Events Calendar

The Monthly Events Calendar for the 2013-2014 school year is now available on our website under the “Calendars, Forms, & Docs” quicklink (yellow bar on the right hand side of our homepage).  In addition, you can easily add the Saint James School events right to your e-mail or mobile calendar by going to the calendar on the homepage and selecting the”View Calendar” button.  A monthly calendar will appear.  If you scroll down to the bottom of the monthly calendar, you have an option to “Subscribe” or “Add to Google Calendar.”   Clicking on the individual events also gives you an option to add that specific event directly to your e-mail or mobile calendar.

2013-2014 SJS School Bus Schedule (Manchester residents)

The 2013-2014 school bus schedule (for Manchester residents only) can be accessed by clicking on the link below.  Please note, this is only the portion of the bus schedule that relates to Saint James School.  The full bus schedule for all schools in town is available on the Manchester Board of Education Website.


2013-2014 Bus Schedule SJS

Every Vote For SJS Helps Earn Money For Our School!

Please take a moment to vote for Saint James School in Target’s Give With Target promotion and ask your family and friends to do the same! For every 25 votes, Target will send our school a $25 check that Mrs. Kanute can use for classroom supplies, etc.

Click Here To Vote! or visit

You can vote once a week until the contest ends! We are grateful for your support!

Give With Target 2013

This back-to-school season, Target is again giving away $5 Million dollars to schools across the countryWith your support, Saint James School can benefit from their generosity.  All you need to do is be on Facebook and vote for our school through the Target page once a week (plus get your friends and family to do so too!).  For every 25 likes our school gets through Target’s page, Target will donate $25 to our school!

You can vote once a week for the duration of the contest – which runs August 14th – September 21st (or until the $5 Million is given away).

We will send an e-mail next week with the contest link (as well as posting it on our Facebook page), so please keep an eye out.  As always, Saint James School is grateful for your support!!  A special thank you to Mrs. D for the heads up on this contest!




2013-2014 Monthly Events Calendar

Attached is the link to the Monthly Events Calendar for the 2013-2014 School Year.  Please note dates are subject to change based on weather, scheduling conflicts, etc.  We will inform you of any changes via e-mail and/or written notice.

This document will be posted under the quick links section of our school website (yellow bars on the right) under “Calendars, Forms, & Docs.”


Monthly Events Calendar 2013-2014

New Windows Currently Being Installed at SJS

We are excited to announce that Phase 1 of the Window Replacement Project is currently underway at SJS! Among the many benefits of these much-needed new windows will be a significant improvement in the energy efficiency of the impacted classrooms. A huge Thank You to all the SJS parents, grandparents, alumni, Saint James Church parishioners, and many wonderful friends of the school who have given their support to this important initiative during the past several years.  We would also like to specifically recognize sizable donations from our great friends at Highland Park Market and CL&P (through the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program) that helped us close the gap on our funding needs for this project.

Land's End 30% Off Promotion

Still in need of uniform items for back-to-school?  Land’s End is currently offering 30% off school uniform purchases plus free shipping on orders over $50.  To take advantage of this offer, use Promo Code: Key and PIN: 8613.  This special ends August 13th. If you have not already done so, please remember to sign up for e-mails from so you will automatically be notified about their many savings events.


Also, please remember you can earn extra cash for our school by shopping through the BoxTops Marketplace for all your online purchases including Land’s End!



Land’s End 30% Off Promotion

Still in need of uniform items for back-to-school?  Land’s End is currently offering 30% off school uniform purchases plus free shipping on orders over $50.  To take advantage of this offer, use Promo Code: Key and PIN: 8613.  This special ends August 13th. If you have not already done so, please remember to sign up for e-mails from so you will automatically be notified about their many savings events.


Also, please remember you can earn extra cash for our school by shopping through the BoxTops Marketplace for all your online purchases including Land’s End!



VIRTUS Training Session – Tuesday, August 13th 9am

There will be a  a VIRTUS Training Session (Protecting God’s Children for Adults) in the Saint James Church basement on Tuesday, August 13th from 9:00am – 12:00pm for any parents, grandparents, etc. that plan to volunteer at Saint James School this year and have not previously attended a VIRTUS Training Session.

If you plant to attend this session, please RSVP to Carole at the Saint James Church rectory (860.643.2722) by August 6th.

Please remember, anyone who wishes to volunteer at Saint James School (including on field trips, during class room parties, lunch room helpers, etc.), must complete a background check authorization form (please submit competed form to the Saint James School Office) and attend a VIRTUS training session.  The training and the background check must only be completed one time and will remain valid for all subsequent years you wish to volunteer at Saint James School.



Land's End Penny Logo & 25% Off Promotion

We hope everyone is having a great summer!   Although most of us are not ready to think about back to school quite yet, Land’s End is offering their 25% off + add a logo for a Penny promotion through July 16th ….a great time to stock up on shirts for the coming school year!  For more details, please see below.