Due Tomorrow: Cross Country Spirit Wear Orders

Students running cross country are invited to purchase XC spirit gear.  The Warm Up Pants and Practice Shorts may be worn to school on gym days in place of uniform plain navy pants or plain navy shorts.  Please note, however, XC t-shirts CANNOT be worn to school in place of the gray gym shirt.  The gray gym shirt is the only acceptable shirt for gym days.

SJS XC Spirit Wear



Tomorrow: Choir Practice Begins


Saint James School Choir Practice will begin on Wednesday, September 12th.  Forms are being sent home for students interested in joining.  If your child did not receive one but would like to join the school choir, you can download a copy of the the attached flyer HERE (Click Link).  Please note the performance dates as students are expected to attend all performances.

Tomorrow: Box Tops For Education


Box tops for the first dress down contest of the new school year will be counted after school on September 12th.  Please be sure to send in any box tops you accumulated over the summer to help your child’s grade win!

Each year, Saint James School asks parents to clip “Box Tops for Education” and send them into the school. Each Box Top you clip earns 10₡ for Saint James. Last year, our school earned over $1,550 from Box Tops alone!

Each month, the GRADE that brings in the most Box Tops will win a free dress down day (date determined by the teachers).
To count for the September Box Tops dress down contest, Box Tops need to be submitted to your child’s teacher by 2:00pm on the counting date.

To learn more about Box Tops, visit the Box Tops For Education Website or contact Saint James School parent volunteer coordinator Mary Beth Dufresne at marybethdufresne@cox.net.

By creating a free account on the Box Tops For Education website (http://www.boxtops4education.com/), you will also be able to enter contests and give-a-ways for additional free Box Tops for our school.

As always, we appreciate your support of Saint James School!

Grade 6 – 8 Parents: Chromebook Insurance

As a reminder, Chromebook insurance forms were due Friday.  No forms will be accepted after tomorrow – Tuesday, September 11th.

2018 Chromebook Care and Insurance

School Pictures

Individual and Class portraits will be taken this week as follows

Individual portraits for students in K – 3rd grade:   Tuesday, September 11th
Individual portraits for students in Pre-K & 4th – 8th Grade:   Wednesday, September 12th
Class Pictures:  Thursday, September 13th

There is no paperwork or money that you need to send in at this time.  You will receive proofs of the pictures with ordering information (for if you wish to order) about 4 weeks after picture day.

Individual portrait day (Tuesday or Wednesday depending on grade of your child) will be a dress-down (or dress-up!) day for (only) the grades having their picture taken.  Students should wear to school whatever you would like them to have their picture taken in.  They will wear this all day.  Please note the standard dress-down guidelines apply (please refer to the school handbook for questions).

Class picture day (Thursday) requires specific uniform attire (winter dress code):

Grades K-5 Girls:  Uniform skort with uniform polo and navy knee socks/tights (Please utilize Navy polo if possible)

Grades K-5 Boys: Uniform khaki pants with uniform polo (Navy polo if possible)

Grades 6-8 Girls: Uniform skort with uniform oxford and Navy Knee Socks/Tights

Grade 6-8 Boys: Uniform khaki pants with blue uniform oxford and tie

NEW: Attn Grade 6 – 8 Parents – Scholarship Opportunity

Lands’ End has established a scholarship program to assist middle and high school students, currently in grades 6-12, who are enrolled at one of Lands’ End Preferred schools (like Saint James School).  Applications will be accepted through 12:00 noon Central Time on December 7, 2018, or once the first 3,000 applications are received, whichever occurs first.

Details on the program can be found HERE

You can start an application HERE


Middle School Music Notice

Lessons and band will for grades 6-8 will meet tomorrow -Friday, September 7th.

Gym Uniforms Again Tomorrow – Thursday

All students may wear their GYM uniform AGAIN tomorrow (Thursday 9/6) due to the extreme heat once again forecast.  Please also ensure your child has a water bottle to use throughout the day tomorrow.

Instrumental Music Notices

Mr. Corcoran will hold a parent meeting at 6:30pm tonight (Wednesday 9/5) in the cafeteria for all new and interested band students (grades 4-8).

Lessons and band will be held tomorrow (Thursday, September 6th) for grades 4 and 5.   Lessons and band will for grades 6-8 will meet on Friday September 7th.

Cross Country On For Tomorrow

Cross Country will be held tomorrow (Thursday) for all participating students until 3:15pm.  If it is too hot to run, the students will have an informational meeting with the coach.

Please remember all required forms and the sports fee must have been turned in for your child to participate.