Chess Club & Chess Sets

The SJS Chess Club will have its first meeting after school today.  Students who did not get their permission slip in today are still welcome to attend to find out more about the club.  Also, Father Casey and Mrs. O’Neill are looking for a few extra chess sets for the group to use.  If anyone has one they would be willing donate, please bring it to the main office.





NEW! SJS Chess Club

Are you interested in learning more about the game of Chess or bettering your Chess skills?  Father Casey and Mrs. O’Neill are starting an after-school Chess Club for students in grades 4 – 8.  The first meeting will be on Monday, March 9th from 2:15pm – 3:15pm in Mrs. McQuaid’s room.  The Chess Club will meet every other Monday through the Spring.


A permission slip is attached below.  Please return it to the office with the $20 activity fee by Monday in an envelope marked “Chess Club” if your child wishes to participate.  Students who have a Chess board/set, are asked to please bring it with them on Monday.


Saint James School Chess Club Permission Slip







Next Middle School Dance April 10th

Please note, the middle school dance that was scheduled for next Friday has been postponed to April 10th.  The dance will be held at Assumption School.  The SJS website calendar has been updated to reflect the change.






Reminder: Lenten Prayer Service Tomorrow Morning

All students, faculty, parents, and other guests of our students are invited to join us in prayer tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. in Room 7-14.   Please take this time and/or encourage your child(ren) to join us in prayers for family, friends, peace, and other special intentions. Also, this will be a time of giving thanks for the many Blessings we have in our lives.



Congratulations Boys Varsity Basketball

Congratulations to the SJS Boys Varsity Basketball team on taking second place in the Deanery Championships last night.  They now move on to the State Championships on Sunday at East Catholic (main gym) at 3:30 pm.  This is a single elimination event with 12 teams from around the State.  Good Luck SJS!









Photo courtesy of Mrs. Donnelly




Dress Down Day Tomorrow (Friday)

As a reminder, there will be a dress down day tomorrow – Friday, March 6th – to thank everyone for their contributions to the class baskets for the Gala.




Drama Club Practice Cancelled Tomorrow

Please be advised that drama club practice is cancelled for tomorrow afternoon.



Pasta Dinner Thank You

A huge thank you to all the SJS families and friends who participated in our Pasta Dinner from Olive Garden on Friday, February 27.  Thank you also to the volunteers and service hour students who helped make the dinner a success.




**Extended Day Closing at 4pm Today

Please note, due to the expected bad weather, Extended Day will be closing promptly at 4:00pm today.  If your child will be at Extended Day today, please arrive by 4:00pm to pick them up.







Spelling Bee Postponed

The Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee finals scheduled for this evening have been postponed due to the weather.  The new date is March 12th, at the same location.  Please arrive by 6:00pm (pizza will be served).  The event begins at 6:30pm.