South Windsor Carpool

We have a family from South Windsor that is looking to set up a carpool.  If you live in South Windsor and might be interested, please contact Mrs. DelSignore in the main office for more information.



Old State House Concert Canceled

The Old State House Concert scheduled for this Friday, May 22 is canceled due to construction in the area where the band was scheduled to play.

Sports Banquet Pictures

Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers who donate their time to coach the Saint James School sports teams!  Last night our student athletes and coaches were honored at the annual Saint James School Sports Banquet.  Thank you to Mrs. Italia for the pictures:


No Soccer Practice Tonight

Please note there will be NO SJS soccer practice tonight.  Also, there are no games this weekend due to the Memorial Day Holiday.

SJS Sports Banquet

Just a reminder that tonight is the SJS Sports Banquet at East Catholic High School.  The awards and dinner schedule can be found in the attached flyer.


Rita’s Fundraiser Tonight

Tonight, Monday, May 18th, Rita’s in Vernon and South Windsor are both hosting a fundraiser in support of Saint James School.  A percentage of all sales between 6:00pm and 9:00pm at both locations will be donated back to SJS.  No flyer is needed.

Ritas St. James Flyer

Rita's Fundraiser Tonight

Tonight, Monday, May 18th, Rita’s in Vernon and South Windsor are both hosting a fundraiser in support of Saint James School.  A percentage of all sales between 6:00pm and 9:00pm at both locations will be donated back to SJS.  No flyer is needed.

Ritas St. James Flyer

Saint James School Foundation Golf Outing

On behalf of all of us at Saint James School, we wish to extend our sincere appreciation to the many friends of the school who participated in the Foundation’s golf tournament and dinner last week.  With 128 people golfing and even more attending the dinner, Saint James School is extremely blessed to have such wonderful support from the greater Manchester community!

Just before dinner, Mr. Timothy Devanney, President of the Saint James School Foundation, awarded our school with a check for over $141,000, money that will be used for partial tuition assistance, technology, and margin of excellence programs for the 2015-2016 school year.

Thank you again to all the members of the Foundation for all they do to support Saint James School!


2015 Drama Club Show Tomorrow Night

Please join us tomorrow night (Saturday, May 16th) at 7:00pm as the 2015 Saint James School Drama Club presents Little Red Robin Hood. Admission is $5.00. The group did a fantastic job during their dress rehearsal performance, which was held this morning for pre-k through 8th grade students and staff.

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Box Tops

Congratulations to Mrs. Phelan’s 3rd grade class for winning the last Box Tops contest of the school year.  Mrs. Phelan will let her class know when the dress down day will occur.

A HUGE THANK YOU to parent volunteer Heather Meyer  for all her help coordinating the Box Tops program for the last Eleven years!  Since the program began in 2002, the school has earned over $19,000 from Box Tops!! This school year alone, we collected $1,786.50 plus another $680 was just sent in from recent Box Top collections!  Thank you to everyone for supporting this program.

Mary Beth Dufresne will be taking over as Box Tops coordinator for the upcoming school year.  Remember to keep saving Box Tops as the dress down contest will begin again in the Fall.
