash” coding robots.  The school has purchased 8 sets of robots, and the related coding applications for the classroom iPads.  Teachers have been spending time with these new “friends” getting ready to roll them out to the students. Here is a video of the sneak peak that Mrs. Moran’s class got this afternoon:


SJS Soccer Update

The SJS Soccer season has a “tentative” start date of April 14.  This is dependent on the weather and enough players being available during vacation.  Communication may be a little difficult during vacation week so information on you child’s games will probably come directly from the team coaches.   The coaches will ask you if your child will be available to play on April 14.

Given the weather tomorrow it was a good idea to postpone this weeks games. The long term weather looks good for next Saturday but a decision will probably not be made until Tuesday or Wednesday. If you have any questions on the overall program, please feel free to email Jon Sargent –

Ice Cream Sundae Art

Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer Service This Friday at 7:30am

Tomorrow, Friday, April 6th, there will be a special prayer service to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 7:30am in Ms. O’s room.  We look forward to seeing you and/or your child(ren) there!

Family Movie Night Tomorrow

There is still room for you to join in Family Movie Night on Friday!  See this flyer for details on how to sign up.  Please note that grinder orders can no longer be accepted.

Yard Goats Responses Due Tomorrow

The HSA invites you to attend a Yard Goats game on Sunday, April 22 at 1:05pm.  If you haven’t been to a Yard Goats game, you can be assured it will be a really fun time!  If you have been before, you know you don’t want to miss out!  To order tickets for your family, please see the event flyer HERE.  Please contact parent volunteer Tabitha Post at with questions.

Once again, SJS families will have the honor of holding the BIG flag on the field during the singing of The National Anthem.  See the photos below from the game we attended in August.

Father Daughter Dance Responses Due Tomorrow

Flyers with RSVP information for the Father Daughter Dance have been sent home with the girls.  A copy of the flyer is attached below.

Father Daughter Dance Flyer

NED Show Yo Yos

Yesterday our students in grades K-6 were treated to a fun assembly called “The NED Show.”

NED is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best.  This show was provided to our school at no charge because it works on a pay-it-forward basis.

You can help support the show’s mission to spread kindness and encouragement by purchasing a NED-themed Yo Yo for your child.  Yo Yos will be available for purchase tomorrow and the first two days after break.

Prices and information are in the flyer Here:  NED show Info.

All proceeds from the sale of Yo Yos go towards making the show available for another school

Thank you for helping us spread kindness!



5th Grade Feast

No Soccer Practice Tonight

Due to weather and field conditions, there is NO Soccer Practice tonight!  Enjoy your evening.