Social Media Awareness Program Monday For Students & Parents

Reminder: Our Social Media Awareness program is scheduled for December 10th at 12:45pm.  All students in grades 5-8 will be attending and all Saint James school parents are welcome to attend (regardless of child’s grade).  Parents are asked to RSVP to the main office if they have not already sent in their attendance notice.


Presenting will be Connecticut State Troopers from the Computer Crimes and Electronic Evidence unit.

Christmas Concert

Congratulations and Thank You to our 1st Graders, 4th Graders and Beginner and Advanced Bands on a tremendous job last night!  I’m sure all our attendees will agree that the singing, performing, narration and instrumental music was really top notch!

We also want to extend a very special thank you to our Saint James School Alumni who came back to perform with the school band.

Below are are a few pictures from last night for you to enjoy.


Manchester Rotary Club Delivers Books

Many thanks to Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Ward, and Mr. Prasad of the Manchester Rotary Club, for stopping by today to deliver copies of Webster’s Dictionary to our 3rd grade students and Webster’s Vocabulary Builder to our 4th graders.  This has been a tradition at the school for several years now and we know that both books will be put to good use by our students in the years to come!

As a side note, we are proud to report that our 3rd grade students were asked numerous questions about utilizing a dictionary by our visitors, which they were easily able to answer.  Way to Go Saint James!




Box Tops Dress Down Day Winner For November

Congratulations to Mrs. Curry’s class, our winners of the November dress down day for bringing in the most Box Tops with a total of 210.  Mrs. Belsito was a close second with 205.  Mrs. Curry will announce to her class when the dress down day will take place.

Please remember to keep sending in those Box Tops!   We will be collecting and counting all December Box Top submissions on Thursday January 3rd  .

Christmas Concert

Just a reminder that tomorrow (12/5) Saint James School will be holding our annual Christmas Concert.  The first performance will take place in the morning for the whole school and an evening performance at 6:30pm for friends and family.  In keeping with tradition, there will be special performances by the Saint James School Band, 1st Grade Class and 4th Grade Class.


We hope you will join us!

No Afterschool Care on 12/7

Just a reminder that Friday, December 7th, is a four-hour day.  Dismissal will be at 12:05pm and there will be NO after school care that day.

For children that normally would go to after care on a Friday, please make sure that you inform their teacher if the child will be going home on the bus that day or will be picked up in the church parking lot (walker’s line) and by whom.

There will still be before care on 12/7 as usual.

Saint James Students Win Szopka Krakowska Contest


Saint James Students took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for their designs as well as several Honorable Mention awards.  Pictured here are first place winners (l to r) Ben Liptrap and Brandon Parada and second place winners (l to r) Sarah Phelan, Nicole DiBenedetto and Avery Evans.  Two entries tied for third place –
Edgar Dias and Kamron Ghoreshi as well as Tim O’Shea and Brendan Truman.


The Szopka Krakowska, or nativity scene, is a Christmas tradition originating from Krakow, Poland and dating back to the 19th century.  Though commonly called “Christmas Cribs” in English, they look more like castles or cathedrals.  All Sixth Graders at Saint James School created their own Christmas castle for the nativity of Jesus and entered them into the 32nd annual Szopka Krakowska contest sponsored by the Polish Cultural Club of Greater Hartford, Inc.


Congratulations and great job to all our 6th grade students!


Tree Of Blessings

Just a reminder that if you wish to submit a request for an ornament in honor or in memory of a loved one for our Tree of Blessings, order forms are due back by Monday, December 10th.  Please click here for a copy of the announcement about the Tree of Blessing.

Christmas Store

The Christmas Store is Returning to the St. James School Gym

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

November 28th, 29th and 30th


The Christmas store will be open during the school day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week (November 28th,  29th and 30th).  All classes will have an opportunity to go to the store on either Wednesday or Thursday.  Please note that these will be shopping days – there are NO “preview” days.  Children who wish to make a few limited additional purchases will be able to go back to the store on Friday.


The store will also be open on Thursday after school until 4:00 PM.  Parents may shop at this time.


Children will be able to purchase low cost gifts for those on their Christmas lists.  A partial listing of items available and a suggested shopping list are available by clicking the preceding links.  Quantities of each item are limited.  Gifts will be available for parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, pets and more.


Mark your calendars and start those Christmas lists!


IMPORTANT:  We are still desperately in need of volunteers for the Christmas store.  Please contact Jane Corl ( if you can help out.

$1 Dress Down This Wednesday 11/28

Each student who brings in $1.00 to benefit St. Gerard’s Center for Life (Located in Hartford) may come to school in dress down clothes!

St. Gerard’s Center provides mothers and babies with vital support and services which include:

  • Housing Assistance
  • Financial Support
  • Parenting Classes
  • Legal Assistance
  • Maternity Clothes, Baby Clothes, and Food
  • Medical Assistance
  • Spiritual and Emotional Support


Please remember, per our school handbook, the following guidelines apply for dress down days:

  • Clothing must not have indecent writing or pictures; inappropriate slogans or advertisements
  • Revealing clothing (including short shorts, halter tops, half shirts, tank tops, and see-through tops) is not allowed.
  • Waistbands must not sag below the waist. Pants legs must not drag on the floor.
  • High heels, platform shoes, flip-flops, and shoes with no backs are not allowed.
  • Clothing must not be torn, ragged, or have holes.