Important: Manchester Cross Country Challenge/T-Shirts
If you plan to have your child(ren) run in the Manchester Elementary School Cross Country Challenge on Saturday, October 19th and would like them to receive a special “Cross Country Challenge – Saint James School” t-shirt to wear for the race, please submit the permission form to the school office by tomorrow – Friday, October 4th. Students must be present for their race to receive the t-shirt – which will be available for pick-up at the Saint James School sign in table at the event on the 19th.
Please note, students may still be registered for the Cross Country Challenge up until, and on, the day of the event but tomorrow is the deadline to receive a shirt. Students registering after tomorrow are asked to wear their Saint James School gym shirt the day of the race.
All information on the Cross Country Challenge and participation forms can be found here
In addition, we still are in need of parent volunteers to help out the day of the race from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Please contact Amy Guenther at by tomorrow afternoon if you are able to help out.
SJS Basketball Tryout Schedules
Tryouts for the upcoming basketball season will begin next week. In order to try out, students must have a 2013-2014 Athletics Health Form on file with the school. Tryouts will be held in the gym and players are expected to attend each session for their respective grade.
The Girls tryout schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, October 9th
5:00pm – 6:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
6:00pm – 8:00pm – 7th & 8th Grade
Tuesday, October 15th
5:00pm – 6:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
6:00pm – 8:00pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade
Monday, October 21st
5:30pm to 8:00pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade
The Boys tryout schedule is as follows:
Thursday, October 10th
5:30-7:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
7:00pm – 8:30pm – 7th & 8th Grade
Thursday, October 17th
5:30-7:00pm – 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade
7:00pm – 8:30pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade
Tuesday, October 22nd
6:00pm – 8:30pm – 6th (players interested in trying out for the Varsity team), 7th & 8th Grade
South Windsor Carpool Opportunity
One of our Saint James School families, in the area of Dart Hill and Avery is looking for another Saint James School family to carpool with. If you live in that area and are interested in possibly arranging a carpool, please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the main office for more information.
Upcoming VIRTUS Sessions
If you have not yet attended a VIRTUS session and wish to volunteer at Saint James School this year, below are some upcoming sessions scheduled in our local area. If you plan to attend, please contact Mrs. DelSignore at the Saint James School office and she will register you for the session you indicate.
Monday, October 28th @ 5:00pm – Holy Cross School in New Britain
Wednesday, November 6th @ 6:00pm – St. Elizabeth Seton in Rocky Hill
Wednesday, November 6th @ 6:30pm – St. Margaret Mary in South Windsor
Wednesday, November 20th @ 6:00pm – St. Jerome in New Britain
There will also be a session conducted in SPANISH on Saturday, October 5th at 10:00am at St. Augustine in Hartford.
Please remember, anyone who wishes to volunteer at Saint James School (including on field trips, during class room parties, lunch room helpers, etc.), must complete a background check authorization form (please submit competed form to the Saint James School Office) and attend a VIRTUS training session. The training and the background check must only be completed one time and will remain valid for all subsequent years you wish to volunteer at Saint James School.
Student Council Collecting Old Towels For Humane Society
In honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is this Friday, the Saint James School Student Council is seeking donations of old, clean towels for the Connecticut Humane Society to use for the animals in their care. Students may bring towel donations to school beginning Friday, October 4th through October 15th. Thank you in advance for any support you can provide for this initiative.
Box Tops Winners For September
Congratulations to Mrs. Plourd’s 8th grade homeroom for winning the first Box Tops/Dress Down day of the year! Mrs. Plourd’s class came in with 511 Box Tops (which equates to $51.10 in unrestricted funds for our school). Mrs. Plourd will let students know when their dress down day will occur.
Mrs. Gangloff’s Kindergarten class came in 2nd place with 382 Box Tops (or $36.80 for our school), and Mrs Belsito in 3rd place with 338.
Keep saving and submitting those Box Tops to your child’s teacher – the next day for counting will occur on Friday the 1st.
Book Buddy Fridays
On Friday afternoons, our 4th graders and 1st graders pair up and take turns reading to each other. It’s just one of the many ways Saint James School fosters compassion, a community atmosphere, and responsibility. The 1st graders are always so excited to spend time with their older buddy and the 4th graders really take their role as mentors very seriously. Here are a few candid pictures we captured this past Friday.
Saint James School Scarecrow – Please vote for us!
Scarecrows on Main are back! This year’s Saint James School scarecrow was designed and created by the Saint James School student council along with art teachers Mrs. Sabatella and Mrs. Thrall. Voting will take place through October 25th at several places on Main Street:
- Ballot boxes will be placed at the following 7 Downtown locations:
- Mary Cheney Library, 586 Main
- Great Harvest Bread Co., 809 Main
- Silk City Antiques, 845 Main
- CT Works, 893 Main
- Anne Miller Real Estate, 975 Main
- Salon Petit, 968 Main
- Pinewood Furniture, 1115 Main
- Votes will be collected from all ballot boxes on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 25th.
- Contest winners will be announced at the Scarecrow Awards Ceremony on Saturday, October 26th
We hope you will vote for SJS!
Aftercare/Extended Day Program Note
For parents using the school’s Aftercare/Extended Day program: Please be advised there will be no Aftercare/ Extended Day on Friday, December 13th, which is a half day (12:05 dismissal). Parents will need to make other arrangements for that day. We apologize for the inconvenience.