Reminder for Tonight’s Middle School Dance

Just a reminder that since our school is hosting tonight’s middle school dance, Saint James School 6th and 7th graders are asked to bring wrapped snacks to share and Saint James School 8th graders are each asked to bring a gallon of bottled water.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole at or 860.573.0324.

Middle School Dance Permission Slip 2014-2015





Reminder for Tonight's Middle School Dance

Just a reminder that since our school is hosting tonight’s middle school dance, Saint James School 6th and 7th graders are asked to bring wrapped snacks to share and Saint James School 8th graders are each asked to bring a gallon of bottled water.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole at or 860.573.0324.

Middle School Dance Permission Slip 2014-2015





1st Penance Meeting Rescheduled to Next Week

Please be advised, the 1st Penance Meeting (for parents of Catholic 2nd grade students) that was scheduled for this evening has been postponed to Monday and Thursday of next week (February 9th and 12th) at 7:00pm in the church hall.






Tomorrow’s Hot Lunch

Tomorrow’s hot lunch will be the items listed on the lunch calendar for MONDAY, February 2nd – Grilled Chicken Patty.


Tomorrow's Hot Lunch

Tomorrow’s hot lunch will be the items listed on the lunch calendar for MONDAY, February 2nd – Grilled Chicken Patty.


Fifth Grade Ship Day Pictures

Fifth grade students had a fun day today pretending to be on a ship headed for the “new world” as part of their studies on early American history.  Here are a few pictures from the morning as they passed through the bag checkers (who removed any items that would not have been around in the 1600s), signed the “Saint James Compact,” and settled in for a day-long adventure at “sea.”

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Tomorrow’s Open House For Prospective Families

With today’s snow and the freezing temperatures that are expected Tuesday morning, please note that the plan for Tuesday’s Prospective Family Open House is as follows:

If Manchester Schools are delayed on Tuesday, we will begin the Kindergarten – 8th Grade Open House in the gym at 10:00am.  If there is no delay Tuesday morning, we will begin in the gym at 8:30am as originally planned.


If Manchester Schools are delayed Tuesday, the Pre-Kindergarten will have their Open House from 10:00am -1:00pm.  Interested families may drop in anytime during those hours that works for their schedule.  If there is no delay, the Pre-Kindergarten will be open from 8:30am – 11:30am.


If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Saint James School’s Open House coordinator Amy Guenther at or call the main office at 860.643.5088 (option 1).


Tomorrow's Open House For Prospective Families

With today’s snow and the freezing temperatures that are expected Tuesday morning, please note that the plan for Tuesday’s Prospective Family Open House is as follows:

If Manchester Schools are delayed on Tuesday, we will begin the Kindergarten – 8th Grade Open House in the gym at 10:00am.  If there is no delay Tuesday morning, we will begin in the gym at 8:30am as originally planned.


If Manchester Schools are delayed Tuesday, the Pre-Kindergarten will have their Open House from 10:00am -1:00pm.  Interested families may drop in anytime during those hours that works for their schedule.  If there is no delay, the Pre-Kindergarten will be open from 8:30am – 11:30am.


If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Saint James School’s Open House coordinator Amy Guenther at or call the main office at 860.643.5088 (option 1).


Pep Rally Fun

Friday, Saint James Pre-K through Grade 8 students celebrated Saint James School during the annual Blue & Gold Pep Rally.  Students enjoyed fun relay games, hosted by the Student Council, then watched as the boys Varsity Basketball team played the Girls Varsity Basketball team.  Finally, the highlight of the afternoon, was the teachers (and Father Casey) vs. 8th graders basketball game, which the teachers won!

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Starts Tomorrow: 2015 Robotics Club

The 2015 Robotics Club for middle school students will begin Friday, January 30th.  If your child is in 6th-8th grade and wishes to participate, please print a copy of the permission form below and return it to the school with the extra curricular activity fee.

2015 Robotics Club Participation Form