For families that park and drop off on Otis Street at morning arrival, please note the following reminders:
1) DO NOT park your car on Otis Street facing towards Saint James School. If you are parking on Otis Street, you should be turning from Park Street only (not coming up Otis Street and crossing the road to park). We witnessed several incidents this morning that caused congestion and dangerous situations with traffic flow and students in the crosswalk.
2) DO NOT make a K-Turn/U-Turn on Otis Street. This road is very busy in the mornings and making a K-turn/U-turn creates unneeded congestion.
3) DO NOT Drop your student off on the Stop Sign side of Otis Street. Please take the extra moment to pull up in front of Saint James School. Cars are constantly turning onto Otis Street during morning arrival and dropping on the “wrong” side is not safe for students or the crossing guard. Also, please do not park your car on the “wrong” side of Otis Street – even for a few minutes. Again, this causes congestion and unsafe conditions.
Your support and cooperation will keep traffic flowing and ensure that our students arrive safely at school each day (as well as provide a less stressful start to everyone’s morning). Thank you again.
Attention Grade 8 Families
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolOur 8th graders’ SJS Google accounts will be suspended on Friday, June 2nd at 9:00am.
Once the account is suspended students will be unable to retrieve any of the documents saved to Google Drive and will no longer have access to their school Gmail account. After that date, should your student need to access a document, you will need to send an email to Mrs. Mayo at and request for the account to be reopened so the student can retrieve documents. You can do this till June 14, 2023, after that date these accounts will be deleted to make room for new students. If there are documents in their school account that they may wish to access in the future, please have them download them to their personal device this week.
If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Mayo. Thank you!
No School Monday
/in St. James Notices /by Saint James SchoolAs a reminder, there is no school this coming Monday (5/29) for the Memorial Day Holiday. Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend and we will see everyone back at school on Tuesday!
Last Call: Flag Day Ceremony – Singers Wanted
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolSaint James School students have been invited to sing at the Flag Day ceremony at the Manchester Elks Lodge on June 14th at 6:00m. If your child/ren would be interested in performing a couple of patriotic songs at this event, please fill out the Google Form below. Mrs. Schrager has volunteered to work with interested students during school hours to put together a short performance.
100 Acts of Kindness
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolAs the year winds down we are SO CLOSE to completing our 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge in honor of our Centennial Anniversary. If you find your student completing a random act of kindness in the next few weeks, be sure to add your family’s contribution to our Google Form: or have your student can send a note to Mrs. Zorger directly.
June Calendar
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolBelow please find the June calendar:
Calendar Page June 2023
Attention Grade 8 Parents
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolTomorrow morning (Friday, May 26th), we will be collecting Chromebooks from all our 8th grade students. Please make sure students come to school tomorrow with their Chromebook, Chromebook charger, and Chromebook case (with carry strap).
Summer Camp Update
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease note that our SJS summer camp program has reached capacity, with the exception of a few spots remaining in week 3 (Animals) and STEM (Week 5).
Otis Street Notice
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolFor families that park and drop off on Otis Street at morning arrival, please note the following reminders:
1) DO NOT park your car on Otis Street facing towards Saint James School. If you are parking on Otis Street, you should be turning from Park Street only (not coming up Otis Street and crossing the road to park). We witnessed several incidents this morning that caused congestion and dangerous situations with traffic flow and students in the crosswalk.
2) DO NOT make a K-Turn/U-Turn on Otis Street. This road is very busy in the mornings and making a K-turn/U-turn creates unneeded congestion.
3) DO NOT Drop your student off on the Stop Sign side of Otis Street. Please take the extra moment to pull up in front of Saint James School. Cars are constantly turning onto Otis Street during morning arrival and dropping on the “wrong” side is not safe for students or the crossing guard. Also, please do not park your car on the “wrong” side of Otis Street – even for a few minutes. Again, this causes congestion and unsafe conditions.
Your support and cooperation will keep traffic flowing and ensure that our students arrive safely at school each day (as well as provide a less stressful start to everyone’s morning). Thank you again.
Letter from Mrs. Zorger
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolPlease read the following letter from Mrs. Zorger regarding staff retirements.
May 23 Letter from Mrs Zorger
Flag Day Ceremony Congratulations & Singers Wanted
/in Uncategorized /by Saint James SchoolA HUGE congratulations to SJS 6th grader Tiffany Barbieri on winning the Americanism Essay contest for the Manchester Elks Lodge! Tiffany will be reading her essay at the Flag Day Ceremony on June 14th!!
Saint James School has also been invited to host a group of students to sing at the event. If your child/ren would be interested in performing a couple of patriotic songs at this event, please fill out the Google Form below. Mrs. Schrager has volunteered to work with interested students during school hours to put together a short performance.