Letter for 3rd – 8th Grade Parents

If your child is in 3rd through 8th grade and has not received the sacraments of Baptism, First Penance, and/or First Communion and you would like them to do so, please take a moment to read the attached letter from St. James Church Religious Education Coordinator, Macy Jordan.

Letter from Macy Jordan





Saint James School Spiritwear

Thank you again to all who ordered SJS Spiritwear prior to Christmas break.  Several of the backordered items came in today and are being sent home with your child.  There are still a few backordered items remaining and those will be sent home as soon as we receive them from the vendor.  If you have any questions, please contact Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.


Gala Meeting Tomorrow Night – Everyone Welcome!

All SJS parents/grandparents are encouraged to join us tomorrow night as we continue working on plans for the 2015 Gala & Auction fundraiser.  Come have fun and meet new friends while helping support our great school!

The Gala planning meeting will be held tomorrow night (Tuesday, January 6th) at 6:30pm in the Pre-Kindergarten building.   We hope to see you there.  If you have any questions, please contact event Chair Paul Munns at paulrmunns@yahoo.com.






Reminder: Drama Club Auditions This Friday

It’s Time for some DRAMA!

The Saint James Drama Club will be performing Aesop’s Foibles in the spring.   All students in grades 5 – 7 are invited to audition. Stage crew will begin in March.

Auditions for our play will be held on Friday, January 9th from 2:15 – 4:15 p.m. in Room 3-7 (Mrs. Phelan’s Classroom).  Audition lines are attached here so performers can begin working with them over Christmas break.

Please fill out a copy of the Drama Club Permission Slip and submit it to the school office, along with the $35 fee, before January 9th.


Below are some important Drama Club details:

Rehearsals: Most Fridays – beginning January 9, 2015

Time: 2:15 – 4:15 p.m.

Place: Classroom 3-7 (Mrs. Phelan’s room) and later – Saint James Gym/Stage

Fee: $35.00

Production date: May 16, 2015

Questions? Please call April Canna at 860-878-4565 or 860-871-9919.  Parent volunteers are also needed to help with all areas of the production.  Please contact April at the numbers above to find out more about how you can help.



SJS Spiritwear

Most of the SJS Spiritwear fundraiser items are in and are being sent home with students today.  Parents who asked for their items to be held at the office should have received an e-mail letting them know to pick it up today or Monday.  Unfortunately, a few items were on backorder.  We are hoping some of them will be here Monday or Tuesday.  The backorder items are Youth Navy Hooded Sweatshirts in Small, Large, and X-Large and all sizes of Adult Navy Hooded Sweatshirts.

If you have any questions about your order, please e-mail Amy Guenther at aguenther@saintjamesschool.net.

Thank you again for supporting Saint James School!


Red & Green/Christmas Dress Down

Mrs. Kanute has announced that Monday, December 22nd will be a red & green/Christmas dress down day to thank everyone for their donations to the Toy Drive for Community Partners in Actions.  If you forgot your toy items today, they can be brought in on Monday. Thank you for your support.




Red & Green/Christmas Dress Down

Mrs. Kanute has announced that Monday, December 22nd will be a red & green/Christmas dress down day to thank everyone for their donations to the Toy Drive for Community Partners in Actions.  If you forgot your toy items today, they can be brought in on Monday. Thank you for your support.




Tree of Blessings

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning is our annual Tree of Blessings ceremony.  Parents are welcome to attend.



2nd Grade Gingerbread Houses

Yesterday, our 2nd graders participated in a much loved tradition – making gingerbread houses to bring home for Christmas.  Attached are some pictures of the kids creating their gingerbread masterpieces.

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Reminder: Ski Club Meeting Tonight

Mrs. McCarthy will be holding a meeting for Ski Club parents & participants tonight (Thursday, December 18th) at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.