1st & 2nd Graders Take A (Mask) Break Outside

Pre-K Roof Replacement

A huge THANK YOU to all the SJS families, alumni, parishioners and other friend of our school who contributed to our 2019 Annual Fund Campaign to help offset the cost of replacing the roof on the Pre-Kindergarten building….


This morning we prayed our first school-wide Rosary of the new year, led by two of our 8th grade students…

Specials Pics

Remembering September 11 2001

At 8:46am this morning, students and staff in all grades – including the ones pictured here – spent one minute in silent prayer for all impacted by the events of September 11, 2001.

Welcome Back Sabers!!

School Bus Routes


Click HERE to access school bus information for the 2020-2021 school year.



Instrumental Music Students Perform

The Saint James School instrumental music students, who have been working with Mr. Corcoran via Zoom during the past several months, came together to perform for their parents and loved ones this past week.

Updated School Calendar

As a reminder, the first day of school for K-8 students this year will be September 8th. 

On Wednesday, September 2nd all K-8 students participating in the remote learning model will have a set time to come to school to meet the teacher and pick up school-provided supplies (a technology device, textbooks, workbooks, etc.). On Thursday, September 3rd all students opting for in-person learning will have a set time to come to school to meet the teacher and set up their desk (supplies should be brought to school on this day).

Sign-Up Forms for the 2nd and 3rd will be sent out once class lists are finalized.

Here is the updated calendar for the 2020-2021 School Year:   SJS Calendar One Page 2020-2021 (Updated 8-13-20)

Health Form Reminder

As a reminder from Mrs. Vignati, per state mandate students entering PRE-KINDERGARTEN, KINDERGARTEN and 7TH GRADE must have an updated physical form (pertaining to a physical within the last year) on file with the school prior to starting school this year.  Health forms are required even if your student will be doing DISTANCE learning.

If you have any questions regarding health forms, please call Mrs. Vignati at the school at 860.643.5088 (extension 3).